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World Premier Review of IAMP - Incredible AC Purifier Power Cord by Unique Innovation Technology

09-05-2018 | By Robert H. Levi | Issue 99

UIT Incredible AC Purifier Power Cord

Ever since I discovered the ultra-high-value audiophile cables and now power cords from Unique Innovation Technology (UIT), my audiophile life has been altered forever. Two years ago I met the UIT folks, headed by the extraordinary Mitch Ko, at the LA Audio Show, and their suggestion that I try their interconnects with a pure silver module on board to enhance definition by eliminating most types of distortion proved groundbreaking in every way. Here was high-end audio for pretty much everyone. I mean $800 for a meter of interconnect replacing $3000 tried and true cables I really loved. No joke folks!

It did not matter whether I tried RCA, XLR, USB, or S/PDIF, speaker cables or headphone cables, with UIT, improvement abounded. Oh, you can get more. Just get a second mortgage and have at it. Now it costs less because it is sold direct which halves the cost, but if it delivers the goods, I can live with this. There are plenty, and I mean plenty, of in-store quality cable choices. This is the only cable sold direct I can recommend right now.

Now, power cords are a very different beast. They are my last audiophile move, so to speak, to tune in the sound I am looking for. They make useful tone controls, and will give you a boost in dynamics and smoothness all at the same time. I have a ton of favorites! Now I have one more: The IAMP. 

Though many have tried, no one has succeeded in putting a power conditioner, jitter reducer, EMI/RFI killer, and ground filter in a power cord until today. It is not cheap, even sold direct. It can replace a power conditioner in most applications with lowered distortion and big punch, but you can always return them if your conditioner is better. It is designed to plug into the wall, then directly to your component. No middle man, shall we say.

Note: the manufacturer recommends these go directly into the wall, bypassing any conditioner. I disagree. I have found that they worked exceeding well in every application. Sometimes they equaled my more expensive reference cords, sometimes not. Use with a power conditioner did not help me predict IAMP performance, and often was an unbeatable combo. 

The IAMP likes gear uses 1000 watts or less constant power, but will handle peaks up to 2500 watts elegantly. It is strictly for one piece of gear at a time, and not as a system-wide cable. I could not find anything it would not power, but check your Krell specs please. I did try it with three conditioners and it performed smoothly and quietly. With my E.A.R. DAC 4, E.A.R. 912 Preamp, and E.A.R. Transport I heard a small increase in definition and slam, with increased definition in the highs with my conditioners, as well as plugged in directly. They worked well for me either way. The performance of the IAMP in my only system that is not on a mega-conditioner—my newest single ended triode nearfield system—was FANTASTIC! Perceived frequency response when IAMP is plugged into the wall appears ruler flat and smoother overall.

I should say that if you have a great new up-to-date line conditioner, the IAMP may not be for you. Those new amazing conditioners start at $2500 and up, and two or three IAMP cords may be all you need. The IAMP cords were fully equal to my conditioners run alone, though the combination often brought positive surprises.

I tried the IAMP on my E.A.R. Disc master Turntable...wonderful! Again, excellent on digital players and DAC, somehow making the sound much more analog and delicate. I did find that AC strips with no conditioning or filtering of any type worked fine with the IAMP. Still, good results were attained just plugging it into the wall and moving on.

The basic model is 1.5 meters long and flexible, but robust. I ordered two-meter lengths for easy use. The patented module is the secret. It comes in a small size for headphone cables and the big boy size for the power cord. It is pure genius, no matter what size it is supplied in. With the power cord, every kind of wire in every kind of termination carries UIT's secret sauce. Only tonearm cables are incompatible with the UIT technology at present.

Part of the secret sauce is not in the module, but is incorporated in the wire itself. UIT has figured out how to use coax wire in tiny amounts to enhance frequency response. The obviously extended frequency response of the AC cables tells me this technology is in play. When I think of the crappy power cords I have used in the past, then look at this space station technology IAMP wire, I realize that if you live long enough, you will see and hear everything.

The UIT wires are serious high-end devices. Like all high-end AC cords, you try them and tweak as you go. Using them is great fun, and most often brought sublime purity, tighter, bigger bass, and a greater sense of realism to my entire system. Whether they were plugged into the wall or a conditioner did not stop me from enjoying the benefits of an AC cord with what acted like a built-in computer!


IAMP—Incredible AC Purifier Power Cord from UIT—is the real deal. You have not invested in a power conditioner? No problem. These super power cords from UIT plug into the wall and filter the AC to a tee. They are not to be used as a whole system cord. I did find they worked quite well when used with low-power gear and a power conditioner, so try them everywhere and see where they are effective for you.

They are designed, manufactured, and tested in California. Try the IAMPs for thirty days and decide whether to keep them or not. The folks at UIT are very accommodating. If you have a conditioner, the IAMPs may still better your existing cords enhancing definition and slam. Put the IAMP in places your conditioner does not serve for immediate improvement. A modern marvel, the IAMP from UIT is strongly recommended.

UIT Incredible AC Purifier Power Cord

Retail: Direct cost is $1300 for 1.5 meters

Mitch Ko, Unique Innovation Technology



[email protected]

Photograph courtesy of Unique Innovation Technology