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Impressions:  The TARA Labs Omega Live Headphone Cables with HFX Floating Ground Station

David W. Robinson photographing at Icicle Creek, Leavenworth, WA, during the great fires of 2012. (Photograph by Lila Ritsema; image processing by Robinson.) Headphones…dig it! The spring of 1970. Yeah, that's when it happened. That's when I bought my first pair of headphones. I needed them, since I had become very interested in reel-to-reel tape... Read More »

Moon Audio Silver Dragon Headphone Cables

Do cables make a difference? It is a question I get asked quite often, and it is a question that Audiophiles have debated since the beginning of time. I am not going to directly address that question in this review because for me it does not matter. The way my headphone system is setup, I... Read More »

Audeze MM-500 Headphone

While I was supremely enjoying the Audeze LCD-5 Headphones on my E.A.R. HP4 Tube Headphone Amplifier and the Manley Absolute Tube Headphone Amplifier, Audeze came up with the new Audeze MM-500 Headphones to review. They have a similar ergonomic feel and look, but are smaller and purposed quite differently. The LCD-5 is an assault on... Read More »

Plussound Tri-Silver X8 Cable

Plussound is a boutique custom cable company with roots in Los Angeles, California. Headed by Christian Oliver, the American company has built a legion of followers and has recently occupied the high-end arena. Throughout the years, their approach has been simple yet effective—the provision of high-quality products with an excellent customer service. It is refreshing... Read More »

Danacable Lazuli Reference Headphone Cable

Danacables is a relatively new cable company and the brainchild of long-time electrical engineer Dana Robbins. Since retirement, Robbins has used his many years of expertise to produce a selection of finely tuned high-end cables to pair with top performing transducers worldwide. Though skeptics may question the utility of cables and their "improvements," there is... Read More »

Kimber Kable Axios CU Headphone and KS USB-AG Cables

The Axios CU headphone cable ships in a hard case I have been on the hunt for the best headphone cable to pair with my Hifiman Susvara for the last six months or so. Every time I go to an audio show, I always see the Hifiman Susvara connected to amplifiers with a beautiful cable.... Read More »

Moon Audio Silver Dragon Headphone Cable

Do cables make a difference? That is a question I get asked quite often, and it is a question that Audiophiles have debated since the beginning of time. I am not going to directly answer that question in this review because it does not matter to me. The way my headphone system is set up,... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - The Focal ELEAR Headphones and Cabling From Moon Audio, Double Helix, Wireworld, and a Whole Lot More...

So I've been playing around more with headphones (headphones from Sennheiser, Audeze, AKG, and OPPO are in my usual rotation of references), but after hearing the new ELEARs from Focal… uh, we got to have these. At an event held over in Torrance at The Source A/V a while ago, Carol and I, along with a throng... Read More »

Nordost Heimdall Headphone Cable

Nordost. Seems that these days Nordost is everywhere. Norse 2 series? Check. Valhalla 2 series? Check. Odin 2? Check. Headphone cables? Check. HDMI cables? Check. You get my point. All made in America, all made with engineering in mind, all made with guaranteed pride of ownership. Mind you, all of these upgrades to series 2... Read More »

Impressions: The Oppo Digital HA-1 Headphone Amplifier/DSD DAC and PM-1 Headphones, Double Helix Cable Complement3 Headphone Cables, PranaWire Photon USB Cable, and Kubala-Sosna Elation! Cables

I might as well come out and admit it. I've been a big fan of Oppo Digital and their product lines since I first tried them out, years ago now. I think that I've been through almost every one of their players from way back when. That would include the DV-983 DVD/audio player…don't think that... Read More »