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SOTA Escape Turntable

Within the audio hobby, there is an imaginary divide between companies that produce high-end components and others that create products meant to fill consumer demand at a price point. This demarcation line can be difficult to cross over, as companies may not possess the skills, focus, or resources needed to develop products that appeal to... Read More »

SOTA Nova VI Vinyl LP Turntable

World Premier! The new SOTA sound allows music to become tactile. Review By Ron Nagle With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music Ron Nagle shares his thoughts on the SOTA Nova VI Vinyl LP Turntable. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief There was a time when my school shoes wore out; my mom... Read More »

Impressions:  The Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable, Durand Tosca Tonearm, and DS Audio DS Master 1 Optical Cartridge and EQ/Phono Amp with the DS Audio ION-001

At RMAF, evening cigars, Denver, CO, 2019 (photograph by Scott Hull; image processing by David W. Robinson) When you do a lot of audio reviewing and show-going over several decades, as I have, you get to see and hear a lot of gear and recordings. Some are good; some are bad; some are ugly. Like... Read More »

TJN MKII Steampunk Turntable and Nasotec Swing Headshell

"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue." Has anyone not heard that famous phrase before? If not then I have seriously dated myself and will move on. That being said though, all of that phrase is exactly what the TNJ Turntable is all about! One of the never changing rules in this business /... Read More »

Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable

Easy to set up and very easy to use. You will not be disappointed. Review By Tom Lyle With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Tom Lyle shares his thoughts about Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief As the technology advances, it's only natural for any decent audio... Read More »

Music Hall mmf-9.3 Walnut Turntable with Goldring Eroica LX MC Cartridge

If you are (or, when you were…) new to the world of "stereo gear," you're likely familiar with a well-established two-channel specialty retailer based in Great Neck, New York, Music Hall. Founded in the spring of 1985 by audio devotee Roy Hall, Music Hall started out as importer and reseller of (mostly) British audio gear,... Read More »

Gold Note Valore 25 Plus Turntable and Donatello Red Cartridge

Are you in the market for a really nice entry level turntable for under $2000? You may have just landed at the right spot. I have been living with this little gem for about 2 months now, and it has found favor with me for the quality, the features, and the sound that this little... Read More »

SOTA Cosmos Eclipse Turntable

Some of the fondest memories I have of growing up is fishing with my father on the waters of the Puget Sound. Those outings left an indelible mark on me, and will stay with me for the rest of my life. The time for fishing trips with dad has passed, and are no more. Perhaps... Read More »

The Triangle Art Anubis Turntable—Bling and Performance Befitting a Pharaoh

If King Tut had a turntable, he'd own a Triangle Art Anubis. The namesake of an Egyptian god, it's appropriately clad in shiny gold and black, infusing your listening room with a sense of luxury and opulence befitting the treasures of King Tutankhamun.   The Anubis is a reference record player for Tom Vu's Triangle Art,... Read More »

The New Apartment Lounge: Minimalism Redux - The "Not So Little" Kronos Sparta 0.5 Turntable

I first raved about the stunning Kronos Sparta 0.5 turntable back in the fall in a teasing preview report (HERE). In my opening salvo, I described the sound of the littlest, but hardly little, Kronos turntable (the model weighs roughly 50 lbs. and measures a healthy 20 in (W) x 14 in (D) x 7... Read More »

A Visit with Mik Bhavnani of Unique Audio UK

A legend has been running in the UK audio scene for many years, of an audiophile with a vast collection of the world's most sought after turntables, amplifiers loaded to the brim with platinum transformers and rare vintage capacitors, and an audiophile lair with a sound that eclipses them all. For a long time I... Read More »

The Triangle Art Hathor - a Resplendent Turntable

The Triangle Art Hathor (courtesy of Triangle Art) When sharing rack space with other electronics, the Hathor calls to mind actor George Clooney glamming the Golden Globes in his one button tux; understated and angular in black with gold and chrome accents, it's usually the head turner in pairings. But not only is it chic,... Read More »

A Love Affair: Craft Records/Prestige Records Coltrane '58 Eight LP Collection and the Mag-Lev ML1, Latest Edition

The Software The 60th anniversary of jazz king John Coltrane's banner year with Prestige Records, with all cuts produced by legendary Rudy Van Gelder and released on vinyl 4/26/19, has arrived. The eight LPs are from 24/192 tracks produced from the master tapes. The 37 cuts, presented in chronological order, were pressed at RTI in... Read More »

The New Apartment Lounge: Smooth Sailing with the Pear Audio Blue Kid Howard Turntable and Cornet 2 Tonearm

The Unbearable Lightness of Low-Torque Motors and Heavy Platters Of the various turntable manufacturers to embrace the design principles of the late Tom Fletcher, founder of Nottingham Analogue, Pear Audio is perhaps the most visible in the United States.  Other players in this expanding universe include Palmer Audio and Analogue Works, both British firms if... Read More »

The Hanze HiFi HAT Turntable Power Supply

Welcome to Hanze HiFi! I always enjoy telling you about the people behind high-performance audio products and HiFi shops, as quite often they are the most insightful and informed of all enthusiasts about HiFi, telling us about new and exciting audio advancements, and possessing a zeal and vision that drives audio performance to that next... Read More »

An Experience with the Fern & Roby Montrose Turntable

I grew up listening to records. These days we call then LPs or vinyl, but I will still think of them as records. My first record player was a toy, but eventually I graduated to an all-in-one system that was a receiver with the turntable on top, and speakers attached to the sides. In those... Read More »

Audio Rambligs - Our Journey Ends with the Montrose Turntable from Fern & Roby

So where to begin? I dunno… how about at the beginning? Okay so my first turntable was an AR-XA with the Shure VR-15 cartridge. This combo spun vinyl as I had never heard before and served me well for a good number of years. But then for whatever reason I went with a Sony PS... Read More »

Tentogra Oscar Turntable

"It's style over substance," I thought, seeing the Tentogra Oscar turntable for the first time. It was during the Audio Video Show 2017. "It's probably style over substance," I said to a friend when I saw the same turntable a year later at the Audio Video Show 2018. The change was subtle, because "probably" does... Read More »

Three Simple and Cost Effective Hot-Rod Mods for the Classic Thorens TD-124 Turntable!

I've always thought of the Thorens TD-124 as one of the most beautiful of the classic turntables, which for whatever reason, reminds me of being the 1955 Ford T-Bird of the turntable world, a classic car which I also happen to greatly admire. Artisan Fidelity Thorens TD-124 Statement / Classic Long-Base Turntable I had lusted... Read More »