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Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage:  World Premiere Review!

05-15-2021 | By Robert H. Levi | Issue 115

George Counnas of Zesto Audio with his Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage in Bob Levi's listening room

Before I start: the most-asked question answered first!

Yes. Those of you who own the Zesto Audio Deluxe Phono Stage may receive a factory Deluxe II upgrade through any Zesto Audio dealer for $1200, including a new faceplate identification. This is the mark of a truly concerned and customer-oriented audiophile company. Your unit will have the new extensive ESP power supply, the same as the brand-new units on the market.

I have thoroughly tested the Andros Deluxe Phono Stage and reviewed it for these pages here at Positive Feedback. It performed extremely well and was superbly musically from day one. Imagine my surprise when George Counnas, President and Chief Engineer of Zesto Audio, called to tell me of an extensive upgrade which impressed even him. He offered to come to my home, open my Andros Deluxe, replace the power supply and various parts, and put it back in my system for review comparison!

Carolyn Counnas of Zesto Audio

Plus, he and I have had our COVID-19 shots and were ready to step out. We set a date, and George's wife, Carolyn, and John Williams, both Executive Vice-Presidents of the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society, joined in for the fun!

Ancillaries – Moving Iron Cartridge

  • EAT Forte S Turntable with 12-inch carbon arm
  • Grado Epoch 3 MI Phono Cartridge
  • Cardas Beyond XL DIN Phono Cable, Special Order only
  • AudioQuest Dragon Power Cable
  • Kubala-Sosna Elation Single Ended Interconnects to Preamp

Ancillaries – Moving Coil Cartridge 

  • Arias Mammoth Gold MC Cartridge 
  • EAR Disc Master Turntable with Helius Omega Tonearms
  • Kubala-Sosna Interconnects as Phono Cable
  • UITaudio Interconnects to Preamp

Key Features of the Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage

  • The high-quality built-in MC step-up transformers are designed for better phase linearity. They are also large enough to accommodate all the extra windings and the Mu-metal shielding that reduces noise. This translates to better stereo imaging.
  • Independent ground switches affect both the MC-XLR and the MC-RCA inputs and reduce or eliminate hum by breaking those pesky ground loops.
  • Balanced transformers reduce noise in two ways, by providing a true differential signal, and allowing the ground to float, making the noise level very low.
  • The MM-RCA connectors are always grounded to reduce noise from your cartridge.
  • The dedicated output transformers are driven by the 12DW7 output tubes, providing an accurate balanced signal to your preamp.
  • The output RCA connectors have a floating ground and the XLR are grounded to reduce ground loops.
  • The tube compliment is a pair of gold pin, high gain, low noise 12AX7s and a pair of gold pin, high current, low noise 12DW7s.
  • A dual-mono circuit is employed, which creates better stereo separation.
  • A low Noise level of -80 dBv below maximum output allows the quietest passages of your music to be heard.
  • 10 position MC loading, including 1000, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 50 Ohms so you can dial in the best match for your cartridge.
  • Easily adjustable MC "load on the fly" without clicks or pops so you can hear the change.
  • The gain switch applies to both MC and MM inputs, to better match your cartridges.
  • 100% analog tube circuitry without any solid-state devices in the signal path, because tubes are inherently more musical.
  • All the RCA and XLR connectors are gold plated for better conductance and lower corrosion.
  • Recessed RCA connectors are durable and will hold up to the typical audiophile, who loves to change their configuration.
  • All switches and knobs are easily accessible, with nothing hidden inside to adjust.
  • Each unit is hand built: "Made in the USA."
  • 50-hour factory burn in on all circuits and vacuum tubes.
  • Elegantly designed 16-gauge steel enclosure to help isolate the electronic "chatter" from nearby equipment.

The 12DW7 tubes are a 12AX7 and 12AU7 in one tube envelope. Made since the 1950s, Zesto Audio is the first audiophile company to recognize the tube's great value in eliminating up to a pair of tubes to refine a circuit and reduce noise. JJ now manufactures new gold pin production modeled after the GE version once distributed worldwide. 

The ability to float the ground on each channel independently via toggle switches is unique to Zesto products, and yields an unprecedented ability to eliminate noise. This is pure genius as far as I am concerned. 

It was fascinating to watch George spread out the innards of the Andros and replace the steel bottom section with a new section loaded with more and larger power supply bits.

Once securely connected with Molex connectors and the bottom plate reattached, Carolyn gave George the new identification nameplate for the front panel which George screwed into place. I now had a Deluxe II to audition. No additional time or run-in is needed, as all benefits of the ESP modification are instantaneous.

Energy Source Power Details (from Zesto Audio)

(Energy Source Power Supply) We named it the ESP Supply because it anticipates the energy needs of the music. The new ESP Supply unlocks the true potential of the circuit, so it is at ease and doesn’t have to work as hard. It allows more music to flow through with more detail. It also creates a more dynamic presentation; the quiet passages are quieter and louder passages have more punch. The sound quality is an improvement throughout the frequency spectrum, so you have better clarity on the bass, midrange, and highs evenly.

Here are the top 8 improvements:

  1. The transformer changes from an IE to a Toroid design, which generates significantly less noise because it does a better job of concentrating the magnetic field.
  2. The high voltage increases by 17% from 250V to 300V which provides more headroom.
  3. Dynamic range opens up with increases from 90dBV to 122dBV depending on the model.
  4. The ESP Supply is designed with bigger, fewer, and heftier parts, which delivers more power with improved reliability.
  5. The rugged design of the ESP Supply makes it more resilient to power surges.
  6. Both the high and low voltage supplies provide more current, so it’s less restrictive to deliver more music.
  7. Maximum output level before clipping is increased up to 3V RMS, depending on the unit to allow more punch.
  8. In the Phono Stages, the Noise level is 5 dBV quieter, which increases the black levels considerably.

The Music

John Williams and George Counnas relaxing with the music

I would estimate it took merely 15 seconds of listening to clearly identify the benefits of the ESP modification. However, I spent over a month playing with cables, power cords, and tubes to maximize the added definition, bolder dynamics, denser musical colors, and broader soundstage wrought by the Deluxe II. Of particular interest to me was the fact that I became aware of quiet between notes in musical lines for the first time. The Deluxe II had increased definition and lowered smear creating a more organic realism to the presentation. Vocals were generally more realistic and spatial, with blacker backgrounds. Phase distortion that blurred images disappeared almost entirely enhancing imaging even more. The Andros Deluxe II is the phono imaging champion! (As J. Gordon Holt once observed: "In the absence of visual cues, auditory cues have to be that much better.")

Young Beethoven, Yarlung Records, String Trio in C Minor, Janaki String Trio.

This 45 RPM LP is the imaging champ for reference systems. Recommended by the LA&OC Audio Society, it yields lifelike string images with the Deluxe II, with all the weight and sonority you would expect. Just sit back and enjoy the performances. You will hear master tape sound with minimum phase distortion. Not analytical at all, but it produces intensely musical fun courtesy of the Zesto.

Rigoletto, Verdi, Mercury Records, SR3-9012, Complete Opera. Mercury only did a few operas and this one is quite grand and alive. If you can find a copy, grab it. The performances are stellar and the sound is uncompressed throughout and features only three microphones placed by Robert Fine. You can follow the voices around the room and enjoy the opera from about row M. This is the ultimate test for the Deluxe II and it passes it with flying musical colors. Great fun!

The Best of Gilbert and Sullivan, Readers Digest RD42-M, Stereo, RCA Camden, Highlights of Six Operettas. This lavish box set cost only a few dollars in 1960, but was a miracle for sure with extremely quiet surfaces, beautiful singing from the D'Oyly Carte Company, and outstanding production values. Produced by RCA just before they ruined things with Dynagroove. With the Deluxe II, enjoy delicate soprano singing, warm analog choruses, and weighty orchestral climaxes. Only things missing from Zesto Audio are the expensive tickets and the sticky floors. I have never heard this collection sound more realistic and alive. Well done, Zesto!

Paul Simon, Graceland, 25th Anniversary Edition Vinyl, 3555769, Pressed by RTI. Tough album to track and listen to as it is fully uncompressed and almost distorted. Solo Simon singing is sibilant and intense. Powerful drum whacks and musical blasts are system shaking. The Zesto retains whatever musicality is left in this re-issue and focusses your attention on the drive and sheer excitement of the performances. The Deluxe II has a clarity and see-through soundstage ability to present more definition than its competitors at this price or beyond. Amazing.

Tube Rolling

The Zesto components are particularly fun to tube roll for the experienced audiophile as the tubes are literally right up front. Be sure to turn off the unit and let the tubes cool down or wear gloves like I do. In the rare instance you plug in the wrong tube or a defective one that causes internal damage, Zesto will fix it but charge you for the service regardless of whether the unit is under warranty or not.

I changed the 12AX7 tubes first and ultimately loved the RCA branded substitutions. These select samples were matched for output and selected for low noise. They bettered even the Mullards in this circuit. They boosted the musical colors at least 20% and gave the high-band an added airiness and delicacy nicely beyond the JJs. The textural layering of bass definition was more pronounced and realistic. These tubes sold for $5 in the drug store "tube checker machines" of my teens, and now sell for $190 each! I liked the Ei, Bugle Boys, and Tesla samples for much less money. The GE 12AX7 tubes were very good also (do not use 5751 tubes.) Telefunken's were disappointing.

The JJ 12DW7 tubes were ultimately replaced by the GE-made version from the 1970s. You can buy these tubes for $30 each right now, selected and matched for $40 each at Antique Electronic Supply. The more expensive select tubes are a bit more detailed, quieter, and smoother musically and a great choice. I found other brands but it turned out GE made them for Amperex and others as an OEM and they were merely rebranded. Replacing the JJs with GEs will boost definition by another 20%, yielding 40% more definition and realism by tube rolling...no kidding. This is not always the case but these tubes are so very important to their respective phono circuits. Tube rolling is more important and rewarding in the Deluxe II.

If tube rolling is not for you, no worries. The Andros comes with the best current tubes available and hand-selected for premium Zesto components. The Deluxe II will perform exceedingly well and deliver top-notch organic audiophile sound as delivered.


The Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage is extraordinary and mellifluous. It is, I believe, the best component developed and manufactured by Zesto to date, whether you buy it new or have it updated. I have never heard a finer phono stage at any price in my reference systems or anywhere else. I would give it top honors if it were merely a black box but that is far from the case. It has industry-setting control flexibility allowing maximum impedance tuning and circuit attachment of any phono cartridge now known or otherwise devised. Not inexpensive, but certainly high-value, the Deluxe II is a logical and easy leap for the phono devotee. You can pay a lot more and not receive a whit extra in musical reproduction or flexibility.

The Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage receives my highest recommendation. It is an outstanding and stunning work of audio art.

Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage

Retail: $7500 

Zesto Audio

3138 Calle Estepa

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360



George Counnas 

[email protected]


Contact Sales and Marketing:

Carolyn Counnas

[email protected]


All photographs by Bob Levi, except LP cover images.