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Bill Evans Trio, Sunday at the Village Vanguard

Bill Evans Trio, Sunday at the Village Vanguard. Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UD1S 2-002 Box (2017, June), #2103 of 3000. Originally released on Riverside – RLP 9376 (1961, Oct.) Category: jazz. Format: Vinyl (2x180 gram LPs at 45 rpm) Ratings Global Appreciation: 9.6 - Music: A (9.0) - Recording: 9.2 - Remastering + Lacquer Cutting: 10 - Pressing:... Read More »

Impressions: The LA Audio Show 2017, My Portraits

David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief of Positive Feedback. (Photograph by John Robinson) As time has gone by, I have become more and more interested in covering not only audio shows or events, but also the people there. And not as photojournalism, but as art. Real portraits made during the difficulties of audio show circumstances. Show reporting... Read More »

First Listen to Grado Epoch Phono Cartridge: World Premiere Audition

Great news! John Grado and Grado Labs have come out with a brand new reference Grado cartridge, and were kind enough to send me a review sample for me to try and to report to our readers worldwide here at Positive Feedback.  The Grado Epoch Phono Cartridge premieres in August, 2017 and is a cartridge of firsts! ... Read More »

Dan Zimmerman Music Video: "It All Happened So Fast"

Those of you who have been reading Positive Feedback for a long while will likely recognize the name Dan Zimmerman. He is a very close friend and fellow sojourner with me, and we have many deep interests in common:  film, painting, photography, videos, poetry, philosophy, Christian life and thought, and spirituality...the list is a long one.... Read More »

Unique Innovation Technology Perfect Music Purifier (PMP) Interconnect Series, World Premiere Review

At the recent LA Audio Show packed with manufacturers—many known to me, but also many surprises—I noticed a table loaded with sharp-looking cables and manned by a gentleman I knew: Mitch Ko. His previous company, INEX, built the most fascinating and unusual cables on the planet:  they were made of fiber optic cable and battery powered.... Read More »

Stein Music Power System, World Premier Review: Powerbar 10 Signature, Highline Power Powercord, Super Naturals Gold Feet

   The Stein Music Powerbar 10 Signature (US version) With a track record of doing the amazing and, occasionally, the impossible, Stein Music of Germany introduces a power distribution system that works effectively and elegantly in the most sophisticated systems. Holger Stein, Chief Engineer and CEO, is both an electrical engineer and physicist and has... Read More »

Playback Designs Integrated Single Chassis Sonic Masterpiece: The IPS-3

What? My first "hi fi" stereo box, in 1957, was an elegantly constructed Magnavox LP changer with a built-in amp-preamp feeding two inch mono speakers. All of this consumed a minimal internal and external footprint. The device sat on splayed legs to raise it to easy access. It made sound of some discernible sort resembling... Read More »

Kimber Kable Axios USB Cable: World Premier Review

Hot off the assembly line in Ogden, Utah, comes Ray Kimber's very latest thinking in USB cable design. With five other models listed, starting at $50, this tour-de-force design is a semi-affordable $900 for a meter. This is quite a deal compared to the multi-thousand dollar models I have heard, and generally out performs those... Read More »

Koeppel Design Record Dividers

It was about fifteen, sixteen odd years ago that I fell into the "vinyl" trap. Sure, growing up mom and pop had records, mostly of the classical Deutsche Gramophone variety; my ten years older brother had vastly greater selections diving into classic rock, some jazz and avant garde pop, but even he probably never made... Read More »

Doshi Audio V3.0 Tapestage: Choices, Choices, Choices

To go reel-to-reel tape or high resolution digital? That was the question facing this basically all analog person some ten years ago. No, there wasn't a lot of tape software available at the time but the same held true for high-rez digital too. Not to mention that digital playback technology was (still is?) changing from... Read More »

Impressions: The Sonoma Acoustics Model One Headphones [UPDATED]

[Readers who read this article before the afternoon of 7/20/17 should re-read this amended version. In it, I correct a misapprehension that I was under regarding how the Sonoma Acoustics Model One handles DSD sources. You'll want to see what I have to say.] I like headphones. Heck, I love headphones. Always have, going back to my... Read More »

The Murasakino Musique Analogue Sumile MC Phonograph Cartridge from Japan!

Ever since the first moving-coil phonograph cartridge was developed in 1948 by Holger Christian Arenstein (the Ortofon Mono-A), phono cartridge designers have been working at maximizing & refining the performance of moving-coil cartridges by trying various topologies & materials combinations for the stylus, cantilever, coil wire, suspension, magnets, pole pieces, internal wiring, cartridge housings, cartridge pins, and... Read More »

Aurorasound Vida

Die feine Analog-Elektronik von Aurorasound wird in Japan von Shinobu Karaki entwickelt und gefertigt. Mit einem Umweg über die Bretagne,

Grandinote Genesi

Ein neues Topmodell von Grandinote erblickt das Licht der High-End-Welt. Hat die Genesi Vorstufe das Zeug dazu,

Thrax Dionysos und Heros

Die in Sofia beheimatete Firma Thrax hat sich in kurzer Zeit einen ganz ausgezeichneten Ruf unter Audiophilen erarbeitet.

From the Kipnis Studios (KSS) - A Cursory History of My Exploration into AC Power Filtration, Regeneration, and the Proximate Effect of Weird Enhancements on Audio Recording & Playback

High end audio is one of those hobbies where there are a seemingly endless number of tweaks and refinements one can add to an existing stereo system, presumably to make it sound better. Who hasn't played around with isolation pucks or cables at some point or another? But often critics of audiophilia start out with... Read More »

Mephisto & Co.

LISZT: Mephisto Waltz No. 1 (with two concert endings). MUSSORGSKY: Night on Bald Mountain. LIADOV: Baba Yaga. FRANCK: The Accursed Huntsman. DUKAS: The Sorcerer's Apprentice. SAINT-SAËNS: Danse macabre. ARNOLD: Tam O'Shanter.  J.STRAUSS II: Lucifer Polka. Minnesota Orchestra/Eiji Oue. Reference Recordings RR-82CD.  TT: 71.56 DOWNLOADS: Amazon.com (mp3); emp3s.co (mp3); itunes.apple.com; qobuz.com ("16-bit" mp3);  referencerecordings.com (Apple lossless, FLAC,... Read More »

John McLaughlin and the Tonight Show Big Band, "Cherokee"

Dear friend and fellow sojourner John Marks once again shares a musical morsel with us, originally published on his blog site, The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com). This is a fine video of the guitar master, John McLaughlin, swingin' with Johnny Carson's The Tonight Show band. As John observes below, what can one say? As the ancient Romans would... Read More »

NSMT M100 Loudspeakers

For many years my music has been enjoyed through small, two-way stand mounted speakers. Although ones listening room usually dictates the size of the speaker they purchase, my 12X20 foot den can accommodate speakers bigger than a stand mount monitor. And it has. My current speakers are floor standers and fit quite nicely in that... Read More »
