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Anna Fedorova Shaping Chopin in Pure DSD256 from Jared Sacks

12-07-2022 | By Rushton Paul | Issue 124

Chopin's music is loved by many. And many pianists gravitate to performing his works. Unfortunately, not all pianists should play Chopin—both Chopin and we would be better off if they found some other poor composer to butcher. But, when Chopin's music falls into the hands of an empathetic artist devoted to communicating Chopin, ah then, there are wonders to be enjoyed. His music can be the most divine experience one might wish for. Anna Fedorova is one artist who brings Chopin's music to wonderous life.

Anna Fedorova, Shaping Chopin, waltzes, mazurkas, nocturnes. Channel Classics 2021 (Pure DSD256) HERE

Anna Fedorova is a compelling artist. She has virtuosic technique, but she plays in service to the music and the composer. There is no grand-standing, no dazzling finger-play just to show-off what she's capable of doing on the keyboard. No indeed. With Anna Fedorova there is only love for the music and love for communicating what she hears the composer seeking to share with us.

I've written before about her solo and small-ensemble recordings (HERE, HERE, and HERE). They are all deserving of your attention, whether Chopin, or Schumann, or Scriabin, or Milhaud, or Rebecca Clarke, Fedorova is rewarding and thoroughly engaging. In her Chopin recordings, she is simply seductive and an utter delight.

There is an intelligence to her performances that I find so akin to what I've enjoyed with the great Ivan Moravec. But where Moravec could be a bit terse, Fedorova is elegance and light (but with immense underlying power—never be mislead). Both are humble performers bringing deep intelligence to their interpretations. Fedorova adds to this a strong intuitive empathy. 

This is a recital program, carefully selected by Fedorova. In the enclosed booklet, she shares a personal note about coming to make this recording:

"The year 2020 was a strange, lonely year for many of us, due to the spreading corona virus. The world’s busiest cities suddenly became empty, families got separated, planes stopped flying and concert halls went into deafening silence for an unknown period of time. Everyone dealt with this situation in his or her own way and found comfort however they could... I, for instance, found myself diving into the music of Chopin... 

"When the opportunity to record a new album spontaneously arose, I immediately thought about the music of Chopin. I made a selection of various Waltzes, Nocturnes and Mazurkas, and added the Fantaisie Impromptu, as they cover a wide spectrum of emotions, moods and colors. It’s incredible how Chopin can express himself so intensively and so deeply in a piece which lasts just a few minutes. He always manages to create a captivating atmosphere and a unique dream world. While performing Chopin’s miniatures it feels like diving into a living painting, artistically shaping its unique story, colors and characters with music."

And for over an hour, I am captivated by her musical selections and the incredible communicative skill with which she shares them with us on this album. The Fantaisie-Impromptu in C-Sharp Minor, op. 66, which concludes the album is simply dazzling. The technique is brilliant, the finger control amazing. But it is the beauty of line, the control of phrase, the delicacy of touch, that makes this such a remarkable conclusion to what is a fully remarkable album.

Add to these wonderful performances the astoundingly excellent recording quality in Pure DSD256 by Jared Sacks, and you have a recording to treasure and my highest recommendation.

Anna Fedorova - a truly outstanding artist

Photos courtesy of Channel Classics