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AXPONA 2019, Photo Essay Part 4

04-22-2019 | By Carol Clark | Issue 102

Continuing on with our coverage of AXPONA 2019. All images by Dave Clark, along with some added commentary.

axpona 2019

axpona 2019

Distinctive Stereo, German Physiks, Mojo Audio.

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A lineup of AVM Audio USA products.

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First turntable for AVM called the Rotation. Very cool, it lights up blue and shines through the platter.

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ELAC had two rooms, both equally crowded all three days. Delightful sound in both rooms.

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Larsen, Audio Skies, Aurender, GamuT, Levin Design, Pear Audio Blue, Pneuance Audio.

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Larsen 9 loudspeakers.

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Pear Audio Blue turntable.

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MiFi Distribution. Wharfdale Linton loudspeakers with stands. The record storage is part of the design, interesting and fabulous sounding.

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MoFi StudioDeck+U turntable.

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Elite AV Distrubution with a collection of Furutech products.

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More Furutech from Elite AV Distribution.

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The system in the Elite AV room included Kuzma, L'Art du Son, Manley, Plinius, REL Acoustics, and Relaxa.

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McIntosh amplifier.

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A lineup of Clearaudio turntables. Concept, Performance, Ovation, Innovation.

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Clearaudio Concept turntable.

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Another Clearaudio turntable.

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The speed control on this Clearaudio table will handle 78s.

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PS Audio had a spectacular room which included their new AN-3 loudspeakers. The target price is $12-15,000, and they are outstanding! The display room was big with a high ceiling, but they filled it with sound. Stunning!

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PS Audio products.

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Bill Leebens, PS Audio, and me.

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Brian Hunter, Audiohead, with Ted Smith of PS Audio in deep conversation.