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Bob Levi Quickies: Bybee, UIT, and Pro-Ject

11-18-2017 | By Robert H. Levi | Issue 94

Plug-In Speaker Bullets (Crystal Series)

The very cool looking Bybee Bullets, handmade to perfection of aluminum, gold, and other special metals, are Jack Bybee's best efforts and thinking in decades. Easy to install by just attaching the wire spade to the bullet, the integrated banana plug then fits securely into the speaker post. Jack Bybee feels that banana plugs are the best connection device out there, with the lowest distortion. He also thinks that that spades are the worst! 

The Bybee's clean up Y= 1/F distortion. Good to know. They also affect the warmth and tone of the music due to the metals employed. They do not filter anything in the audible range or affect volume. Subjectively, the presentation feels a bit louder and more dynamic. Slam is slightly enhanced, as is snap. Clarity is the big winner here, particularly if your source and amps are first-rate. 

On my Marten Duke2 Speakers, the drive and aliveness of the vocals was enhanced. Female vocals were a bit sexier and appealing. Words were clearer. Separation was more dramatic and the instruments in front seemed closer to me. The bass response was definitely more controlled. The new Bullets are not sonically subtle, so be prepared to hear nuances and slam that were previously obscured. 

The New Bybee Speaker Bullets are Jack's most expensive effort, too. They will be available at dealers everywhere and should be acquired with a money-back guarantee in case they are not your cup of tea. I like this tea a lot, and am drinking heartily! Well done Jack Bybee!

Plug-In Speaker Bullets (Crystal Series)

Retail: $5600 per set of four


Unique Innovation Technology UIT Perfect Music Purifier Digital Cable Series S/PDIF, RCA/RCA

There is not a lot of call right now for S/PDIF digital cables with the USB revolution at hand, but I do have two components that still need them. They are my Alesis Masterlink, and my Pioneer LD/DVD Player. I have half of my cable closet filled with brands of digital cables, with the most notable being the Kimber D-60, Black Cat, and the Kubala-Sosna Elation S/PDIF. I even have a homemade silver wire using antique silver. I have AQ, Wireworld, Straight Wire, Monster, and several that I can no longer even read the name. Maybe Theta...remember them?

Then along comes UIT with their beautiful-looking digital cable fitted with their PMP module a midships. I have a UIT USB coming for review, so this was an interesting peek at Mitch Ko's ability to improve the digital signal. I discussed the module and wire Ko invented in my previous two UIT reviews, and am enjoying 15 meters of selected UIT interconnects in my two reference systems right now. They gently kiss the state of the art and sell for peanuts. (Note that these are only sold direct.)

The UIT S/PDIF obliterated all the other digital cables' performance, except for that of the $3000 Kubala-Sosna Elation!. Those other brands and formulations sounded BROKEN compared to the UIT. I heard 25-30% more overall definition, smoother, more musical sound, less edge, deeper tighter bass, bigger deeper soundstage, less ringing around high notes, and a more tape-like sound quality.

The UIT and Elation! were much closer. They were equally rich and natural sounding with similar smoothness. They were close in overall definition. Bass and dynamics were well done. The Elation! retained a bit of tininess on the highs; the UIT did not. The Elation! showed a touch of strain in the mids and brought out a bit of sibilance in female vocals; the UIT did not. Overall, the UIT was more enjoyable and relaxed with all types of music, retaining the highest definition, and virtually eliminating digititus

The UIT at $490 meter vs Elation! at $3000 meter makes for an extremely easy recommendation for the UIT digital wire. I dare say that if the UIT had existed in the '90s, the heyday of S/PDIF, no one would have bothered to produce today's unwieldy digital plugs. As terrific as the UIT technology is with interconnects, it is just that terrific with digital!

Coming soon, the UIT USB Premier Review! Meanwhile, you need S/PDIF cable? Problem solved. My highest recommendation is for the UIT digital cable. Amazing.

UIT Perfect Music Purifier Digital Cable Series S/PDIF, RCA/RCA

Retail: $490 one meter, other lengths available, sold direct.

Unique Innovation Technology



Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB Top-grade turntable with 9" EVO tonearm, in olive wood finish

I won this handsome inexpensive turntable combo in a Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society raffle about a year ago. I got lucky! There are a lot of models made by Pro-Ject, so I cannot be 100% sure you can still get this exactly...but you can get one very close. Made in Slovenia, the TT has impressive fit and finish (even the bottom underneath is veneered,) an ultra quiet motor with strong torque, and a solid platter with a non-resonant top made of melted vinyl! It runs right on speed at 33/45, has limited sorbothane suspension (better than none,) good feet, Lucite top, quality wiring and a built-in well-designed junction box terminated in RCA connectors and ground, plus—and I left this for last—a 9-inch tonearm that outperforms the arm provided by Rega, Thorens, and VPI for their similarly-priced table combos. It comes with a disposable cartridge, which I promptly I disposed of. 

I first installed the Koetsu Rosewood Signature which performed exceedingly well, then replaced it with the killer Stein Adventurin V6, a $6500 modified Benz LPS. I used the $6500 E.A.R. 324 Phono Stage and the Wywires Gold Phono Cable. In all of this, I heard not a hint of hum. 

The supplied Model 9 arm is aluminum-wrapped in carbon fiber, and is one piece in construction. It appears medium mass, has silver clad wiring, elegant construction, allows for easy tracking force adjustment, good anti-skate adjustment, VTA, SRA, and easy height adjustment. It is more flexible than all its competitors upwards of $2000, just for the arm. It tracks even the worst warps with cartridges from 1.5 to 2.5 grams force. It has additional counterweights available for a huge $30 each. Oh yes, it has an excellent cueing lever built in.

And the sound? (From my notes)

Open, airy, powerful, musical, wide/deep, fast, luscious, extremely detailed, precisely imaged, bass to die for, in total control, smooth, relaxed, free of artifacts, and accurate cueing.

One would have to spend at least $2500 on the Pro-Ject that has the similar, but longer 10-inch arm, beefier platter, and exotic speed control to further max out LPs. Sumiko is the USA distributor for these Slovenian masterpieces. They need to do a better job of putting them in the hands of reviewers, though.

I will be clear. You buy the $1500 Thorens or $1500 VPI Scout (which is now $2100) or the similar Rega model, you get a non-adjustable tone arm on a less quiet table. This is not recipe for analog goodness with anything resembling a fine cartridge. To Pro-Ject, the 2experience, I give my top, ultra-high value performance recommendation. What a deal!

Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB

Retail: $1500 (advertised as low as $1195)

Sumiko, USA

