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The Synergistic Research Pink Fuse, Low Hanging Fruit That Just Might Jump Start Your System

12-02-2024 | By Robert S. Youman | Issue 136


By accident, I recently blew a fuse in a Synergistic Research Galileo SX Ground Block. I won’t get into all the details, but let’s just say that my own human error was very much the problem. At that point in time, the original Synergistic Research Orange fuse was still being utilized in the Ground Block configuration. This fuse of course had to now be replaced for the unit to function properly.

I had several LP reviews in queue, and I wanted to stick to my original schedule. As you can imagine, I was not in the mood to order another matching Orange fuse from Synergistic Research and then wait it out for the shipment (though Synergistic Research is always responsive and timely for these kind of requests). I was also reluctant to run down to the local hardware store and purchase an off the shelf generic fuse. I then remembered that I had a new Synergistic Research Pink fuse on hand that I had never really evaluated.

I immediately installed the Pink fuse to keep my system up and running for the time being, as I still wanted to consider all my options going forward. I sat down for a quick listen to make sure that everything was functioning properly, but that listen turned into an all-night affair. Boy was I surprised! There were several significant improvements to the sound quality of the entire system that I could not have predicted. See my comments below on sound.

Whether is be a source component, an amplifier, a preamplifier or even something like a ground box in this case, I am still trying to sort out all of the possible science behind the changes in sound when utilizing different types of fuses. I did not use these Pink fuses in any other components, only the Synergistic Research Galileo SX Ground Block. Everything else in my system still had the original fuses as implemented by each brand. All I know is what my ears told me. It's that simple. The whole experience was very enlightening, and it proved once again that everything matters.

I never intended to write a formal review on the Pink fuse, but over time I became more and more impressed with the improvements. So impressed, that I thought that my findings might be interesting and useful for our readers. There are many folks out there that really push back hard on the whole idea of after market audiophile fuses. All I can say, is to please keep an open mind. If we consider the proper caveats (see below), it can be well worth the time and effort to experiment. There are several brands out there, and Synergistic Research for one has a very fair return policy.

Synergistic Research Galileo SX Ground Block and Synergistic Research Powercell SX Power Conditioner

Just as an aside, I must reiterate that the SR Galileo SX Ground Block is such an amazing product! Please click HERE for additional information. Along with the Powercell SX Power Conditioner (please click HERE for additional information), these two components have impacted the sound quality of my system like very few other products. Individually, the improvements have been impressive, but collectively they have "synergistically" provided some real magic. For this reason, I have often said that these two are possibly two of the most important components in my system. I want them both in my system at all times and especially for all my music and component reviews! Thus all the drama described above. Maybe this all happened for a reason. Please read on.

Proper Perspective

It cannot be overstated that system synergy and personal taste are critical when evaluating high-end audio products. This review is based on my subjective requirements, my subjective ears, my specific system configuration, and my specific listening room. This combination is only one data point of many that exist out there for these components. Please consider my comments and analysis appropriately.

Review System

I have included a comprehensive list of all my components and a description of my listening room. Please click on my name in red above if this information is needed for reference and comparison purposes.


The design for the Pink fuse is proprietary. What I can share, is some of what Synergistic Research has communicated on their web site. Proprietor and Chief Designer Ted Denney and his R&D team have continued to upgrade and evolve the Synergistic Research fuse portfolio and the design of several specific fuses over time. This includes the Orange, Purple, Master and now Pink fuses. I have never made a direct comparison other than the scenario discussed here with the Orange and Pink fuses.

Taken directly from the Synergistic Research website, there are two key elements that have impacted the design of the Pink fuse. Essentially, this design evolved from the development of the new flagship Synergistic Research Voodoo server and the new flagship Synergistic Research SRX Powercell power conditioner. This includes an entirely new high voltage conditioning process and a new UEF compound. The end result was a new generation Pink fuse, "that would maintain the Purple fuse's musical warmth but with added resolution and dynamics, combined with enhanced musicality without sounding artificially warm or colored." Just to clarify this quote, the Purple fuse was a prior generation of fuses before the introduction of the Pink fuse.

Please see additional discussion on the Synergistic Research website for fuse design and how fuses can effect the sound of a component and your system HERE.

Available Values


As stated above, the improvements in sound quality in my system were immediate and fairly easy to hear. After about 200 hours of burn in time, these improvements solidified and made an even stronger impression. There was now seemingly a more natural balance of detail and proper timbre and tone, along with a new level of expressiveness and energy that could not be denied. It is difficult to clearly articulate, but there was also a definite sense of sonic beauty and a more layered harmonic structure that was not there before.

There is no hype intended here. I cannot really point to anything like a dramatic extension in the low end or some new exciting sizzle in the highs, but I would have pushed away if that had happened in any type of contrived or pretentious way. Now I was actually more drawn into the music, and it was very satisfying if not more rewarding. I can only imagine what might happen if these fuses were properly implemented throughout the components in my current system.


Yello, Flag (Qobuz, 16 bit/44.1 kHz)

This 1988 LP release by Yello on the Mercury label, is a real exercise in excitement and energy. Much aligned at the time when compared to their earlier classics like Stella and One Second, Flag has now grown in stature and respect. As always with the Yello discography, the sound quality is superb, but the Pink fuse manages to squeeze out even more punch and clarity. As one of the ultimate electronic pop and sampling groups of that era, the hit single "Drive" is everything the title implies. The sound stage is now even more defined and saturated with sound effects and synthesizers swirling back and forth. You can feel the rumble in your tumble. This music soon had me wishing for a new BMW M2 and a drive down California US Route 101!

Richard Thompson, The Old Kit Bag (Qobuz, 16 bit/44.1 kHz) 

Released in 2003 on the Cooking Vinyl label, this is one of my favorite titles from the former Fairport Convention guitarist. The track "Gethsemane" is always a great system test for both low end impact and proper mid range density and bloom. There is something about these frequency ranges that are so important when it comes to Thompson’s unique style of folk rock and electric guitar. With a certain amount of haunting forbearance to start with, "Gethsemane" is now even more engaging and threatening with the Pink fuse in place. Drums slash, the double bass pounds and the guitars ring out with a new found sense of purity and weight. Richard Thompson has never sounded so much "in your room."

Count Basie & The Kansas City 3, For The Second Time (Analogue Productions, 33 RPM LP)

Originally released on the Pablo label in 1983, this new 2024 pressing from Analogue Productions and the Pablo Series is a true testament to the genius of the original producer Norman Granz. With icons Ray Brown on bass and Louis Bellson on drums, Basie demonstrates once again that he can shine no matter what size the band might be or at what point he is in his career. At 79 years old on this recording, he is just as comfortable leading a trio as he is leading a 25 piece big band. On the track "Racehorse," the Pink fuse brings out all the subtle nuance of every key stroke and every action or hit on the lower register. The rhythm section also emerges from the shadows with so much more clarity and physical attack. I have the original Pablo and it sounds fantastic, but Chad Kassem over at Analogue Productions has once again outdone himself. A must have pressing for those many Basie fans out there!

Important Caveats

If you are considering the purchase and use of any after-market fuses, I must also remind you to reach out to your individual component manufacturers for their advice and approval before proceeding. We must take personal responsibility for the configuration of our components. This is very important! Warranties might be at risk along with several other factors, so this is clearly a step that should be included in your decision process.

Final Thoughts

Again, if this is a subject that greatly interests you, I strongly advise that you check out the Synergistic Research website for a discussion of the logic and technologies behind many of their product lines (see link below). Over the years, Synergistic Research has truly provided some of the most unique and visionary solutions in the industry!

Once these folks make a break through, there is clear strategy to enhance and develop the technology to its fullest, and to then extend or implement it where ever possible across their portfolio. This includes fuses. Based on my experience with several Synergistic Research products, this can all provide a significant payoff for the listener.

Though not inexpensive, the cost of these Pink fuses can still have a notable if not a very impressive impact on your system compared to the cost of other implementations and components. Having said all of the above, I can only again suggest that you have an open mind. As always, the best tools are your own ears and your own instincts. Curiosity and innovation can really make this hobby so much more fun. Embrace innovation and dare to explore!

Pink Quantum Fuse

Retail: $249.95

Synergistic Research

1736 E. Borchard Ave.

Santa Ana, CA 92705

