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Silent Angel Bonn NX LAN Switch

ThunderData Co. LTD. is a company founded by Dr. Eric Jian Huang. It is engaged in the production of servers, network communication, data management, network storage software, hardware engineering, etc. The company operates in the hi-tech industry and focuses on 5G mobile networks and 8K video transmission. Its audio offer is concentrated in two series... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the Ansuz PowerSwitch A2, Digitalz A2 Ethernet Cable, and the Mainsz X2 AC Cord

There are things one can do to their system that result in changes that are either subtle or dramatic. Little things like feet, tweaks, etc., might provide a nice subtle difference for the better (or worse) while cables and the like might result in greater improvements, while something like a component is rather dramatic. Though... Read More »

From Ansuz! The Mainz8 D-TC Supreme Power Distributor, PowerSwitch D-TC Supreme Ethernet Switch, and the D-TC Supreme Cables

Introduction This review is a follow up to my earlier posting on the Aavik I-580 Integrated Amplifier. If interested, please click on the link here as it provides some very useful background information. Like the Aavik I-580, the Ansuz products discussed in this review are all part of the Audio Group Denmark portfolio. Audio Group... Read More »

Nordost QNET Ethernet Switch

The natural order of things is to start low and aim high. Buy a low-cost product; get acquainted with it, even as you scan the horizon checking out options; become dissatisfied; then pull the trigger. That's what we do: the avid audiophile never stays put very long. Sure, you can jump-start the journey by handing... Read More »

Music Streaming with Fidelizer - the Nimitra2 Server + Nikola2 LPS + EtherStream Network Switch

When something is not as advertised, I have no problem calling it out. So it was when music streaming came along. I read reviews, heard the demos, and my ears told me it was a step backwards, plus it was always crashing. I stayed on the sidelines until about four years ago when my DAC... Read More »

An Impressive Breakthrough In Streaming Performance - The Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF

As mentioned in some of my recent reviews, I have really settled in on the basic building blocks in my current system. Click on my name above in red for a complete list and description. Even during the lockdown, I never thought twice about making any major changes. This despite plenty of time reading about... Read More »

AirStream - Optimized Wireless Router from Fidelizer

Photo courtesy New York School of T'ai Chi Chuan Sundays at noon I take Qigong class, a Chinese discipline of standing postures and slow movements. Translated, it means "energy work," and is related to T'ai Chi Chuan. The aim is to help you achieve relaxation. Sounds easy, right? That's what you think. By the time you... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the SOtM sNH-10G Switch

For those of us who are pushing things in terms of what can we accomplish with playing our music back via files within some networked system, well… where does one stop? Or better yet, what else can one do to improve things? Obviously, it starts with files whether ripped from a CD or sourced from... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the AQVOX SE Switch - A Step in the Right Direction

All right, so I am a digital file playback guy and I admit it. My confession. I apologize and please forgive me for my regressions in audio… digital as opposed to analog. Oh screw that... digital is right fine, just different. For sure we buy as many LPs as we can, but truth is we... Read More »