Comments on: Fiio Redefines Performance-to-Price With Three New Digital Audio Players A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Thu, 17 Jan 2019 04:24:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Gibbs Thu, 17 Jan 2019 04:24:00 +0000 In reply to terryva.

Like I said above, I've had months and months of experience with these units, and only had a handful of issues with them. As many design changes as they've made in such a relatively short period of time, there's bound to be a few units that fall through the cracks. It sucks to be the owner of any kind of malfunctioning equipment. Good luck with getting your issues resolved.

By: terryva Wed, 16 Jan 2019 15:00:00 +0000 Using the M7 with great sound, but bugs with adding gaps to songs randomly and play lists (as hard as they are to make) crashing the app are enough to make me shelve it most of the time and just stream. User support and testing is just really lacking at Fiio.

Latest firmware and reported to Fiio support along with others I see on their forum.

By: Tom Gibbs Tue, 15 Jan 2019 20:23:00 +0000 In reply to gabighinea.

I still use my X5III, and with all the firmware updates installed, haven't experienced any of the issues you describe. I think it's a great player, and the newer models like the M9 and M7 bode well for Fiio. And I have everything they've output over the last three years, and I'm constantly referring to the legacy players for reference to the newer ones. I call it as I see (and experience) it, and if I encounter problems (as with the M3K), I share that info with everyone. From my perspective, if performance issues are brought to Fiio's attention, they tend to address them very quickly. In terms of the "death" of the X3 (and possibly the rest of the X series), it seems to me that Fiio has chosen a new path, both appearance-wise and in terms of functionality. And their newer In-ear monitors are darn-near world class, especially at their price point.

By: gabighinea Tue, 15 Jan 2019 18:22:00 +0000 Nice article everywhere nowdays are articles prasing M9 and M7 but before you start throwing money on FiiO's DACs' go and take a look on FiiOs forums and see what people are saying about these products, how (un)happy they are and how the companies representatives are not answering or making excuses or hidind behind some 3rd party companyes. X3 III is dead and buried after just one year, X5 III has many problems too. The company is releasing new hardwears with bugged software and when can't or won't fix it just abandon them and the customers too. Don't take my word, make your own research. Unfortunately I had no knowledge about the fact that me and the others too were beta userser but paying full price for a broken device.
