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Los Angeles Audio Show Part Two

06-08-2017 | By Carol Clark | Issue 91

Continuing on with our coverage of the Los Angeles Audio Show... Part Two.

Los Angeles Audio Show Part Two

Elite Audio Systems, Viola Labs, Kharma International.

Alma Music & Audio were showing Dan D'Dagostino Progression monoblock amplifiers, Audio Research REF 10 preamplifier, Linn Klimax DSM music server, Innuos Zen MkII music server, YG Acoustics Sonja 1.2 loudspeakers, Iso Tek power conditioners, Kubala Sosna power cords, cables, and interconnects. The rack was the Solid Steel HW-3L, and acoustic panels by Nemesis. Nice sound.

Constellation Audio, The Audio Salon, Critical Mass Systems. Nice sound.

Constellation Audio, The Audio Salon, Critical Mass Systems. Nice sound.

Blue Coast Music Group, Blue Coast Records. Live recordings and performances by the Blue Coast crew. Way cool people too!

There were live recording demonstrations in the Blue Coast room. Derek Jones, checking out the settings. There were many Blue Coast recording artists on hand, along with Cookie Marenco. Good people all around. 

Spatial Audio X1 UniWave loudspeakers. AntiCables digital interconnects, speaker cables, and power cords. Vinnie Rossi L10 Super Integrated. Nice sound.

The Vinnie Rossi L10 Super Integrated features L10 heated triode linestage, L10 X1 amplifier, and L10 DSD/PCM DAC.

Sanders Sound Systems.

Sanders Sound Systems.

Wilson Audio, T+A Elektroakustik, Brinkmann Audio, HRS/Audioquest. Always nice sound here.

Wilson Audio loudspeakers.

Shelley's Stereo featured Paradigm, Rogue Audio, and Linn. Nice sound.

In the Austin Hifi Inc room. Crimson CS 710 preamplifier, and CS 640E-III mono amplifiers. Tocaro Model 42 loudspeakers, Crimson RM Music-Link speaker cables and interconnects. Resolution Audio Cantata music center. A vintage Linn Sondek LP 12 turntable with Ittok LV II tonearm. Nice sound, liked this room a lot!

Closeup view of the Tocaro loudspeaker.

Gene Rubin Audio featured Acoustic Signature Challenger MKIII turntable with TA 2000 tonearm. LFD Audio NCSE MkII Plus integrated amplifier. LFD LE/SE Phono Stage. CanEver Audio ZeroUno DAC. Diapason Adamantes III Anniversary Edition. Aurender N10 Server/Streamer.

Closeup of the rack o' gear in the Gene Rubin Audio room. Nice sound.

Venice Audio featured Harbeth Super HL5 Plus loudspeakers, Naim Audio NAC-N272 preamplifier with integrated streamer, NAP 250-DR amplifier, and SuperLine Reference MC phonostage. Well Tempered Lab Amadeus Versalex turntable with EMT TSD 15 MC cartridge. Crimson Audio speaker cable. Quadraspire Q4 Evo Rack. Nice sound.

The Harbeth Super HL5 Plus loudspeaker.

Voxativ, Lyric Audio, highend-electronics.

Artos Audio, Audio Valve, Cantano Turntables, high-end electronics.

Artos Audio, Audio Valve, Cantano Turntables, high-end electronics. Nice sound.


Cambridge Audio.

Wireworld Cable Technology, and Pro Audio. Sit down, listen, and learn.... cables DO make a difference.

Wireworld Cable Technology, and Pro Audio.

Wireworld Cable Technology, and Pro Audio.

AVM Audio USA, PMC USA, XLO Electric. Nice sound. LOUD!

AVM Audio USA, PMC USA, XLO Electric. Have that unit here now.

AVM Audio USA, PMC USA, XLO Electric.

AVM Audio USA, PMC USA, XLO Electric. Tube stage! Way cool.

The first system from Audiophile Zone featured Spendor D9 loudspeakers. Jadis 150 integrated amplifier and DPMC phonostage. Chord DAVE DAC. Baetis Reference S digital source. Transrotor Crescendo turntable with SME arm. Shelter 501 cartridge. Wywires Diamond series cables. Taoc racks from Japan.

Closeup of the Audiophile Zone system detailed above.

The second Audiophile Zone system. Spendor 3/1 loudspeakers. Jadis Orchestra integrated amplifier. Chord Hugo 2 DAC. Baetis Revolution III media server. Wywires Silver series cables. Taos rack from Japan.

Aaudio Imports featured Wilson Benesch Resolution loudspeakers, Torus + amplifier, R1 Carbon rack. Ypsilon PST-100 MKII preamplifier, AELIUS II mono amplifiers, VPS-100 phonostage, MC26L step up transformer. HB Cable Design PowerSlave Marble Power Distributor. Ikeda KAI mc cartridge. Stage III Analord Master phon cable, Gorgon interconnects, Kraken Ac, Proteus Ac, Leviathan Ac, Medusa speaker cables. Thales TTT Compact II turntable with Simplicity II tone arm.

Aaudio Imports room, Wilson Benesch Resolution loudspeaker. Nice sound.

Close up of the rack in the Aaudio import room, see above for details.

Aaudio Imports, Metaxas Marquis Headphone amplifier and preamplifier.