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AXPONA 2019, Photo Essay Part 5

04-22-2019 | By Carol Clark | Issue 103


axpona 2019

Innuos, Nagra, Transparent Audio, Vicoustic, YG Acoustics.

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AudioQuest, AMG, Audio Research, Harmonic Resolution Systems, Lyra, Ultra Fidelis, and Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT loudspeakers.

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AMG, Audio Research.

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Vandersteen's new stereo amplifiers. Sounded really good here.

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Although we didn't get to spend as much time in this room as we would have liked to, it was very nice. Well Pleased AV, aqua acoustic quality, Innuos, Qualitron, Rethm, SGR, Swisscables. Usually every time we passed by, this room was crowded, but Jacob George of Rethm and Mark Sossa of Well Pleased AV let us cue up "Farewell" by UNKLE and spend a few minutes getting lost in the music. Truthfully, when exhibitors let your listen to what you want it really changes your whole experience at a show. This is not the first time Mark has let me hijack the iPad, and I know it won't be the last.

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Rethm loudspeakers, always sound delightful.

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Finest Fidelity, Accustic Arts, van den Hul, Xact Audio.

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Krell Indurstries, Acoustic Signature, Alta Audio, AntiCables, Sutherland Engineering.

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Herb Reichert of Stereophile and Cynthia Bishop, the Audio Belle.

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Dave with Dipin Sehdev of Roon Audio Labs.

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Sunday afternoon saw the greatest amount of snowfall, that late in April, since 1961 in Chicago. Reportedly, almost 1000 flights were cancelled at O'Hare and Midway airports. Thankfully we had planned to stay on until Monday!

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Dave with Ted Smith of PS Audio.

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Another look at the PS Audio AN3 loudspeakers. Awesome!

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Nest Level HiFi, Aavik Acoustics, Ansuz Acoustics, Borresen Acoustics.

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Just in case you needed earplugs.

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Muraudio, Hegel, Shunyata Research.

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Black Ice Audio, formerly Jolida Inc. They featured a series of new products.

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Me with Sue Toscano, she handles PR for Luxman. What a joy to spend time with her!

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We went back for one more listen in the Fern & Roby room and discovered this young man with his dad. This is the future of HiFi!

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Fern & Roby Raven II loudspeakers, playing on Sunday.

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Acoustique Quality, KR Audio Electronics, Well Rounded Sound.

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Fidelis Distribution, Accusound Cable Company, Acoustic Signature, Aurender, Unison Research.

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Dan Wright of ModWright, David MacPherson of Studio Electric, and me...winding down the show on Sunday afternoon.

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Well, at least we can laugh!

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Refinded Audio, Cube Audio, Merrill-Williams Audio, Pass Laboratories.

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Me with Pete Grzybowski of Triode Wire Labs. Amazingly good product for so little money. Our reference AC cords.

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And thus ends AXPONA 2019, with snow and chaos at the airport. Until next year Chicago!