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Audio Show Flashback: CES 2003

01-01-2021 | By Carol Clark | Issue 113

Until there are some new shows to attend, we continue our look back at shows from years gone by. For many, many years, audio industry folks from around the globe descended in Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronic Show. Here's a look back at 2003.

CES 2003

Dave Glackin and Carol Clark

From Dave and Carol Clark:

Carol and I have been attending CES since the early 90's. During this time we have come to find that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Yes there are exceptions, but more often than not, we see too many "new" products that are just another rehash of something from the past—"Hey, listen to my new (insert any amplifier or speaker design here) product." "It is based on (insert any amplifier or speaker design here that has been around for 20 years)." "What do you think?" "I think it has already been done to death, and better! That is what I think." Jaded? Certainly, though like I said there are exceptions. When visiting CES we look for new products that are at the very least "attempting to try" something new or be new to these shores. Examples are speakers from Marten Design, Morel, and Impact; electronics from Unison, Audio Pax, ASR, Norma, and Opera; cables from Prana Wire, Acoustic Zen, Stealth, and Dynamic Design; and accessories from Stillpoints and Music Tools, to name just a few. But what really makes CES a good time for us is seeing old friends and having great meals. Speaking of which were the dinners at Piero's and Grand Lux—two great places to have dinner with friends. Anyhow, on the our first ever show report!

Read the rest of the report HERE and HERE.