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WyWires Platinum Series USB and AES/EBU Digital Cables

If there is one credo that Alex Sventitsky the founder of WyWires Technology goes by, it is that the accurate reproduction of music is a very complex process and so "One size does not fit all!" This dogged determination in pursuing this dogma has helped WyWires differentiate itself from most of the competition and has... Read More »

When New is Really Great: The Stunning AudioQuest Diamond Ethernet Cables

"By the time I got your letter I had lost my mind I was trippin' ‘When you gettin' better?' It's a jagged line Nothin' lasts forever when you travel time I've been sippin' that cool aid of the cosmos" —"The Voyager" by Jenny Lewis I wrote a while back about the AudioQuest Forest Ethernet cables,... Read More »