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Newport THE Show 2014 - A Pictorial Essay of Sorts... Part 2

08-11-2014 | By Dave Clark | Issue 74

GIK Acoustics showed with Odyssey Audio.

Devialet showed with Focal courtesy of Audio Plus Services.

Sonic Studio demonstrating with Marten Logan and Peachtree.

Brooks Berdan room showing Chord Electronics, Magico, VPI, and Light Harmonic Cables.

Gingko Audio showed with DanaCable, Wells Audio, and LampizatOr. 

Another Brooks Berdan room, but this time showing Auralic, Spendor, Cardas, Audeze, and Hugo.

Audio Summa showing Kuzma, Furutech, HRT, Parasound, Conrad-Johnson, Blue Circle Audio, Silverline Audio, Sound Application, and BEL.

Andrew Jones of TAD.

Chapman Loudspeakers with DH Labs. Loved the new look on the speakers.

Janszen Loudspeakers with Exasound.

Zesto Audio featured… Zesto Audio, WyWires, Merrill-Williams, TAD, and Tri-Planar.

George Counnas of Zesto Audio.

Music First Audio featured TriangleART and Audio Note (UK).

Silverline Audio showed the new big speakers.

Reite Audio showing Reite Audio.

Upscale Audio showed PrimaLuna and the re-launch of Kiseki cartridges.

Ryan Speakers is back… good sound here and for very little cash.

The KEF, Parasound, and Straight Wire room. Good sound could be found here.

Channel Islands Audio showed with Von Schweikert Audio.

Contrast Audio featured Wall Audio Tube technology, SoundWaves Turntables, KR Audio, Voxativ, Aurorasound, HighEnd Novum, and CA Electronics.

NOLA Speakers with Nordost and Audio Research. Always sounding good.


The Audio Association featured DarTZeel, Evolution Acoustics, Wave Kinetics, ATR Services, Durand Tonearms, KLAudio, and Ortofon… good sound could be found here.

Classic Audio with Atma-Sphere and Purist Audio cables. Nice sounding room.

Lawrence Audio with jeff Rowland and Bryston.

A new kid on the block… Aluminous Audio. Good sound too!

Part 3