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Pacific Audio Fest, Part One

08-04-2022 | By Carol Clark | Issue 122

The inaugural Pacific Audio Fest, July 29 - 30, 2022, in Seattle, Washington was a lot of fun. For many attendees it was the first time out among audio friends since 2019. A good time was had by all, and there seemed to be a fair amount of foot traffic. Dave and I managed to get to all 50+ rooms... well we think we did!

At LAX waiting to board.

Carol Clark

Here we are, ready to travel for the first time since the last Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in 2019. We did decide to travel First Class on Alaska as the price difference between Coach was somewhat negligible—another wine to go with the cheese plate? Seriously not us, but being first on and first off with ample room around us was very enticing in these Covid times. Even so, travel is a PITA—TSA and crowds. Hate flying because of that and driving was going to be three days there and back. Screw it.

The hotel was giant and somewhat oddly arranged with a tower and branches of hallways and additional wings. After a day though we were directing confused attendees on where was what. And fyi, the hotel is directly across from the airport meaning Seattle proper is a good 30-40 mins north. Not much to eat that is around the hotel (there are a few places that were okay) unless you have a car for the 10 min or more drive to other options. The hotel for dining and beverages? Think expensive. Think slow.

The night before—Thursday—was a meet and greet hosted by the organizers. Good times seeing old friends. 

And the journey begins.

Check in went smoothly.


The Headzone, also featuring a line up of custom guitars and basses. Images below.



In the Marketplace, featuring Kirmuss Audio, KLAudio, J-Corder, ASC, ADD Powr, and Mosquito Fleet. Light crowds as this was like 10 mins after the show opened on Friday. Images below.


Me in the foreground scoping the room out.






Equipment stands by Mosquito Fleet. Interesting, as they use planet and people-friendly forest products. Beautiful work.


How big are your subs?

Below, the Audio Company featuring Valve Amplification Company and Von Schweikert. Images below.

vac vonschweikert

This room has always impressed, but then... you got a whole lot of top equipment here pushing the price envelope. 

vac vonschweikert

vac vonschweikert

Me and Damon Von Schweikert after Dave and he discussed shoes. Seems Dave is influenced by Damon's choice in clothes. 

vac vonschweikert

AcousticFields "dedicated" room with a ton of room treatments. Hmmm... I mean would we do this to our room? No, but then we are not the market he was aiming for. Images below.

acoustic fields

Acora Acoustics, VAC, LampizatOr, Aurender, Pro-Ject, Thrax, Cardas Audio, Sumiko. Images below.


This room was stunning. How these speakers filled the room so effortlessly is difficult to comprehend, but they did. Tight and extended at both ends. Not a hint of strain or anything else to detract from the music. Of course it is not just the speakers—it is a whole system. Great synergy. Plus nice people.


The smaller system in the Acora room.

snake river

Snake River Audio, had a great time talking to him.

snake river

Gary Gill welcoming David Robinson.


Focal / Naim USA. Images below.


Olson's HiFi, Parasound, Dr. Feickert, MoFi, Innuos, KEF, NorStone, StraightWire. Images below.



High End by Oz, United Home Audio, Thrax, Hifistay, Borresen Acoustics, Synergistic Research. Images below.



Convergent Audio Technology, Black Path Cables, Essential Sound Products, Anderson Audio New York. Images below.



Angel City Audio, Melody, XLO. Images below.



Genesis Advance Technologies, Merrill Audio Labs, VPI Industries got our attention in the hallway by playing Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water." Not great sound, but so nice to hear something other than the typical audiophile music heard in every room. Images below.




Bending Wave, Gobel High End, CH Precision. Images below.


Played The Who at decent volume... nice. Won't get fooled again.



Joseph Audio, Doshi Audio, Cardas Audio. It was great fun hanging out with Jeff Joseph, and he is one of the few that let us play our own music. In this case, tracks off the Qobuz Positive Feedback Playlist. Images below.

Dave and Jeff. Dave said he never gets photographed since he is usually the one taking the shots. Smile.

Always great sound in his rooms. The system he puts together just sings.

Infigo Audio, Alta Audio. Images below.

Part Two is in the works!