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Audio Ramblings and the Skogrand Beethoven USB Cable

Ah yes, the world of cables… well specifically the world of USB cables. A lot of controversy as to their audible impact, or perhaps not if one actually sat and listened with an open mind. In the past I have shared the thinking behind their designs and any potential impact on the music (HERE), and have reviewed... Read More »

Unique Innovation Technology Perfect Music Purifier USB Digital Cable

Ever since I discovered that all USB cables were very different musically, and needed to be selected with maximum care, I have been searching for the top USB wire for my digital server. Among the USB cables that I have tried, I have been most pleased with the WyWire USB, the Kubala-Sosna Emotion USB, and... Read More »

Kimber Kable Axios USB Cable: World Premier Review

Hot off the assembly line in Ogden, Utah, comes Ray Kimber's very latest thinking in USB cable design. With five other models listed, starting at $50, this tour-de-force design is a semi-affordable $900 for a meter. This is quite a deal compared to the multi-thousand dollar models I have heard, and generally out performs those... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - USB Cables from Curious and ANTICABLES

USB Cables… my last Rambling's column centered on the Purist Audio Luminist Revision Neptune cables and how, well either differences in cables are there for you or not. For whatever reason applies here—you hear it, you don't hear it, you can't hear it, or won't hear it… really doesn't matter as everyone finds their happy... Read More »

Göbel High-End Lacorde Statement USB, Ethernet, and Digital XLR Cables

I really couldn't resist the splendid speaker and interconnect cables from Göbel Audio. To be on the safe side I therefore listened only briefly to the power cables, but exchanged them before I got used to it. However, the most recent digital cables I cannot hide from you—and really don't want to—despite this being a... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The WyWires Platinum Series

And, now, a quick audiophile word association game. What comes to mind when you read the following? Belt drive turntables Quad DSD Marantz Model 9 Electrostatic loudspeakers High End Cables  If you're like me, all of those items produced definite responses, most likely shaped by plenty of articles and opinions like the one you're about... Read More »

Curious Cables USB Cable

How our memory works is still a mystery. We know where memories are stored, we can literally point out parts of our brain responsible for that. But the answer to a question of how it actually works still eludes scientists. They know some, they assume some but they can't be really certain. It is possible... Read More »

Why USB Cables Can Make a Difference

So there is this controversy of sorts… well not really for many of us, but certainly for some of us. See, the argument is that USB cables cannot and will not change the sound since it is just passing along 1's and 0's from point A to point B. It is all digital and so there... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener…Astell and Kern AKT5p Headphones and the Annalyric PC-1 15 Amp Power Cord and USB-1 Digital Cable

Once you know better, who wants to live with worse? PF Editor Dave Clark once described the letdown of listening to speakers from one’s youth and realizing that they don’t measure up as, "Kind of like running into that girl who you thought was so hot back in high school and wondering what the hell... Read More »

WyWires Platinum Series USB and AES/EBU Digital Cables

If there is one credo that Alex Sventitsky the founder of WyWires Technology goes by, it is that the accurate reproduction of music is a very complex process and so "One size does not fit all!" This dogged determination in pursuing this dogma has helped WyWires differentiate itself from most of the competition and has... Read More »

JCAT Reference USB and Reference LAN Cables

The principals behind JCAT, Marcin Ostapowicz and Josef Piri are perhaps better known as the creative minds behind JPLAY, a Windows based music playback software program that I heartily recommend. JCAT is the hardware side of their venture which also includes some rather nifty computer audio components. Last year I reviewed JCAT's USB and LAN... Read More »

Impressions: The Oppo Digital HA-1 Headphone Amplifier/DSD DAC and PM-1 Headphones, Double Helix Cable Complement3 Headphone Cables, PranaWire Photon USB Cable, and Kubala-Sosna Elation! Cables

I might as well come out and admit it. I've been a big fan of Oppo Digital and their product lines since I first tried them out, years ago now. I think that I've been through almost every one of their players from way back when. That would include the DV-983 DVD/audio player…don't think that... Read More »

Inex Innovation Photon USB2 Audio Cable and USB to S/PDIF Converter

INEX Innovation, Inc. is a small audio company that was founded in 2004 by a group of audiophiles with strong engineering backgrounds in fiber optics and telecommunications. Over the last decade they have developed a digital amplifier that has been well received as have been their pre amplifier and CD Player.(1) Fiber optics has a... Read More »

More Musings on Building a Digital Music Server: the KingRex UPower, uArt Y USB Cable, and UD384 High-Resolution DAC

"Then you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin'" —Bob Dylan, "The Times They Are A-changin'" Sometimes, less is more, and innovations come from unexpected places. One example is the KingRex UPower and uArt Y USB cable. Although the UPower is very small (about the size of... Read More »