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The GIK Acoustics Q7D Diffuser

Over the years I've worked on refining the sound in my listening room by both upgrading/changing components and adding room treatments. Not sure why, but the whole room treatment project always seemed like a separate component of the system. Corner treatments, absorptive panels, diffusers, and Argent Room Lenses, in addition to the occasional component and... Read More »

Focus Fidelity Filter Designer Room Correction Software

Room correction is catching on in the two channel world. Some will read this first sentence and think that I have lost my mind, some will say "of course," and others will say "really, I had no idea." Room correction is easily one of the most debated topics by audiophiles, and ranks up there with... Read More »

Room Acoustics - More Science than Art

Norman Varney of AV RoomService Ltd. has joined Positive Feedback as a Senior Technical Editor as of Issue 113. His expertise in his field of audio acoustics and experience in the field makes him a helpful voice in our creative community for the audio arts. As has been our wont from the beginning of PF,... Read More »

GIK Acoustics 4A Alpha Panel and TriTrap

When it comes to room acoustics, size matters. The axiom that smaller listening rooms lead to larger acoustical challenges holds true in my experience. Room-mode resonances, which greatly affect bass response, generally manifest higher in frequency in small rooms, leading to coloration, not just in the bass, but further up into the midrange. Those of... Read More »

Yayuma Audio Awareness Line ASP 01 Sound Processor

A general rule, which I try to follow selecting audio products for my tests and when performing the test boils down to credibility. On the one hand, my own, ultimately, what I write will stay online "forever" and it attests in my favor or against me, and on the other hand it defines a company... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - The DEQX PreMate: The Next Step to Sonic Bliss

I wrote a rather extensive review relating my experience with the DEQX Mate in Issue 67  where I quite succinctly reported how wonderful the unit was in making ALL things better with respect to my music. While you are certainly welcome to read the whole review, the key to what the DEQX does when properly... Read More »

HeaDSPeaker - A DSP Headphone Surround Sound Processor for Home Theater

DSPeaker is a Finnish company that manufactures audio products using DSP chips made by its parent company, VSLI Solution. The two most widely known DSPeaker products are their two room correction devices: the Anti-mode 8033 that is designed to tame the room nodes caused by your subwoofer and the Dual-Core which provides room correction for... Read More »