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Notes on Dyna Tuners

News Alert for Dyna FM3 Tuner Owners Recently, I bought a used Dynaco FM3 off Ebay with the tuning eye tube working fine for $80, an absolute must. After listening with a quality antenna, it was obvious that it needed alignment. Dyna's instructions for this were way out of my league, so this looked like... Read More »

The New Apartment Lounge: An Abundance of Riches 

Good, good, good, good migrations I have some great gear in the house!   I feel like a kid at Christmas who received way more than s/he ever expected. The new arrivals represent the work of a talented group of engineers and designers that span the globe: The U.S, Japan, South Korea, Great Britain, and... Read More »

Noa Fort, No World Between Us

Noa Fort, No World Between Us. Self-released, CD $15, available at https://noafort.bandcamp.com/album/no-world-between-us I've been really hard on contemporary jazz singers lately. Most of them are extremely talented, but I always feel like I need a little more from them. If they're going to raid the Great American Songbook, they should come up with a unique approach that... Read More »

A Stunning Improvement in Computer Audio Sound Quality - the Samsung 960 EVO SSD

First, a little background on recent system developments…when we moved into the new house last January, my goal was to modernize our computer, audio, and video accessibility as much as possible. I had a new dedicated listening room with beefy, dedicated electrical wiring, and the new room had three times the internal volume of my... Read More »

Prism Sound Callia USB Digital DAC and Digital Audio Preamplifier

Fidelity - a virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed Ambrose Pierce "Fidelity to the source!" A ton of money has changed hands on the promise that some gizmo or recording can, "Put you right there next to the performers!" Unfortunately, those who actually make recordings are rarely content with raw footage.... Read More »

PS Audio Stellar M700 Monoblock Amplifiers

Enter Stellar… Early last year, PS Audio introduced a new line of audio components. Dubbed Stellar, the initial line includes the Gain Cell DAC/Preamp, the S300 Stereo Amplifier, and the M700 monoblock amplifiers. I caught wind of the Stellar M700 while at AXPONA 2017. Always on the prowl for reasonably priced, high-end audio components, I... Read More »

CH Precision Reference Cables

The Age of Bulk Occasionally I invite non-audiophile, classical music aficionados over to listen. I intentionally leave them unprepared for what they will see, except to mention that I'm an audiophile. It's a setup and it always works. They enter my living room and they freeze. After a pause, they point to the Kronos Sparta,... Read More »

Auralic Aries G2 Server

Den Auralic Aries Femto möchte ich in meiner Kette nicht missen, auch wenn er sich nicht an die Formalien für Hifi-Komponenten hält: Boden und Deckel weisen keine rechten Winkel auf, bestehen aus Kunststoff und sind auch nicht plan.

Euphonic Architect Triaxia Speaker

Aufgefallen ist mir die Triaxia erstmals vor einigen Jahren auf dem AAA-Forum in Krefeld. Dort gab es bei Euphonic Architect eine eindrucksvolle Vorführung unterschiedlich aufwändiger Lautsprecher-Konzepte.

New Audio Frontiers Performance MZ Tube Preamplifier

Wenn ein Vertrieb seine Komponenten mit den Worten anpreist, der Musikgenuss damit erzeuge „Glücksgefühle und erstaunliche Effekte“, dann könnte ein Skeptischer dies schnell als Marketinggetöse abtun. Oder sich im Falle des brandneuen Vorverstärkers Performance MZ Special Edition überzeugen und auf eine spannende musikalische Reise mitnehmen lassen.

Takaaki's New Kid in Town

Takaaki, New Kid in Town. Albany Records B076F3X5GJ, CD $16.99 amazon.com If you're an audiophile, you're probably already familiar with the 70s jazz recordings from Japan's Three Blind Mice label. I'm lucky enough to own several of these titles on LP—everything from Tsuyoshi Yamamoto's legendary Midnight Sugar and Misty to Isao Suzuki's Blue City to Hideto Kanai's Q... Read More »

Schola Sanctæ Sunnivæ: Chant from the Fingergull Manuscript

Herein, good friend John Marks takes us into the heavenly realm of Western Christian chant, our faithful guide to a recent release by Morten Lindberg and the gifted production team at 2L in Norway. As always, 2L produces a recording with masses of detail, atmospheric presence, and haunting musicality; as always, John touches upon the... Read More »

A Few Afterthoughts on the 2017 Capital Audiofest

When it became apparent I would have to miss RMAF 2017 because of a schedule conflict involving a moving van, a ferry, and some fifty boxes of records (among other things), I took heart in knowing at least I had a fall-back. I cancelled my flights on Southwest and booked the American shuttle to D.C.... Read More »