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Newport THE Show 2014 - A Pictorial Essay of Sorts... Part 4

08-13-2014 | By Dave Clark | Issue 74

Bill Leebens.

Jim Aud.

EveAnna Manley.

Knut Skogrand.

Din Johnson of Ristretto Roasters.

Andy Regan of Jerry Harvey Audio.

Johan Coorg of KEF

ESS Labs with Dared.

More vinyl and audio accessories/bits and pieces over at the Atrium.

Dan Muzquiz of Blackbird Audio.


More headphones and headphone amplifiers and more at the Atrium (courtesy of audio360).

Astell and Kern


Schitt Audio.

Mad Dog headphones.

Michael Goodman of Centrance.

The new Centrance dac/battery made for the Astell and Kern unit.


Woo Audio.

Head Amp.

Cavali Audio

Constellation with Wilson Audio.

The new integrated.

The other Constellation room… also with Wilson.


Perfect8, BAlabo, and Bermann Audio.

Tweak Studio.

More Astell and Kern.

The third Audio Element room showing Rega, Transparent, and Sonus Faber.

The second Audio Element room showing AMG, Ayre, Cardas, and Sonus Faber.

The fourth Audio Element room showing Musical Surroundings, Aesthetix, Clearaudio, Cardas, and Wilson.

The other Audio Element room showing dCS, Transparent, VTL, Wilson, and Grand Prix Audio.

Graham Engineering with TechDAS.

Acapella Audio.

Volti Audio with Bordrr Patrol, Audio Electronics, and Triode Wire Labs.

Angel City Audio featured Melody Valve, MG Audio, and Spiritual Audio… along with the Angle City speakers.


Arion Audio featured Analysis Audio, Chang Lightspeed, JPS Labs, VPI, Soundsmith, and Realtraps.

The Profundo room featured Syncopation, Heed, trenner and Friedl, and Transfigration. Good people can be found here… and good sound too.

The other Profundo/Blackbird Audio room featured Viva Audio, Trenner and Friedl, and Transfigration. Good people can be found here… and good sound too.

The new Viva headphone amplifier.

Robert Light Audio.

Zu Audio. Good people can be found here… and good sound too.

The E.A.R. USA room featured E.A.R., Marten, and Jorma Design. Good people can be found here… and good sound too.

Wes Bender. Too slow.

PTE and WyWires.

Questyle Audio featuring Acoustic Zen. Good people can be found here… and good sound too. 

Piraeus Audio.

Perla Audio.

Prana Fidelity with Groove Note Records. ORG, Brinkmann, and Ampex.

YG Acoustics with Kubala-Sosna.

Another Sunny room, but this one with Dan D Agostino, Vienna Acoustics, Audio research, HRS, and Transparent.


Malachi Kenny.

FIM Eficon room.

MLC speakers with Twin Audio Video and Triode Corporation of Japan.

Concert Fidelity with TAD and Z:Axis
