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Acoustical Systems Archon Improved MC Cartridge

01-14-2025 | By Robert H. Levi | Issue 137

I love reviewing phono cartridges. In my incredibly neutral Helius Omega Tonearm, for example, they dramatically reveal either error or truth, thin or full textures, and the recording or the performance.

Michael Fremer and Bob Levi at the LAOC Audio Society Board dinner, 2024  (photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson)

The Acoustical Systems Archon is this Bavarian company's lesser expensive MC cartridge at $4500 retail but has benefited from its big brother's technology quite handsomely. Designed by the brilliant Dietrich Brakemeier, managing director of the company, he revealed in person at a LA&OC Audio Society presentation in Los Angeles, an event at Sunny's Audio Video, his dedication to discovering the most revealing LP playback possible. He uses the master tape as his reference. With flawless English, this audiophile genius, examines every tiny element in phono reproduction and seeks a real science-based solution.

He says he has determined the perfect size of a stylus and has it made by craftsmen in Japan, most of which are discarded as not quite right. These perfect styli go on the Palladian X.O., his top of the line cartridge. Dietrich has determined the exact distance a stylus should penetrate an LP groove and designed the stylus accordingly. A similar stylus, but not the perfect one due to cost, goes on the Archon.

I looked at the Palladium at the presentation and could not see the stylus with my reading glasses. It looked like a cantilever minus a stylus. It played gorgeously, however. The Archon review sample, #229, also appeared to be minus a stylus. Thankfully, George Counnas, the phono expert and manufacturer of Zesto Audio, mounted and adjusted the cartridge. I took a picture with my Iphone and blew it up to see the stylus. Amazing. 

Revised Archon Specifications

  • Time-aligned MC cartridge
  • Special dampened Timet 1100 corpus (made from a solid block of a titanium alloy and liquid damped internally)
  • .5 mV output
  • silver coils
  • 6 ohms source
  • 100-200 Ohms load (I preferred 200 Ohms)
  • 1.7-1.8 VTF (I preferred 1.8 grams)
  • Made in Bavaria, Germany
  • Distributed in U.S.A. Exclusively by Matterhorn Distribution

You will notice that in addition to a unique stylus the Archon has liquid damping internally. I have never heard of this before and consider it part of the Archon's extraordinary realism. Also interesting is the use of a coated aluminum cantilever that is also quite special, being strong and delicate all at the same time. There are other revised internal features reducing the loading of the Archon that improve performance. 

The System Used for this Review

  • Helius Omega Tonearms (2)
  • E.A.R. Disc Master Magnetic Drive Turntable
  • Jorma Origo Tonearm Cables
  • Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage via XLR UITaudio Interconnects
  • Zesto Audio Leto Ultra Preamplifier via XLR UITaudio Interconnects
  • E.A.R. 890 Amplifiers (2) in mono via Jorma Origo Speaker Wires
  • Marten Bird Loudspeakers
  • Power Cords all UITaudio.com Perfect Music Booster Active Power Cables

The Performance

After 75 hours of playback time, I began serious listening. The first special performance feature I noticed was the dramatically black background of the performance. Images popped from the background and foreground with similar solidity as one might hear in a live setting. 

I have a reference cartridge three times the cost of the Archon that offers about 10% more textural imaging but that is about it. The Archon is quieter, faster, and more realistic than anything in my system to date. It just plays music more like a live performance. Mellifluous to the max, I have trouble understanding how a $4500 cartridge performs to this extreme. 

The Archon does not sound like a typical moving coil design. There is no etch or crispness at all. Even the dynamic attack is more elegant. If anything, I would have said it was a moving magnet with that solid timbre and slightly warm personality. I cannot but conclude that the special characteristics of the Archon are based on the slightly higher output, minute stylus, and unique liquid damping. Plus, additional smoothness might be accounted for by the titanium body and coated cantilever. It may be all of the above.

The bass is very detailed and deep with very fine slam, though not quite the equal of the top MC's. It blends seamlessly into the mids with excellent continuity. The Archon mids are top-notch in every way. They offer a reach-out and touch it liveliness that only the very best cartridges can exceed. The highs are silky and very nearly perfect. Just wait until you hear vocals with this cartridge. The singers have spatial cues 360 degrees around them! 

The extremely black background affects the high-band the most. The Archon actually sounds a bit rolled on the top until a cymbal or high hat is struck. The right hand of the piano comes from some invisible place that is most thrilling. I had no idea my tube front end was that quiet. I blamed the components for the lack of a black background with MC cartridges.

Recordings of Note

Miles Davis, Kind of Blue, UHQR 0004-45, clear vinyl pressing. This 45 RPM edition is made from the work parts of Classic Records and engineered by Bernie Grundman. This is a very good thing as Bernie had the actual master tape of the performance to cut from. Today, Sony supplies a copy they produced on heaven knows what tape deck. Of course, Chad Kassem's  LP pressing facilities are superior to RTI 25 years ago so this edition is the best available probably for all time. With the Archon, you hear every little bit of strain and crackle Miles Davis delivered. All of the instruments soar. You hear the space around the performers and a solid double bass in the center. I never heard this great LP set sound better. My reference cartridge played warmer and chubbier. The Archon made the studio a part of the listening room. 

Getz/Gilberto, Impex IMP6041-1, 45 RPM One Step Production. Bob Donnelly produced this set for Impex and he has impeccable taste. Recorded at 30 IPS and with the master in hand, he produced the ultimate version of this wonderful recording engineered by Bernie Grundman. This recording was supposed to be a three-track 15 IPS tape recording. It was so good during rehearsal, that  Phil Ramone independently decided to go to 30 IPS to get more air and definition. Great move. The A&M Studios had the very best microphones money could buy in 1963: Sony C37s and Neumann U47s! 

Everyone wants to hear Astrud Gilberto sing on this album and with the Archon playing you will not be disappointed. She floats in space two feet or so behind the right speaker in a place all her own. You may walk over and say hello. What a gorgeous lifelike sound as the Archon misses nothing.  It is different from my reference cartridge which places her closer to the speaker and makes her voice a bit heavier. In my opinion, the Archon is more correct. As this was her very first recording, I bet dollars to donuts that she stood somewhat back from the microphone. Just my opinion folks.

Kenny Dorham, Matador, Impex Records IMP-6042. Produced from the master tapes, Bob Donnelly again shows his superior tastes as he produced a killer jazz album. Side two is a tracking test for cartridges. Dorham's trumpet hits notes at FFF in ways that shatter glass if not properly tracked. Tracking is everything at 33.3 RPM on big dynamic swings and this album has some of the biggest! The Archon behaved as predicted. Its tiny stylus got well into the grooves and refused to misfire. Fantastic! 

I discovered that keeping the Archon's tiny stylus nice and clean was important. It is so small it can clog up quickly if the LP is not really clean. I recommend the DS Audio, ST 50 cleaner from Musical Surroundings after each LP. A quick brushing is not enough. The DS Audio is the best I have used in 65 years of playing LP's on all of my cartridges in rotation, MM, MI, and MC.

Schubert Unfinished, Reiner/Chicago Symphony, RCA LSC-2516. This is a beautiful original I found sealed recently at Deadly Wax in LA. I grabbed it fast and I was not disappointed. The moodiness of the gorgeous melodies of the Unfinished is truly beautiful with the Archon. The violins are texturally spot on and the entire orchestra is exquisitely realistic. From ceiling to floor and wall to wall, the spacious hall comes to life. I played it twice with the Archon and was fully engrossed both times. 

Chabrier Espana, Paray/Detroit, Mercury SR-90212, new reissue from Decca Records. One has to play a Mercury to see how a cartridge behaves and I was not disappointed! The Archon had no trouble with the fabulous Mercury sound and played right through the bombast and unfiltered highs. I loved every minute of it. Yes, the highs were a bit squeally but that's the way it was my friends and Robert Fine preserved it all. The Archon did not obscure anything and managed the really beautiful mids and lows very musically right. 


Be sure your Archon purchase is from Matterhorn Distribution or you will not get the newly revised Archon Cartridge. There are versions offered by another company that are refurbished or older models at low prices. Matterhorn information is below. Keep the stylus clean but do not be a fanatic. This is good practice with any cartridge. Do not panic if you cannot see the stylus. It is there and will last indefinitely like any diamond. 


The Acoustical Systems Archon Improved MC Cartridge sure blew me away. It has a timbre that is most real and alive like you are present in the hall or studio, not at home. I have heard this with other cartridges on some recordings some of the time, but nowhere as often as with the Archon. This is a moving coil cartridge with a medium output that just maximizes your phono stage. It has the blackest quietest background I have heard, or not heard, to date. This enhances overall definition and realism.

It is a very strong tracker and happy in any medium mass tonearm. It was perfection in my Helius Omega Tonearm. It is superior to all cartridges I know of under $6,000, and sets a new standard for MC cartridges in this price range. It is loaded with unique features to enhance performance, including internal liquid damping!

I am truly amazed and gobsmacked by its performance and realism so I bought the review sample for comparison to future MC offerings at any price. Obviously, I recommend you consider the Acoustical Systems Archon MC Improved if the price is within your budget.

I loved it. 

Acoustical Systems Archon MC Cartridge

Retail: $4500

Matterhorn Distribution

1370 Cypress St. Suite D, E

Covina, CA 91724 USA


[email protected]

Contact: Sunil Merchant

All photographs by Bob Levi, unless otherwise noted or cover images.