Comments on: Merrill Audio's Christine Preamplifier A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Wed, 22 May 2019 21:57:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Merrill Audio Sat, 14 Jan 2017 22:48:00 +0000 Marshall,

Thank you for a very comprehensive review with descriptions that I had not thought of. You have accurately protrated the Christine Reference Preamplifier as having 90% of the price go towards sound rather then looks, although I would say it still does look stately and elegant.

The display is large and well liked by the folks in the large room. I always had a difficult time reading a display hence my decision to have this large display. It dims or turns off when not in use - user configuration, and the bright setting has 10 levels for your convenience.

The current input is displayed at the touch of a button and is left out to keep the looks and display clean.

I had described the "soft landing" as simply non fatiguing which is what all the testers have described it as.

Many thanks for your efforts in reviewing choice equipment and your marvelous selection of music also.

FYI - email is [email protected] - the n is missing.
Price is $12,400.



By: HJC001 Sat, 14 Jan 2017 22:25:00 +0000 Nice writing. I like how the author got right into details without neglecting context. Also, good pics. Though I'd like to also see pics of the "guts", i understand issues of getting support from manufacturers for this. Clean solder, neat wiring, symmetry, overall attention to details of construction are borderline euphoric for me.
