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RMAF 2018 Photo Essay Part 3

10-17-2018 | By Carol Clark | Issue 99

Continuing on with our coverage...

In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark, except those in parentheses, which are by Dave Clark who will do his best to be nice.

RMAF 2018

Auralic with YG Acoustic loudspeakers. (Loved the sound here.)

RMAF 2018

Auralic Leo GX.

RMAF 2018

Auralic Aries G2.

RMAF 2018

Ryan Speakers with Cardas Audio and Pass Labs. (Loved the sound here.)

RMAF 2018

Pass Labs Int-250 integrated.

RMAF 2018

exaSound Audio Design. PlayPoint, Magnepan, and Pass Labs.

RMAF 2018

In the Zesto Audio room, a stunning Merrill-Williams REAL 101.3 turntable with Tri-Planar arm.

RMAF 2018

Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe phono stage, Allasso step up transformer, Leto 1.5 preamplifier, and Eros 300 monoblocks. Stillpoints rack. All cabling by Cardas. (Always a nice time with George and Carolyn... good people and good sound.)

RMAF 2018

Marten Django L Black loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Cambridge Audio and Bowers & Wilkins.

RMAF 2018

Bowers & Wilkins loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

We spent an enjoyable evening with Kathleen Thomas of Bowers & Wilkins. (Photo from Carol's iPhone.) Kathleen shared a panel with Dave on how to increase the diversity in audio (both women and younger people). Much that was discussed was how to treat people with respect and to be inclusive in terms of music and that we are all after the same thing.

RMAF 2018

Fort Collins Audio. Revel $228Be loudspeakers. Parasound JC5 amplifier, JC2 PB preamplifier, JC3+ phono preamplifier. Ayre QX5-Twenty digital hub. VPI Prime turntable. Cardas cabling.

RMAF 2018

Troy Audio, Twin Audio Video, Triode Corporation, DiDiT High End, Schröder Tonearms, Ana Mighty Sound.

RMAF 2018

RMAF 2018

TriangleArt Master Reference and Maestro turntables, Reference phono stage, Reference preamplifier, TA-200M monoblocks, and Ultimate TA-350 monoblocks. Muraudio SP1 point source electrostatic loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Many rooms were playing an MQA live performance, sadly we walked in one of the rooms just as it ended, so we didn't get to hear any of it.

RMAF 2018

Eggleston Works Viginti loudspeakers. Brinkmann Nyquist MkII streaming DAC, MkII line preamplifier, and mono amplifiers. AudioQuest cabling. HRS rack.

RMAF 2018

Benchmark Media Systems, Martin Logan Ltd.

RMAF 2018

Benchmark DAC 3 will list at $1695, and the LA4 will list at $2495.

RMAF 2018

Aesthetix Mimas Hybrid integrated amplifier, Mimas Phono Option, and Romulus tube CD player/DAC. Acoustic Signature WOW XL turntable. Focal Sopra loudspeakers. Tara Labs cables. Critical Mass rack.

RMAF 2018

RMAF 2018

Nagra HD-DAC-X, HD preamplfier, HD monblock amplifier, VPS phono stage, Classic power supply, IV-S/QGB open reel, and Seven Hi-Fi recorder. Rockport Technologies Cygnus loudspeakers. DeBaer Saphir turntable. Argento Audio cables. Auralic Aries G2 streamer.

RMAF 2018

Scansonic MB-5 B loudspeakers with Simaudio Electronics and Nordost cables.

RMAF 2018

ELAC. Alchemy Series DDP-2 preamplfier/DAC/Streamer, DPA-2 amplifier, PPA-2 phono preamplfier. Adante AS-61 stand mount loudspeakers, and SUB3070 powered subwoofer. Also in the room, Discovery DS-S101-G music server, Mobile Fidelity UltraDeck turntable, and 512 Engineering Marutani Consulting cables.

RMAF 2018

ELAC's new line of electronics.

RMAF 2018

In the second ELAC room, Navis ARB-51 powered loudspeakers, Alchemy Series DDP-2 preamplifier/DAC/Streamer. Discovery DS-S101-G music server. 512 Engineering Marutani Consulting interconnects. (Liked this room a lot.)

RMAF 2018

RMAF 2018

Bluebird Music. Chord, Spender, SME, and a whole lot more.