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Audio-Technica AT-LP1240-USB Turntable

The only thing "entry level" about Audio-Technica's new AT-LP1240-USB is the price. MSRP is $530, and the street price is closer to $450. It's easily competitive with any source I can think of for that money—analog or digital—and it runs rings around some of them. Sorry if that's vague, but I wanted to let you know upfront that this... Read More »

Music Hall Audio On Merit: MMF-5.1SE vs. Ikura

Tipping the register at $1095 and $1195, respectively, the Music Hall MMF-5.1SE and recently introduced Ikura turntables share certain design and implementation features in their equally attractive frames. Both share a dual-plinth design, the same Pro-Ject 9 tonearm, same motor, a "precision stainless steel main bearing sheathed in Teflon for noise-free operation (quoting the Music... Read More »


Most likely by a pure coincident, if you believe such thing exists, a few things analogue related happened within one week period, important things I must add. First, on Tuesday, I received the latest issue of Hi-Fi News & Record Reviews magazine, with TechDAS Air Force Two on its cover, and with a review of... Read More »

The Garrard Project 2015: From Simple to Spectacular!

There's just something musically magical about the performance of idler-wheel Garrard transcription turntables that keeps me fascinated with them. Certainly the vintage Garrard 301 represents a beloved milestone of turntable design that remains enduringly popular with hi-fi enthusiasts to the present day, and who, like the 1956 Garrard advertisement below suggests, have concluded that Garrard... Read More »

Soulines Dostoyevsky Record Player (in German)

Sah es eine Zeitlang so aus, als läge die Zukunft von Hifi in China, bekommt der Markt jetzt unerwartet Zuwachs aus europäischen Regionen, die bisher nicht für interessante Geräte bekannt waren. Heute mal ein Plattenspieler aus Serbien

…and Steve says… Breathing Life into an Old Linn LP12 – The Hercules II and Mose + Hercules Power Supplies

Yes, I've used the same Linn LP12 turntable since 1984. It was a big deal for me, buying it back then, for a few reasons: At $1370, including the Ittok arm and Valhalla power supply, it was fairly expensive at the time. It certainly was a lot of money for me, being just four years... Read More »

Impressions: The Walker Audio Proscenium Black Diamond, Level V, Walker Audio Procession Phono Amplifier, the Walker Audio Eliminator, Room Crystals, and the Soundsmith Hyperion MI Cartridge (plus a supporting cast!) – a photo essay

The Walker Audio Proscenium Black Diamond Level V Reference Turntable Slow train comin'… First things first. Those of you who haven't already read my extensive review of the Audionet reference system elsewhere in this issue (HERE) need to stop right here, go to that essay, and complete it before going on with this one. It... Read More »

PTP Audio SOLID9 Audiomods SERIES FIVE Turntable + Tonearm

There are certain inventions, technologies and design ideas that should have disappeared long ago, and yet stubbornly cling to existence. They are only preserved and cherished by people who see some kind of value in them, which seems to be lacking in newer inventions, technologies and design ideas. That is the case with full range... Read More »

VPI Classic Direct Turntable - Turning Back Time

Dogma is defined in the dictionary as, "A belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted." For some audiophiles—and everyone has an audiobuddy or two or three that fits this description—that dogma could be solid-state vs. tube electronics, planar vs. dynamic speaker, analog vs.... Read More »

Kronos Audio Products Sparta Turntable

Watching the Kronos Audio Products Sparta Turntable being assembled on my rack, it's clear that this is not your father's turntable. Visually, the Sparta is unlike any vinyl spinner I've encountered—the same goes for the accompanying Helena tonearm.   Without a doubt, it's that second, counter-rotating platter that catches your eye and wants explaining. Why... Read More »

Fonica - F-901 VIOLIN Turntable + F-03 rev.3 Tonearm

The turntable is a relatively simple mechanical design. Its task is to spin the platter with a vinyl disc in an appropriate manner, i.e. at a predetermined speed. The rotational speed should be perfectly stable over time and no external disturbances, including vibration and noise, should be transferred to the platter. In the real world,... Read More »

Thales TTT Compact Turntable, Levi-Base, and Simplicity Mk2 Tonearm

The Air Force One turntable from the Japanese manufacturer TechDAS that I reviewed in March was a true revelation to me and its presence in my system (see HERE) made for an exceptional experience. It embodies all the design concepts of Mr. Hideaki Nishikawa, his whole experience and heaps of money from the Japanese company Stella, which... Read More »

The Funk Firm Little Super Deck Turntable + F5 Arm

By calling his turntable Little Super Deck (LSD), Arthur Khoubessarian (you can see him on the head picture made during the High End 2014 show in Munich) displayed a sense of humor. You can't deny him that, nor his talent and intuition. Looking at his first designs he presented under the Pink Triangle brand or... Read More »