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Industry Partners

Aavik Acoustics https://audiogroupdenmark.com/aavik-acoustics/
At Aavik Acoustics we manufacture Audio electronic components. Our line of products consists of several types of amplifiers, digital/analog converters, phono stages and streamers. All our components set new standards for the quality of high-end music reproduction.

Aavik draws upon an extensive knowledge base in the field of audio engineering.

We equip the Aavik series with a wide range of audio technologies, and we have tapped into the sonic properties of a new, natural-based composite material for the cabinets which have unlocked a new audio potential, inspired by the design and construction of traditional musical instruments.

With the launch of the new series, Aavik also intends to better align high-end musical performance with individual listening preferences. By bringing down the noise floor, Aavik has further expanded the dynamic scale of music. Even the finest nuances of musical details are now projected onto a larger sound stage with an extremely quiet background.

We employ the noise-cancelling technologies from our sister company, Ansuz-acoustics. All series are equipped with Tesla coils, dither circuitry and anti-aerial resonance coils which secure an unconstrained signal flow.

Ansuz-, Aavik- and Børresen Acoustics were founded by Lars Kristensen and Michael Børresen. These three brands share a common DNA and audio philosophy that has evolved from many years of collaboration. At the end of 2020, Audio Group Denmark was established acting as the umbrella company for all three brands.

We bring people closer to the music by creating access to great, authentic, and emotional musical experiences. We believe that everybody deserves these kinds of moments.
We feel strongly committed to that wonderful and exciting passion for high-end music. This makes us persistently strive for the ultimate in pristine sound quality. It is this unadulterated musical experience that we want to share with the rest of the world.

Our overriding goal has therefore always been to develop sophisticated HiFi equipment which offers an unrivalled musical authenticity. To achieve this, it is imperative to take a hands-off approach and let the music unfold itself absolutely freely, without any constraint. We firmly believe that, in our quest to unlock the full acoustic potential of music, we have so far only begun to scratch the surface. Beneath that surface, there still lies a vast, yet unchartered area, just waiting to be discovered for the benefit of outstanding musical authenticity. We are convinced that natural curiosity and an open-minded willingness to break new ground are the best way to accomplish this goal.

Acoustic Sounds store.acousticsounds.com
Your place for music and equipment!

AGD Productions www.agdproductions.com
At AGD Productions we have always been driven by the passion to merge perfection and beauty in the art of audio reproduction. Our new "Vivace" Monoblock amplifier is the result of the long journey begun some years ago. We love to blend avant-garde industrial design and leading-edge power electronics into unique hi-end audio products that deliver unprecedented, sublime audio reproduction experience. The AGD Vivace Monoblock is the most advanced hi-end power amplifier in the market. It is the first to use the unique GaNtube™ technology with Gallium Nitride power-stage integrated in a vacuum tube.

Amherst Audio www.amherstaudio.com
Amherst Audio is about one music lover-audiophile's search for the "whole" sound of music. featuring Audio Note, Blue Circle, Manley Labs, JM Reynaud, TG Audio, Elrod, and Audience.

Ansuz Acoustics https://audiogroupdenmark.com/ansuz-acoustics/
Ansuz Acoustic products provide the foundation that can greatly enhance the performance of any audio system. Our line of products consists of high-end cables, power distributors, streaming assessors and resonance controlling devices.

The key endeavor of this entire range of products has always been to effectively bring down the disturbing noise floor in any audio system without compromising the spectrum of natural tones or manipulating the authentic uniqueness of the dynamics, energy, or soundstage of the music.

This was the catalyst for Ansuz to embark on a completely new technological path using the untapped potential of various types of sophisticated coil and dither technologies to suppress the interfering noise disturbances through specific countermeasures.

Ansuz’s pioneering approach in noise cancellation and signal distribution does not only enhance the blackness and dynamics in the audio performance but also opens a gateway for the more subtle and refined elements of music to fully unfold.

Ansuz-, Aavik- and Børresen Acoustics were founded by Lars Kristensen and Michael Børresen. These three brands share a common DNA and audio philosophy that has evolved from many years of collaboration. At the end of 2020, Audio Group Denmark was established acting as the umbrella company for all three brands.

We bring people closer to the music by creating access to great, authentic, and emotional musical experiences. We believe that everybody deserves these kinds of moments. We feel strongly committed to that wonderful and exciting passion for high-end music. This makes us persistently strive for the ultimate in pristine sound quality. It is this unadulterated musical experience that we want to share with the rest of the world.

Our overriding goal has therefore always been to develop sophisticated HiFi equipment which offers an unrivalled musical authenticity. To achieve this, it is imperative to take a hands-off approach and let the music unfold itself absolutely freely, without any constraint. We firmly believe that, in our quest to unlock the full acoustic potential of music, we have so far only begun to scratch the surface. Beneath that surface, there still lies a vast, yet unchartered area, just waiting to be discovered for the benefit of outstanding musical authenticity. We are convinced that natural curiosity and an open-minded willingness to break new ground are the best way to accomplish this goal.

Audience https://audience-av.com
Audience is a highly respected American design company whose objective is to build the finest possible high performance audio components. Audience is not another "me too" company. It is a leader and trend setter in its unique approach to product design, execution and craftsmanship. Audience is also respected for its business integrity and dedication to its customers. Every employee at Audience strives to improve and push the limits of technology while embracing the human element in all that they do.

Audionet http://en.audionet.de
The most secret weapon of true audio connoisseurs, Audionet is a brain child of German scientists from Ruhr University, Bochum. Bringing you high performance machines which have consistently been rated to be among the five leading brands in the world by the editor-in-chief of this venerable site. Which makes us very proud and grateful indeed. Just come to AXPONA, CES, the Munich High-End Show, RMAF, or the LA Audio Show and listen. You'll find the "Best Sound" awards for those shows on our website, and on Facebook, too.

Audiophileusa.com   www.audiophileusa.com

AudiophileUSA.com has been a trusted cornerstone for audio enthusiasts for over 30 years. Dedicated to the art of sound, we’ve crafted a customer-first online platform offering vinyl records that meet the highest audiophile standards. Sourced from top-tier distributors and trusted audiophile collectors, our records are carefully curated to enhance your listening experience. From rare and exotic collectibles to the latest audiophile pressings, our catalog is updated daily to satisfy your passion for music.  At AudiophileUSA, we’re more than a record store – we’re your partner in preserving and celebrating the art of audio. If you'd like to talk with us, please call 657-298-3003. 

Audio Ultra www.audio-ultra.com
By scheduling an appointment, hear what World Class Brands Audio-Ultra has to offer in its well-appointed listening rooms. We are Customer-Driven, Value-Spoken, and Music-Loving Audiophiles.

Digital Source: Aurender, Berkeley, CH Precision, Ideon, and WADAX
Analog Source: Dohmann Audio, Kuzma, and Ortofon
Speakers: Magico, and Von Schweikert
Amplification: CH Precision, Constellation, and WestminsterLab
Performance Accessories: Audioquest, Critical Mass Systems, Furutech, SOtM, Stillpoints
Power: Audio-Ultra, and StromTank

Aural Symphonics www.auralsymphonics.com
Aural Symphonics is designed, manufactured, sourced, and distributed with pride from the United States of America. Since the introduction of our products in the 1980s our need to introduce extensive product changes does not happen very often because we believe that product line stability is pivotal to maintaining our customers' investment in Aural Symphonics. The performance and engineering incorporated in to our cable line has been and continues to be state of the art, which is years ahead of the competition. In current cable fashion, the competitive and crowded cable market shows very little excellence in design. The expense and production implications of constant partial to full-line upgrade seemed unwarranted to us given the historic advancements we have made with our focus on products for power, digital, optical, audio and video. Aural Symphonics takes pride from building things, not confronting other companies' designs.

AV RoomService, Ltd. www.avroomservice.com
Acoustical and electrical design, acoustic testing, design, modeling, and products for noise control and sound quality.

Ayon Audio USA www.ayonaudiousa.com
Manufacturers for over 30 years of vacuum tube amplifiers, integrated amplifiers, tube DACs, tube network streamers, tube preamplifiers, tube CD players, tube SET amplifiers, & high-efficiency speakers & high-performance cables. Lumenwhite loudspeakers—instrument-grade loudspeakers with cost-no-object materials. BBS Audio Rack Systems—Made in the USA—aircraft-grade aluminum, stainless steel support architecture. Absolute vibration control.

Børresen Acoustics https://audiogroupdenmark.com/boerresen-acoustics/
All Børresen loudspeakers in all the series share the same audio characteristics: An unprecedented musical authenticity, absolutely balanced and very natural in sound. The higher series offer even greater midrange clarity, a deeper bass response and an amazingly holistic, authentic soundstage.
Børresen Acoustics offers two different speaker series: the 0-Series and the Z-Series.

When we embarked on the endeavor to create the ultimate loudspeaker, we set ourselves some overriding goals: Reengineering the driver technology, optimizing the crossover, bringing inductance down to the absolute minimum, and providing the loudspeakers with the best mechanical grounding and resonance control.

From the impressive compact speakers to the top-of-the-line floor-standing models, all Børresen speakers are unique, in that they represent a quantum leap in speaker technology and incorporate fundamentally new and patented technologies.

The distinctive shape of the speakers combines acoustic intent with a distinctive Scandinavian design that blends beautifully with the décor of any home.

Ansuz-, Aavik- and Børresen Acoustics were founded by Lars Kristensen and Michael Børresen. These three brands share a common DNA and audio philosophy that has evolved from many years of collaboration. At the end of 2020, Audio Group Denmark was established acting as the umbrella company for all three brands.

We bring people closer to the music by creating access to great, authentic, and emotional musical experiences. We believe that everybody deserves these kinds of moments.

We feel strongly committed to that wonderful and exciting passion for high-end music. This makes us persistently strive for the ultimate in pristine sound quality. It is this unadulterated musical experience that we want to share with the rest of the world.

Our overriding goal has therefore always been to develop sophisticated HiFi equipment which offers an unrivalled musical authenticity. To achieve this, it is imperative to take a hands-off approach and let the music unfold itself absolutely freely, without any constraint. We firmly believe that, in our quest to unlock the full acoustic potential of music, we have so far only begun to scratch the surface. Beneath that surface, there still lies a vast, yet unchartered area, just waiting to be discovered for the benefit of outstanding musical authenticity. We are convinced that natural curiosity and an open-minded willingness to break new ground are the best way to accomplish this goal.

Carbide Audio https://carbide.audio
Superlative vibration control products for audio. Designed and manufactured in the USA.

Cardas Audio www.cardas.com
Cardas' cable design incorporates patented, Golden Ratio, Constant Q, Cross-Field, pure copper Litz, conductor technology.

Coherence Systems/ADD-POWR www.add-powr.com
Coherence Systems manufactures and markets ADD-POWR products in the USA. ADD-POWR™ is the brand name for a line of harmonic resonator products offered to the discriminating high-end audio/video systems customer. ADD-POWR™ is Algorithm Digital Defined Power—an energy reference technology designed to optimize electronic signals. Utilizing principles of the Fourier harmonic series, resonance, and digital electronics, we offer products designed to "tune" or harmonize, and thereby increase the energy of audio, video, data, and power signals and systems.

Critical Mass Systems www.criticalmasssystems.com
Critical Mass Systems produces precision component support systems for fine audio equipment.

Crux Audio www.sotm-usa.com
Crux Audio was founded by Miki and Kamal in October 2013. We specialize in bringing quality sound equipment to our online customers. With internationally-recognized brands such as SOtM, Valvet, Exogal, Holo Audio, and Vovox, our HiFi audio products are designed to enhance your overall sound experience. Our website is www.cruxaudio.com, or you can also purchase SOtM products from www.sotm-usa.com. Kamal handles all of the orders and questions personally. Miki provides administration support to the business as needed and lends her graphic design and marketing to the overall effort. You can reach us directly at [email protected], [email protected] or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cruxaudio. We look forward to hearing from you!

DEQX www.deqx.com
DEQX for audiophiles. Loudspeakers, because of their uncompensated mechanics, introduce the vast majority of errors and distortion that are heard in our audio systems, and as such, any major improvement we can make to their native (anechoic) performance is likely to be overwhelmingly more beneficial to the listener than whatever else can be improved in the audio chain.

Döhmann Audio www.dohmannaudio.com
Inspired by the unique vision of audio designer Mark Döhmann, Döhmann Audio leads a no-hold-barred assault on what is possible in contemporary audio turntable and tonearm design. Acknowledging the legendary pioneers that have come before us, we look forward and strive to create the most advanced analog audio systems available today. Incorporating state-of-the-art technologies that have previously never been applied to audio, we create heirloom quality industry works of art that aim to give our customers the ultimate enjoyment of their record collection.

Double Helix Cables www.doublehelixcables.com
Since 2009, Double Helix Cables has been at the forefront of innovation in the headphone, IEM, and home audio cable industry. We pioneered the use of OCC silver and copper litz in personal audio, setting many of today's cable standards. Our mission is to explore the upper limits of headphone and speaker performance, driven by our personal passion for audio excellence. Each of our custom cables is meticulously handmade to meet the unique needs of our customers' systems, ensuring unparalleled quality and performance.

DS Audio www.ds-audio-w.biz
Creating the future of analog music.

Our brand concept is "Creating the future of analog music." This brand concept is the most important thing, and all decisions are made based on whether they align with this concept.

Therefore, we do not conduct market research or other activities during product development. We make a simple decision: if it contributes to creating the future of analog music, we proceed with development. If we had conducted market research on customer preferences for record needles, the result might have been "we want better MC cartridges."

We have developed products such as the optical cartridge and eccentricity detection stabilizer, even without knowing if there is a market for them because we truly believed that these products would contribute to creating the future of analog music.

Of course, a certain level of sales is necessary for running the company. What is important here is that sales are a result of creating outstanding products, and we must not develop solely products for the purpose of generating sales. The relationship between products and sales may seem trivial, but it is crucial. If we get this order wrong, the entire company will move in the wrong direction (eg, creating imitation products, compromising quality for cheaper production, and so on).

For a company with strong brand power, even if we create trivial products, customers who believe in our brand may purchase them in the short term, making it appear as though everything is going well. If we continue such practices, customers will inevitably leave us in the long run.

Considering whether we need to exist in the market in the first place and why we are able to exist, it is without a doubt that DS Audio exists because many customers believe in DS Audio's concept and purchase our products. And these customers should not expect DS Audio to develop cheap copy products with no novelty.

In order to not betray the expectations of such customers, DS Audio will remain faithful to the concept of "Creating the future of analog music" and continue to make efforts every day to create exceptional products that do not currently exist in the world.

CEO of DS Audio, Tetsuaki Aoyagi

Evolution Acoustics www.evolutionacoustics.com

Natural. Transparent. Holographic.

Established in 2004 Evolution Acoustics represents over four decades of audio engineering knowledge from the brightest minds in the industry. Each model undergoes years of testing before ever reaching the market to ensure greatest performance and value, whether you own the first pair or the 1000th. All aspects are painstakingly researched and analyzed to produce incredible micro and macro dynamic performance as well as the highest level of clarity. Evolution Acoustics loudspeakers and cables are designed, engineered, handcrafted, and assembled in the USA.

Natural. Ultra-wide bandwidth and flat frequency response with vanishingly low distortion, supported by uniquely deep bass output and housed in non-resonant CAMDEL enclosures.

Transparent. Leading edge proprietary transducers filtered through EXACT series crossovers, are directly connected to amplifier outputs devoid of signal path network parts, erasing speaker artifacts through distortion node suppression with surprising output sensitivity.

Holographic. Seamless fidelity of time and phase coherence with wide dynamic range, presented through a unique soundstage created by narrow baffle width and controlled dispersion, producing a hologram facsimile with loudspeaker disappearance and point source imaging.

Value. Genuine cost development with no artificial pricing structure or added marketing expense, ensuring all products can be compared to any speaker or cable at any price.

Finest Fidelity www.finestfidelity.net
Distributor for Wolf Audio Systems products. Overture Audio Video, Stereo Unlimited, Galen Carol Audio, Music Lovers, Elusive Disc, The Needle Doctor.

Focal Naim America https://focalnaimamerica.com/
Focal Naim America is a North American distributor where the excellence of audio design meets the passion for music, creating an unequalled sonic experience. Our history is reflected in the collaboration of two audio industry icons, Focal & Naim, who have combined their strengths to offer you a unified and unparalleled sonic experience.

Our philosophy is very simple: exceptional people build exceptional products. Our brands represent a very clear concept of hard work and unwavering integrity on the part of those who design and build them, and we are proud to support their efforts.

In addition, our dealer partners represent the finest examples in home audio, home automation, custom installation and customer service in North America. They are an extension of our passion to create an exceptional experience that surpasses your expectations and are available to show you how new products and technologies can greatly enhance your quality of life.

Furutech Co., Ltd. www.furutech.com
Make more powerful connections with Furutech! Combining engineering prowess and leading edge materials science, like 2-Stage Alpha Cryogenic and Demagnetizing Treatment to all metal parts before manufacture. Cables and power distribution/filtering components feature Formula GC-303 EMI-absorbent material and Axial Locking System for the tightest connections!

Genesis Advanced Technologies www.genesisloudspeakers.com
Nothing beats the experience of a live performance—whether music, theater, or the latest blockbuster movie. What if your sound system could transport the live event right into your room in crisp detail—capturing everything from the emotions of the performers, to the ambiance of the location—rather than merely reproduce the sounds?

At Genesis Loudspeakers, we live to do just that. Our audio systems transport you in time and space, with all the excitement and goose bumps of being there, as if it is happening all around you.

Genesis Advanced Technologies continues the legacy of the original Genesis Technologies founded by Arnie Nudell in 1991. Built on an exemplary foundation, advancing with the latest innovations in materials and technology for absolute fidelity®.

Gingko Audio www.gingkoaudio.com
Gingko Audio manufactures award-winning high-performance audio products that make your audio system look and sound like a million. Products include DanaCable, ClaraVu acrylic dust covers, patented Cloud vibration control platforms, ClaraVu loudspeakers, and Platformula racks and stands.

Gold Note www.goldnote.it
Gold Note is the Italian High-End audio manufacturer founded in Firenze, Italy, by Maurizio Aterini in 2012. Still based in the Tuscan countryside, all the products are designed, engineered and made in Italy by hand thanks to skillful artisans and talented engineers to bring you the best listening pleasure. Gold Note is committed to delivering the emotion of music through innovative technology, beautiful materials, and Italian design.

GTT Audio www.gttaudio.com
GTT Audio is America's Foremost High End Audio Dealer who continually finds and brings to market the world's finest audio equipment. GTT has been responsible for making a market on top ranking high-end brands such as; Air Tight, ASR, Kharma, Kuzma, Kubala-Sosna, Lamm, MBL, Tenor and most recently Soulution, Veloce, and YG Acoustic.

Hana www.hanacartridges.com
In 2015, Hiroshi Ishihara was very fortunate to once again meet Masao Okada-san, founder of Excel Sound, who he had the pleasure of knowing for almost 40 years. Founded in 1970, Excel has produced OEM phono cartridges for many famous brands. With the renewed interest in LP playback, Okada-san developed the HANA line of moving coil cartridges for our exclusive export. We are privileged to be partners with Excel Sound and without our long-standing friendship, HANA moving coil cartridges would never have been launched.

The first Hana cartridges were the E and S series, affordable low and high output moving coil cartridges using Elliptical and Shibata styli, handmade in Japan. In 2018, the M series was introduced, using a Micro-line styli and an innovative body material POM for the housing. The ML low output model has become the best selling model in the line. The Umami series was introduced in 2020, starting with the Umami Red. The Umami Way was Hana's Master cartridge designer Masao Okada-san combining traditional Japanese techniques with modern audio engineering to create a sum greater than its parts. The Umami Blue, introduced in 2023, furthered this quality by combining key aspects of the Umami Red with the ALNICO generator of the Hana ML.

The HANA "brilliant and gorgeous" sound is globally available to all music lovers, without an extreme financial burden on your equipment budget. Indeed, a HANA purchase allows you to buy more of your favorite vinyl records—which is the real reason for buying a good phono cartridge in the first place!

High Definition Tape Transfers www.highdeftapetransfers.com
We have been converting analog music to high-resolution digital formats for over a decade, and we are sure that as an audiophile and music lover you will be impressed, delighted, and even astonished by the rare recordings offered by High Definition Tape Transfers. In fact, we're confident that they will do nothing less than redefine what you think is possible from the much-maligned compact disc!

JENA Labs www.jenalabs.com
JENA Labs is a manufacturer of custom-designed and custom-built high-end products. Based in Oregon, USA, we produce power cables and power distribution systems, power conditioners, interconnects of all kinds and to both standard and custom lengths (all cryo-treated), system tweaks and enhancements, preamps, power amps, tubed gear of all kinds, and custom high-end loudspeaker designs. Additionally, we do custom upgrading and modifications to various kinds of audio components. JENA Labs has been in business for many years, and represents the highest level of audio knowledge and understanding about numerous aspects of audio. See our Website for details on how to contact us with your next audio project!

KECES Audio www.kecesaudio.com 
Our vision is to continually develop a full product line of audio equipment that will meet the needs and tastes of audiophiles nowadays. In addition, we will make our high-end HiFi company KECES Audio as accessible as possible to every audiophile at a reasonable and affordable price, as we want HiFi music to be an art enjoyable and friendly at the same time. Life is a journey to be explored and experienced, and we hope the music always accompanies you on your journey.

Kimber Kable www.kimber.com
In the mid 70s Ray Kimber worked at a sound and lighting company in Los Angeles. The first big discotheques were being installed at that time. Traditionally sound and lighting systems were not installed right next to each other, nor did lighting systems ever have such an array of noise generating fixtures, such as strobes and other flashing and dimmable lights. But in a discotheque the lights and speakers are installed next to each other. The speaker cable was acting as an antenna array and bringing noise from the lights into the sound system.

In an attempt to solve the problem they encased the speaker cable in a steel conduit. This did help with the noise, but it also had the unintended result of lowering the fidelity of the audio. This happened because the steel conduit interacted with the magnetic field of the speaker cable. Ray had the idea of some counter-rotating sets of conductors to cancel the magnetic interaction effect, but then also surmised that the counter-rotating sets of conductors would likely not pick up noise even without the conduit. He was correct, the noise was greatly reduced! But, Ray was also quite surprised at the difference in perceived audio quality. It was that discovery of noise elimination and improved fidelity that set him on the path to develop cable designs.

To his great satisfaction the finalized version of his braided wire concept not only rejected the (RF) noise, but allowed the system to sound different, better. It was after this period of discovery that Ray decided to take a risk and began entertaining the idea of selling his new discoveries. He hit the road with a few spools of cable and some modest test equipment. He first showed that there was a testable difference in cables and then would do a simple "before and after" test, replacing regular speaker cables with Kimber Kable. For these tests Ray would choose the most modest system in the dealer showroom.

The result was very obvious—it made a significant difference. Over the years Ray would continue to test various metals as conductors, assorted manufacturing protocols, assorted stranding sizes, different twist lengths and insulation, as well as methods for adhering insulation to cable. All the time improving, modifying, and expanding upon his original cable concept and design.

KRONOS Audio www.kronosaudio.com 
Kronos has won over 35 awards and "Best of Shows" from the international press along with glowing reviews from the world's best audio journalists. How can we explain this success? To put it simply, we aim at building turntables that are truly musical and faithful to the recorded material. To this we add the best performance/price ratio in the marketplace. Finally we strive at building products that are easy to maintain and are built to last.

Kubala-Sosna www.kubala-sosna.com
Kubala-Sosna cables have a clarity and depth that no other cables can match. You'll notice the difference the moment you plug them in.

Lorenzo Audio Labs www.lorenzoaudiolabs.com
At Lorenzo Audio Labs, we envisioned what the best loudspeakers ever created should look and act like. To achieve our vision, we investigated the sound produced by benchmark products during the hi-fi "golden years," as well as the best that current science and technology offers. As a result of research, science, hard work, inspiration, and experience, LORENZO AUDIO LABS was born. Past, present, and future come together to achieve the most advanced, musical, emotional, and refined loudspeakers on the market at LORENZO AUDIO LABS.

Luxman America Luxman America
Luxman America, based in Ballston Spa, New York, is a subsidiary of Japan-based audio manufacturer Luxman. Established in 1925 as the Lux Corporation, Luxman began at the birth of radio broadcasting. Through the years since, Luxman has earned an enviable reputation as a brand recognized worldwide for its craftsmanship and high-quality sound reproduction. With a worldwide network of distributors and users, Luxman prides itself on delivering the passion of music through the creation of natural sound. For additional information, please visit: www.luxman.com

Merrill Audio www.merrillaudio.net
Achieving Audio Purity requires the shortest, cleanest signal path. This is Merrill Audio's engineering philosophy. The closest you can get to live music. Merrill Audio equipment is engineered for the serious audiophile, for listening pleasure, for convenience and for ease of use. All of this while maintaining Audio Purity. Get it clean, fast and musical.

ModWright www.modwright.com
ModWright was founded in 2000 as a company producing modifications to digital products. The mods were cost-effective, yet high quality alternative to the audio enthusiast. We have continued on this path of building high quality and high value audio equipment, designed to provide the most natural and satisfying musical experience.

Mytek Digital www.mytekdigital.com
Mytek, founded by the E.E. Michal Jurewicz, has been manufacturing Digital Audio Converters for professional recording industry since 1992, with over 60 product models to date. Mytek has been involved in developing key specialty digital audio technologies such as SACD when Sony commissioned Mytek in 2002 to design a professional DSD Mixdown Master Recorder. In 2011 Mytek launched its first USB DSD DAC at the Hi Fi Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, where it became an instant hit because of its unique feature of being able to play DSD files via USB. Later in 2013 Mytek followed with its first true audiophile consumer DAC, the Manhattan, followed in 2015 by the first third party MQA DAC on the market—the Brooklyn DAC. Mytek continues to develop cutting edge DAC technology products, recently augmented by the new "triode"-like sounding Class D amplifiers. Mytek products are revered for its transparent "studio sound," detailed and real, but also musical. Mytek Headquarters are located in Brooklyn, New York, while our manufacturing and EU distribution facility is located in Warsaw Poland and managed by Marcin Hamerla. Mytek has recently started a new "Clef" consumer/lifestyle line of products aimed at bridging traditional hi-fi with new wireless technologies. For more information, visit https://mytekdigital.com and https://www.clefmusic.com.

Next Level HiFi www.nextlevelhifi.com
Next Level HiFi is an Ultra-High Performance 2-Channel Boutique with an emphasis on customer service. Located in Chicagoland and and serving the entire United States, Next Level offers components by Aavik, Axxess, Naim, McIntosh, Linn, Soulution & Octave; loudspeakers by Børresen, Focal, Dynaudio, & Linn; and cables and accessories by Ansuz, Axxess, & Chord.

Nordost www.nordost.com
Nordost has been the premier manufacturer of audio cables and accessories in the HiFi industry for over 30 years. Nordost has developed an extensive, all-encompassing range of HiFi audio solutions, including audio and video cables, power products, and resonance control devices. Their cables bring the pure, unadulterated reality of a live performance to HiFi sound systems, regardless of the system's price point. Nordost has implemented a number of groundbreaking processes and revolutionary technologies which ensure the quality of audio excellence that it has become known for, and distinguish itself from its competitors in the market. 

PASS Labs https://passlabs.com
Pass Laboratories, Inc. was founded in 1991 by Nelson Pass. Operating out of his shop at home, Pass developed prototypes of a single-ended Class A amplifier design. At the same time, he and Mike Burley were constructing an in-house machine shop with three home-built CNC milling machines with which to produce the amplifiers when the design was finished.

Email:  [email protected]

Purist Audio www.puristaudiodesign.com
Purist Audio Design began over 35 years ago in Jim's garage. We've always been audiophiles and innovators, helping establish many "firsts" within the industry:

  • The first fluid-shielded audiophile-grade cable
  • The first Cryomag©-treated cables
  • The first system enhancer
  • The first cables with custom, netted sleeving... and many others.

Purist Audio Design means innovation, history, and dedication! Today, if you call Purist, you'll still talk to a real person, a real voice. We still make our cables here in the USA. Let us connect you to the music!

Roon https://roonlabs.com
The Roon team is obsessive about creating the best experiences for people who love music and sound. We built our first music product in 2004 and ever since, we've pursued new technologies to bring more music into peoples' lives. After collaborating on music software for Sooloos, Meridian Audio, and HP, we founded Roon Labs in 2015.

We're a small, self-funded company that's led by its founders. Most importantly, we make products and services that we love, and it shows. Our subscribers are more than customers… they're fans who share our passion for music and participate vigorously in the community that surrounds Roon. We're growing at a quick but manageable pace, not because of big rounds of funding, but because we make things that people like and are willing to pay for.

Our "spiritual home" is New York City—that's where the founders originally met back in ancient times—but now we're around 50 people spread over several continents. We all work remotely, so our Slack workspace is our office and we meet over Skype. The team covers so many time zones that there is literally always someone "in the office." We don't provide gourmet cafeteria lunches and free espresso drinks, because there's something that we think is more important: letting our team members design their own lives. Whether it's isolation on a remote mountaintop or starting a family in a city center, everyone on our team finds their happy in their own way. We prize this lifestyle flexibility over anything else, and we're happy to support the members of our team in their choices. Our structure gives us a meaningful advantage as our team grows. Since we're not geographically constrained, we get to hire the most talented, ambitious people who love music and take pride in their work, regardless of who they are or where they live.

We constantly strive to learn and to grow, both as individuals and as a team, because doing so allows us to produce exceptional work. The result is a product that delights customers and gains the respect and support of our industry. Happy team, happy customers, happy partners. We chose our subscription business model because we believe it creates an honest relationship with our customers. We work tirelessly to delight them, because we know that they're making an active choice to stay with us. The very nature of that relationship drives us to innovate and to excel. We don't spend money we haven't earned. Conventional wisdom in the tech world is that you have to raise big, spend like it's your job, and fail fast or eat the world. We disagree. We've invested our own money, done things on a shoestring, attracted customers, and grown organically. If you see things the way we do, you might want to consider joining us.

RSX Technologies https://rsxtech.com
RSX Technologies is the latest High-End audio company to be founded by Roger Skoff who, for many years, has been a recognized audio authority, an audio manufacturer, and a contributing writer to this and other High-End Audio publications. Roger's company before RSX was XLO Electric Co., Inc., whose cables and other products were recognized everywhere by the company's slogan, "The Best in the World." Now, RSX is clearly on a path to outdo even Roger's earlier accomplishments: In only one year in business, RSX has introduced seven outstanding products, and won awards for five of them—some even more than just once! RSX currently specializes in high-performance cables and related products for Phono and AC power use. More products are planned for introduction in coming months, and the expectation is that they will be award-winners, too. Watch RSX grow. Better yet, get RSX cables for your system and hear, possibly for the first time, what it and your music really sound like.

Ryan Tinsel Woodworker www.ryantinselwoodworker.com
Ryan Tinsel Woodworker makes modular audio storage inspired by Per Madsen's RackIt system. My products are flexible, portable, and affordable storage made by me to fine furniture standards. Storage racks are available for LPs as well as for SACDs/CDs. Being modular, you can stack, mix, and match them to provide a media storage solution that meets your needs, space, and preferences, and it can adapt to your changing collection. Both oak and birch wood finishes are options, with additional woods being considered for future designs. Give your precious LPs and discs the beautiful hand-crafted storage and display solutions that they deserve. Check my Web site for the latest information about current products.

Sasha Matson Albany Records
Sasha Matson is a New York-based composer. His discography includes collaborations with noted audiophile producers John Atkinson and Joe Harley, for the Audioquest, New Albion, Albany, and Stereophile record labels. Sasha Matson Music c/o Subito Music Corporation, music publishing. www.subitomusic.com

SONORE www.sonore.us
SONORE, a Simple Design LLC company, is on the cutting edge of the computer audiophile industry, delivering the latest advance iterations of fiber optic technology, high fidelity audio streamers, and custom-built computer audiophile accessories. These accessories include (but are not limited to): custom DC linear power supplies, digital format converters, and reference audio cables. The current premier 2019 SONORE line proudly offers the Optical Rendu, Signature Rendu SE and optical module. "The sound has to be in concert with the music." - The SONORE Team

Stein Music www.steinmusic.com
Your source for accessories to transform your music.

Stillpoints www.stillpoints.us
Stillpoints are designed, machined, processed, and assembled in the greater Minneapolis/St Paul area, and thus are proudly made in America. Our factory is located in Hudson, WI, which is just across the St Croix River from the metropolitan area of Minneapolis/St. Paul. We are your source for isolation racks, devices, and other audio accessories to transform your music.

SVS www.svsound.com
Based in Youngstown, Ohio, the SVS is bound by a shared passion for creating world-class speakers, subwoofers and audio accessories, with no compromises. All the joy of high-end audio with performance that transcends class. This philosophy elevated SVS to be the top subwoofer brand globally and one of the fastest growing speaker manufacturers.

Acoustic innovations are brought to life with painstaking anechoic and real-world measurement and voicing, a final bit of artistry that places SVS into the highest echelon of the audio world by igniting a listener’s passion for transcendent music experiences.

The joy of pristine clarity, absolute transparency, stunning dynamics, and effortless bass for more people than ever. SVS deeply connects you to the emotion of sound.

Synergistic Research www.synergisticresearch.com
At Synergistic Research we focus on a total system approach to create synergy in your system. All aspects of performance are taken into account and because there's more to synergy than just cables, we've developed some of the world's most innovative solutions like our PowerCell line conditioners and Acoustic ART room treatments and MiG resonance control footers. Of course audio cable and power cords are one of the biggest contributors to system performance second only to room acoustics so we pioneered several ground breaking technologies like Active Shielding with air dielectrics and custom tuneable cables with Enigma Tuning Circuits to get you closer to the music than ever before.

TARA Labs www.taralabs.com
TARA Labs "World's best high-end audio cables." For years, TARA Labs has led the industry in both technology & design. Interconnects, speaker cables, power cables, digital cables, sub-woofer cables, and more! TARA Labs has won more professional reviewer awards & more positive reviews than any other cable manufacturer in the world. 800.762.8272

The LAST Factory https://thelastfactory.com/
At The LAST Factory, we pride ourselves on being the most trusted name in cleaners and preservatives for audio media. With a strong foundation in science and research, our mission is to create the highest quality products that clean and protect your cherished recordings. Our journey began in the 1970s, when dedicated researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory developed innovative formulas to safeguard their own record collections. Today, those pioneering solutions continue to preserve the integrity of vinyl records and extend the life of styli, delivering an incredibly pure and undistorted sound.

For over 40 years, The LAST Factory has been a go-to for music enthusiasts, helping to maintain the beauty and clarity of their analog media. Our expertly crafted products not only protect your audio collection but also revive the rich, nostalgic tones that enhance every listening experience. Proudly made in the USA, our cleaners effectively eliminate dust, oily residues, and grime, ensuring your music receives the attention it deserves. Experience the joy of pristine sound and rediscover the captivating warmth of your favorite tracks with The LAST Factory.

The Voice That Is www.thevoicethatis.com
The Voice That Is, established in 2007, is a boutique high-end audio dealer whose goal is to build musical audio systems by finding a component's voice and focusing on the importance of listening to music during the audition process.

We understand that there are a multitude of products for you to choose from. TVTI offers personalized service and have carefully selected those we believe are truly special and convey the sound of music.

Our respected clients are often knowledgeable and experienced in audio, beyond a simple interest in specifications. They usually desire a long-term relationship with their equipment. More importantly our clients clearly understand the importance of purchasing components for the music they reproduce. TVTI joins them in their quest for total musical enjoyment by combining and arranging these component voices to bring their cherished music into harmony.

Every musical instrument, whether string, percussion or brass, has a natural and unique sound or "voice." Like those instruments, every audio component has a distinct voice of its own. With world-class products like TIDAL Audio speakers and electronics, the listening process is very easy. Give us a call - 610.359.0189 to obtain a different experience.

Triode Wire http://triodewirelabs.com
Founded by "Triode Pete," a licensed Professional Engineer, with a B.S. from Clarkson University and a M.S. from the New York Institute of Technology, Pete has been an avid audiophile since he was 10, when he repaired and restored his older brother's blown JBL L-100 speakers. Working for over 22 years in the power generation industry, Pete has gained considerable experience and knowledge in electrical theory and construction. One of Pete's philosophies as an engineer is Efficiency & Effectiveness; he believes that "AFFORDABLE" & "AUDIOPHILE" should not be an OXYMORON!

Unique Innovation Technology www.uitaudio.com
Our goal is to bring you a better experience in video/audio technologies with elegant and innovative product lines. With years of experience in the audio engineering sector, we design product lines that eliminate possible ground circuit noise within electronic connections, while preserving audio/video signals to bring customers the delight of a cleaner, high-end audio/video experience. We are dedicated to continuous innovation and be one of the key players that drive the next revolution within the audio/video technology to benefit customers.

VAC / Valve Amplification Company www.vac-amps.com 
VAC aspires beyond mere "HiFi" to reproduce music with the breath of life present in the studio or concert hall. Our obsession with the finest sound and heirloom-quality construction may seem anachronistic in this disposable MP3 age, we humbly submit that anything less is unworthy of your consideration.

Vera-Fi Audio LLC www.verafiaudiollc.com
Company description will be published soon. 

VPI Industries www.vpiindustries.com
VPI is a second-generation family-owned turntable manufacturer based in Cliffwood, NJ. We proudly produce designs that are made in America. Originally founded by the husband-and-wife team of Harry and Sheila Weisfeld, their son Mat and his wife Jane keep the tradition of quality high-end precision turntables such as the VPI Player, Scout, Prime, Prime Signature, and Avenger, as well the continued bespoke models by Harry. 

Well Pleased Audio Vida www.wellpleasedav.com
Well Pleased Audio Vida is a distribution firm specializing in premium high-fidelity audio systems. We are proud to offer some of the finest performing high value equipment from around the world that communicate the lifeblood of music with class and distinction. "Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world." - Martin Luther

Wolf Audio Systems wolfaudiosystems.com
Wolf Audio Systems sees a void in the digital audio market, where audio players are built on the notion that low-power equals high fidelity… an outright misconception. Wolf believes audiophiles deserve uncompromising sound and functionality. The Wolf Pack series of High Fidelity Audio Servers (HFAS), designed for every level of HiFi enthusiast, delivers on the Wolf Audio promise. Each Wolf server respectively sets the standard for sound quality, features and customer support. Impeccably designed inside and out, Wolf Audio Systems' servers are made for audiophiles, by audiophiles. We design each machine with the same precision of case, hardware and software. Suffice it to say, these machines look and sound great with your stereo. Wolf Audio Systems has had lively discussions with engineers uninvolved with audio who insist that measurements are king and think that what we in the audio world think and do is tantamount to smoke and mirrors. Then we take two identically built systems—one with standard timings in an untreated and unshielded chassis, and the other a Wolf—and they listen. It puts an end to the arguments. We measure, we test and we listen until we find the combination of parts and materials that meet our performance and functionality goals and suited our sonic aims.

Wynn Audio wynnaudio.com
Wynn Audio, founded in 2011, specializes in ultra high end audio for the discerning listener. We travel the world to source unique brands for our clients and constantly update ourselves in the latest technology by visiting our manufacturers factories so that we can put together the optimal combination of components to suit our clients individual tastes. Our products are available through our many dealers across the country, but to serve our clients better in the Toronto area, our products are also available through our own showroom.

YG Acoustics www.yg-acoustics.com
Established in 2002 and located in Denver (Arvada), Colorado, U.S.A., YG Acoustics™ is a world-leading ultra-high-end speaker manufacturer. We also incorporate in-house a full-fledged high-tech research firm and a highly sophisticated CNC machine shop. At YG Acoustics™ we are unique in utilizing highly advanced proprietary software, developed in-house, for designing our speakers. We are also one of the very few manufacturers to produce in-house our own drivers, cabinets and most other high-precision parts. The depth and breadth of our capabilities allow us to present you, the discerning listener, with speakers that are far more accurate than otherwise achievable. This technological advantage especially affects the ability to convey the heart and soul of music, and YG Acoustics™ has won numerous awards for creating speakers that preserve the delicate emotions of a live performance.

Zesto Audio www.zestoaudio.com 
Zesto Audio is a manufacturer of vacuum tube preamps, which include the award winning Andros PS1 Phonostage and the new Leto Preamp, both receiving "My Highest Recommendation" from Robert H. Levi of Positive Feedback. Zesto products are masterfully designed and engineered with the classic tube magic, each unit is hand crafted in the USA using the finest parts in the world.

Media Partners

High Fidelity http://highfidelity.pl

HiFi Statement www.HiFistatement.net

HiFi Pig http://HiFipig.com

Part-Time Audiophile https://parttimeaudiophile.com

Enjoy the Music ETM http://enjoythemusic.com