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January - February 2016

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Audio Discourse

Journeys in Audio Subjectivism - Part Three

02-01-2016 | By Robert Schryer

The $18,000 Challenge, or: "Where the heck was I just now?" The gods of inspiration picked the moment I was fishing out leaves from my pool to wallop...

It's Still Good…

02-01-2016 | By Roger Skoff

It's Still Good… Roger Skoff writes about buying and enjoying older gear My sister called me the other day and said that she and her husband (a...

Prism Sound Announces Callia DAC/Preamp for Home Audio Market

01-25-2016 | By Brian Moura

Prism Sound, makers of recording studio and pro audio A/D and D/A converters and the SADiE digital workstation, has announced plans to enter the home...

In Search of the Perfect Song, the RMAF Edition

01-21-2016 | By Carol Clark

I know, Carol when are you going to give the perfect song idea a rest? Well, unlike a 'favorite' song, I think there can be many versions of a...

Musings on Building a Digital Music Server Goes Portable: The...

01-18-2016 | By Andy Schaub

"I know it's only rock 'n roll but I like it, like it, yes, I do" —The Rolling Stones Not that long ago, I was working under contract at a big...

Audio Ramblings - The Lino Phonostage from Channel D

01-14-2016 | By Dave Clark

Phonostages. Or phono preamplifers. Same things. You know, the box or input on your preamp or whatever that takes what is coming from your turntable...

Audio Ramblings - The Concerto Turntable from Triangle Art

01-13-2016 | By Dave Clark

Analog is the thing now. Well for many it has always been the thing, but for many others… it is the new thing. Nice. Great stuff on vinyl and...

Impressions: The Blue Microphones Mo-Fi Powered Headphones

01-03-2016 | By David W. Robinson

And now for something really different, with a set of reflections that are short, sweet, and right to the point. Last May I was approached by a company...

The 12th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for...

12-29-2015 | By Carol Clark

Beginning at the end of 2003, PF established its first annual awards for fine audio. The Brutus Award was established for the best that David Robinson...

The Audio Circular No. 18: The Merrill Audio Taranis Stereo...

12-20-2015 | By Gary L Beard

I first met Merrill Wettasinghe at AXPONA 2014 where he was showing his Veritas monoblock amplifiers with Sadurni horn speakers. It was quite an...

Breaking Through

12-18-2015 | By Dan Zimmerman

In this brief jotting, Dan Zimmerman, Contributing Artist to Positive Feedback, continues his meditations upon art, music, and creativity. Some of...

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Hardware Reviews

ampsandsound Kenzie Headphone Amplifier

02-11-2016 | By Dean Seislove

Headphonemania! Headphones hold top five slots in global audiophile charts! Well, that's what the headlines should say. Headphones, headphones...

The Audioengine HD6: A Statement Product that Sets the Standard...

02-05-2016 | By Tom Gibbs

Last year I had the good fortune to review Audioengine's B2 Bluetooth Speaker—a product that amazed me, not only with its impressive sound and build...

The SPL Phonitor 2

02-01-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

A lot has happened in the headphone and headphone amplifier markets ever since we at HiFi Statement reviewed the Phonitor four years ago. However, the...

Audiomods Classic II Tonearm

01-28-2016 | By John Hoffman

We live during interesting times, at least as far as audio gear is concerned. The arena of cheap and cheerful hi-fi have seen unprecedented...

ampsandsound Stereo 15 Special Edition Amplifier (and their...

01-22-2016 | By Steve Lefkowicz

I've been interested in high-end audio since the mid 1970s, maybe even before that, certainly before anyone used the term High End Audio. This was...

ACA Seraphim Skogrand SE Speakers

01-21-2016 | By Malcolm J. Gomes

Over the past couple of decades, many of my audiophile friends have often questioned my preference for well designed, intelligently engineered 2-way...

The Audioquest JitterBug

01-17-2016 | By John Zurek

Since converting my digital playback chain to a heavily modded Mac Mini/Mytek Stereo 192 source (read review HERE) I've been very happily...

CH Precision M1 Mono Amplifier - The Future of Amplification

01-14-2016 | By Marshall Nack

We are creatures of habit. For ten consecutive years Lynn and I have taken our summer vacation at the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival in...

Arion Phono Preamplifier by Luminous Audio Technology

01-10-2016 | By Malcolm J. Gomes

I have come across many audiophiles who have truly splendid turntables, tone arms, and cartridges, of which cost them an arm and a leg. Nevertheless,...

Finite Elemente Cerabase Footers

12-31-2015 | By Marshall Nack

"It disturbs me that footers make such a difference." Ain't that the truth, Abe. But then you shouldn't have been so surprised....

Zesto Audio EROS 300 Class A Monaural Power Amp Premier Review

12-18-2015 | By Robert H. Levi

(Image courtesy of Zesto Audio) Introduced at RMAF in October by Zesto Audio, these new powerhouse mono-blocks have the Zesto signature house sound,...

Devialet 400 Integrated Amplifier

12-17-2015 | By Robert S. Youman

I am a huge fan of Integrated Amplifiers. I am a firm believer that less is more.  Fewer boxes, cables and resonance control devices is a big plus...

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Interview with Michael Lang, Editor of Stereo Magazine

09-24-2015 | By Wojciech Pacuła

The Editors Series Numbers show how much the world of hobbyist magazines has changed. In a book entitled EISA. Looking Back, Moving Forward published...

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Music Reviews

Notes of an Amateur: Auerbach, Wolpe, Wuorinen.

01-30-2016 | By Bob Neill

Homo Ludens. Piano Music of Lera Auerbach. Eli Kalman, piano. Centaur CRC 3441. There are three Lera Auerbachs (1973) in this program, held together by...

Impressions: Art Pepper Arrives in Double DSD!

01-21-2016 | By David W. Robinson

In the world of Jazz, there are the greats, the near greats, the great-but-obscure, and the close-but-no-cigar. It's easy (but contentious!) to list...

Janet Feder - THIS CLOSE

01-20-2016 | By Marc Phillips

I've told this story before, so bear with me. I first met Janet Feder at the 2012 California Audio Show in San Francisco. That was the show that marked...

Notes of an Amateur - Favorite Classical Recordings of 2015

01-17-2016 | By Bob Neill

Joan Tower. Violin Concerto. Stroke. Chamber Dance. Cho-Liang Lin, violin. Nashville Symphony Orchestra, Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor. Naxos 8.559775....

Notes of an Amateur: Wilhelmina Smith, Cellist; Bridge...

01-14-2016 | By Bob Neill

Wilhelmina Smith, Cello. Britten, Schnittke, and Shostakovich. Thomas Sauer, piano. Arabesque 26801. I had known of Wilhelmina Smith since her career...

New Classical Music

01-04-2016 | By Karl Lozier

This is Glyndebourne's first ever staging of an opera by Rameau. Though he was well known as an innovator/thinker in the music world, it was not...

Mariss Jansons Conducts Shostakovich

12-31-2015 | By Stephen Francis Vasta

Despite the virtual disappearance of EMI Classics as a separate label—having been swallowed into the Warner Music combine—Mariss...

My Top Picks for New Songs in 2015

12-27-2015 | By David Williamson

The 20 songs I played a lot more than other songs this year, in alphabetical-artist-order, that were released in 2015 and that ended up on a list I...

The Reel Deal: Dealing with Tape Overload

12-18-2015 | By Myles B. Astor

Never in my wildest imagination did I ever foresee myself facing a mountain of reel-to-reel tapes to review in 2015. Sure, some of the backlog is...

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New Old Stock - Articles from Our Days in Print

The Listening Experience as an Art Form: Meditations on...

05-08-2017 | By Editors at Positive Feedback

This article, by Dr. John Coletti, originally ran when Positive Feedback was in print - Vol. 8, No. 1, 1999. As a teaching exercise, the student of...

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Our Friends at HIFI Statement

Ubiq Audio Model One Speker

02-13-2016 | By Wolfgang Kemper

In Sloweniens Hauptstadt etabliert sich eine neue Marke, die hohen musikalischen Anspruch mit attraktivem Design und einem moderaten Preis verbinden.... . . Read More »

JPLAY and JCAT Streaming Solution

02-11-2016 | By Roland Dietl

Vor etwa eineinhalb Jahren hatte ich begonnen, mich mit dem Aufbau einer Streaming-Lösung rein auf Computer-Basis unter dem Betriebssystem Windows zu.... . . Read More »

XTZ 99.25 Speaker from Sweden

02-11-2016 | By Matthias Jung

Sind mir schwedische Lautsprecher bisher immer als sehr individuelle Produkte begegnet, handelt es sich bei XTZ um einen Lautsprecherhersteller mit.... . . Read More »

Auralic Aries Mini, SBooster BOTW and Tidal streaming

02-11-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

Auf das sensationell gute Preis/Klang-Verhältnis des Aries Mini hatte ich ja schon im Artikel über ein Vorserien-Modell hingewiesen. Dort hatte ich.... . . Read More »

ifi-audio iPurifier2

01-17-2016 | By Wolfgang Kempe

Schon mehrfach hat ifi-audio in den vergangenen Monaten mit bemerkenswerten kleinen und vor allem preislich attraktiven HiFi-Komponenten für Aufsehen.... . . Read More »

PS Audio PerfectWave Bridge II und Yale Update

01-17-2016 | By Roland Dietl

Als Jürgen Sachweh, der Chef des deutschen Vertriebs von PS Audio, uns vor einigen Wochen in der Redaktion besuchte, hatte er eines der ersten in.... . . Read More »

Verity Audio Sarastro IIS

01-17-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

Dass die Beschäftigung mit der Sarastro IIS eher Freude als harte Arbeit werden würden, hatte ich gehofft. Aber dass der edle Schallwandler mir auch.... . . Read More »

Pear Audio Blue Robin Hood

01-17-2016 | By Matthias Jung

Schon wieder der Osten. Aus Slowenien stammt der kleinste Plattenspieler von Pear Audio, der auf den Namen Robin Hood hört. Nicht nur dies, auch die.... . . Read More »

HABST Kabelmanufaktur Enso SL und Magenso

01-17-2016 | By Peter Banholzer

Das Wort Manufaktur ist bei HABST durchaus wörtlich zu nennen, denn alle Kabel der Berliner Firma werden in reiner Handarbeit hergestellt..... . . Read More »

AMG Giro G9, 9W2 und Teatro

01-17-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

Ja, in puncto analog haben wir einen nicht geringen Nachholbedarf. Und deshalb folgt auf Wolfgang Kempers Plattenspieler-Test gleich ein weiterer. . . . Read More »

Transrotor Jupiter Turntable Part 1

12-15-2015 | By Wolfgang Kemper

Transrotor Plattenspieler genießen einen besonderen Stellenwert. Bei dieser Marke vereint sich musikalischer Anspruch mit edlem Design, bei dem auch.... . . Read More »

Sombetzki Electrostatic Speaker

12-15-2015 | By Bert Seidenstücker

Hier geht es um eine völlig neue Art von Schallwandlern, die das Beste von Kopfhörer- und Lautsprecherwiedergabe vereinen soll. Da ich Michael.... . . Read More »

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Our Friends at High Fidelity

New Music - Bach and Wyman

01-28-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

J.S. Bach, Motets. Fabio Bonizzoni, Capella Cracoviensis. Alpha ALPHA 199, Compact Disc. Alpha label has been known for years for their...

Lumïn M1 Streaming Amplifier/Player

01-21-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

When in 2005 Arcam, a company specializing in multi-box, mid-priced systems introduced their new Solo systems it seemed like a crazy move. The very...

JBL 4367 Studio Monitor

01-21-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

The JBL Model 4367 Studio Monitor premiered in October 2015 at CEDIA, and soon after that was also presented during Audio Video Show 2015  in Warsaw....

Audio Tekne TFA 9501 Preamplifier, TM 8801 Power Amplifiers, and...

12-31-2015 | By Marek Dyba

When in January this year I received an email from Mr Hari Strukelj of Natural Sound asking if I was willing to review one of Audio Tekne's...

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting 99 - Diana Krall Digital...

12-31-2015 | By Wojciech Pacuła

I was that close to falling asleep while waiting for the final results of  17. International Chopin Competition that were presented after...

We are Audiophiles and Proud of it Project - Remaster, Or When...

12-31-2015 | By Wojciech Pacuła

That actually offers us three pieces of information: it is a label ("record label"), it deals with re-issues of recordings, and it is known...

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Show Reports

AES 2015 New York

11-22-2015 | By Scott Dorsey

As always, I enjoy writing about a professional audio conference for the high end community. The AES show is really two things, it's a bunch of people...

Recent Discussion
