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Ten Misconceptions about Loudspeaker Spikes

Norman Varney of AV RoomService Ltd. has joined Positive Feedback as a Senior Technical Editor as of Issue 113. His expertise in his field of audio acoustics and experience in the field makes him a helpful voice in our creative community for the audio arts. As has been our wont from the beginning of PF,... Read More »

iFi Audio GO blu - Another Perspective

Did you ever see an audio product that you thought you didn't need but once you looked into it you just had to have it? Such is the case with the iFi GO blu. As of late I have been rethinking my headphone/amp set up, and leaning more to adding an amp than a DAC.... Read More »

Fono Acustica - Compás Speaker Ground System

As in days of olde when men strode forth to slay dragons (or chase windmills), the modern-day audiophile is on a crusade. This villain appeared relatively recently, coincident with the world economy's tectonic shift to the Information Age. As many have observed, Radio Frequency Interference wasn't an issue for audiophiles circa 1970. Nowadays, it might... Read More »

Musician Audio's Draco DAC

In the realm of digital to analog converters there has been an ongoing trend of increasingly advanced circuitry, the addition of layer upon layer of "lifestyle" convenience features, and the promise of higher sound quality at increasingly lower prices. Certainly this sounds like the best of times for the cost conscious audiophile, but is that... Read More »

Von Schweikert Audio at Florida Audio Expo 2022 - The Best of the Best!

I know that I've already talked about The Audio Company room at FAE 2022 that hosted the Von Schweikert Audio loudspeakers in my first installment of show coverage, and on day one, I proclaimed the new Ultra 7 to be my best of show. But that proclamation was probably a tad hasty; I'll explain in just... Read More »

Lively, Entertaining Music from Intercontinental Ensemble

With lively performances filled with joy and good humor, the Intercontinental Ensemble returns with a two immensely entertaining releases. And with the excellent sound quality provided by TRPTK, there is nothing but good things to say about these two releases. In Motu – Intercontinental Ensemble. TRPTK 2021 (DXD) HERE Arc, Intercontinental Ensemble. TRPTK 2022 (DXD) HERE Yes, I'm... Read More »

If it Sounds Good, It IS Good

This article by Dan Wright originally ran in Issue 4, December/January 2003, so while we call this section "New Old Stock - Articles from Our Days in Print" you are also going to see some articles from our early days of going online. If it Sounds Good, It IS Good… Dan Wright has joined the... Read More »

An Interview with Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen

A look back at our interview with Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen... Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen, usually called Hans Ole, known for his surname—Vitus (it will become clear at the end of the interview), is the founder, owner and main engineer of the Vitus Audio company. It is one of the most important high-end world manufacturers,... Read More »

Alex Sound Technology at Florida Audio Expo 2022

On Day 3 (Sunday) of FAE, I got a text from Sue Toscano with a special request: could I possibly get to the Alex Sound Tech room before the show was over? "Alex Sound Tech" didn't really ring a bell for me, but Sue said they'd been specifically asking for someone from Positive Feedback to... Read More »

Florida Audio Expo - Part 3

Here are more of the rooms that really impressed me at FAE 2022. Even though there were marginally fewer exhibitors than in 2020, I was definitely dragging a bit by the time I finally got home on the Monday following the show. The elevators at the hotel were always overcrowded and somewhat slow, so mid-day... Read More »

iFi GO blu Mobile Bluetooth Headphone Amp/DAC

"Honey, I shrunk the headphone amplifier and DAC," is what the engineers at iFi probably told their marketing counterparts when they first showed them the prototype of the GO blu, and that is hardly an overstatement! When I received the GO blu in the mail, and unpacked the unit, I encountered a component that is... Read More »

Brief Impressions:  The Sendy Audio Peacock Headphones

David W. Robinson: a Portrait in Winter, 2020. (Photograph by John Robinson; image processing by David W. Robinson) Switching my attention briefly to high-end headphones, with three of them in my queue to write up… Headphones. I do love excellent headphones…always have. Since my high school days in Walnut Creek, CA, every opportunity I had... Read More »

RADAR Recording Technique - Part 2: MUSIC

RADAR – Random Access Digital Audio Recorder. The first fully functional HDD non-linear recording system Or how album recorded using RADAR sound like DIGITAL SOUND RECORDING  – method of preserving sound in which audio signals are transformed into a series of pulses that correspond to patterns of binary digits (i.e., 0's and 1's) and are... Read More »

The Wind in the Willows Narrated in DSD256 - Toad Would be Proud!

The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame, narrated by Bob Attiyeh. Yarlung Records 2022 [DSD256 PureDSD] HERE What a wonderful, over-the-top, project. Yes, Toad would be proud.  I grew up with The Wind in the Willows and now have the perfect way to share it with my grandchildren, ages 7 and 9. They’ve listened... Read More »

Transrotor Merlo Reference Pickup

Wenn sich ein etablierter Plattenspielerhersteller wie Transrotor einen MC-Tonabnehmer von Goldring zur Veredelung vornimmt, ist es spannend zu sehen, was dabei als Ergebnis herauskommt. Im konkreten Fall geht es um das System Goldring Elite, das nach Transrotors Eingriffen auf den Namen Merlo Reference hört.
