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RMAF 2017 Photo Essay Part 4

10-20-2017 | By Carol Clark | Issue 93

Our coverage of Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2017 continues.

In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark.

Schiit Audio and Salk Sound.

Schiit Freya preamplifier.

Schiit Vidar amplifiers.

Great sounding room! Ryan R620 loudspeakers, Vincent Audio SA T7 preamplifier and SP 331 MK hybrid power amplifer, Aurender A10 music server, and Pangea cables.

Aurender and Vincent Audio.

Line up of Pangea cables.

Fidelis Distribution. Norma Audio Revio IPA-140 integrated amplifier and Revo DS-1 CD player. Acoustic Signature Triple X turntable, TA 2000 tonearm, and Tango Ultimate phono preamplfier. Aurender N10 music server. Diapsason Adamantes III Anniversary Edition loudspeakers.

The Diapason Adamentes loudspeaker.

Marine Presson of the L.A. Audio Show was on hand Friday afternoon, always great to catch up with her.

Timbre & Luces.

Ryan Speakers introduced the new S840 loudspeaker. They sounded quite nice! Also on hand U.S. debut of the Auralic Aries G2 and Vega G2. From Constellation Audio Inspiration PreAmp 1.0 and Inspiration Stereo 2.0. Cabling was Cardas Clear.

Stellar! Ryan Speakers S840.

Ryan Speakers are made in Riverside, CA. Todd Ryan, pictured, and his brother Trevor are down to earth, and fun to be around.

Auralic North America. Featuring the U.S. debut of the Aries G2 streaming transporter and Vega G2 streaming DAC, as well as the Polaris wireless streaming amplifier.

Aries G2 supports Tidal, Roon, DSD, and DXD.

Auralic products.

Xuanqian Wang of Auralic.

A lineup of products from SOtM.

More from SOtM.

SOtM system with Magico loudspeakers.


Vinnie Rossi LIO Super Integrated featuring LIO directly heated triode linestage, LIO MOSFET amplifier, LIO DAC 2.0. Spatial Audio X2 modular loudspeakers. Cabling by Anticables.

Spatial Audio X2 Modular loudspeakers.

This system again featured the Vinnie Rossi LIO Super Integrated this time with Harbeth M30.2 40th Anniversary Edition loudspeakers.

Davone  Audio with Rogers High Fidelity and Wax Stacks.

Davone Audio Studio and Tulip loudspeakers.

This year the Al Stiefel Legacy Room featured JWM Acoustics. Beautiful products. Featured here are the Alyson AML loudspeakers.

In the JWM room was the Aries Cerat DAC. Wonderful sound in the room, we went back more than once!

Once again this year, RMAF featured entry level rooms. This is the $500 room. Vanatoo Transparent Zero wireless powered loudspeakers, Pioneer PL-990 turntable with phono preamplifier, and 1More Triple Driver FiiO Xs.

RMAF entry level $1000 room. Audioengine loudspeakers, U-Turn Audio turntable, Sennheiser, and JDS Labs.

RMAF entry level $1500 room. Chord Electronics, KEF, MrSpeakers, Music Hall, PS Audio, and Schiit Audio.

RMAF entry level $2500 room. Astell&Kern, decco from Peachtree Audio, ELAC, VPI Indurstries, and AMF headphones.

RMAF entry level $5000 room. Aurum Cantus, Dana Cable, Gingko Audio, MrSpeakers, Music Hall, Sanus, VPI Industries, Wells Audio.

In the Innovation room was Invoke Unified Souds which featured an Acoustic Lens system.

Spent some time with Audiophilia's Anthony Kershaw, who did not want to be in the picture, and his lovely wife Jan. Wonderful people.

Last year the Denver Marriott Tech Center was under construction. For those who remember from previous years, this is the Atrium portion of the hotel. All the balconies were removed, and the restaurant was shifted over into what used to be an open area. This moved the open area over to where the bar and restaurant used to be, and allowed for exhibit space.

ModWright had a cool setup with Kirsten Boyd at the helm. Along with Wywires, this was a great sounding system.

ModWright Tryst headphone amplifier.

The Tryst comes in a variety of colors.

SPL and Audio Plus Services.

Michael Goodman from Centrance Audio.

ifi Audio.