Comments on: Chord DAVE, Part 2: The Interview With Rob Watts A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Thu, 11 Jan 2018 21:52:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Seel Wed, 15 Nov 2017 20:07:00 +0000 In reply to peter jasz.

Long gone are the days of over engineered/extravagant power supplies 🙁 (I agree with your post - I'm not entirely sure how they can justify the cost)

By: peter jasz Sat, 11 Mar 2017 18:53:00 +0000 You know, on one hand, I'm impressed with the work and sophisticatoin of the Chord "DAVE" DAC.

Indeed, there is a cost associated with such R&D. Yet, lifting the lid of the DAVE, one cannot be any less impressed --I'd think. We hear of (and know of) the great importance of power supply design, yet in amply visual detail we observe some very basic power supply design here. I don't even see (nor is it advertised) any 'World-Renowned' parts implementation. Why not ?

At the price, I'd expect both Mr. Watts brilliant work on offer, but also some established, premium componentry, that I cannot identify beneath the fancy top-plate. Why? Is it not important ?
Or, was the $14-K (item price) absorbed by the R&D design costs --and case work?

It 's one thing to appreciate 'Digital's' minimal power requirements (and resultant lower price), yet another not to employ the finest (highest quality) parts within the substantial price of the DAVE DAC.

To summarize, I have had the good fortune to audtion and enjoy many a fine Chord digital product over the years. No doubt I'd also (immensely) enjoy the DAVE DAC, and I certainly recoginize (and respect) the collective high-praise showered over it.
However, I simply cannot see how this DAC was pegged at its current price point ?

Help me understand !

peter jasz

By: peter jasz Fri, 10 Mar 2017 20:26:00 +0000 Amazing.

Let's rewind. To 1983. Walking into my local Hi-Fi shop at 18 years of age. (I could cry, thinking back now). Anyway, I just got the news the store had the first CD player for audition --a Sony.

After auditioning, and as I was leaving, I asked manager Kevin Lehman (great guy) recalling vividly
" So, with analog (turntables/vinyl), we have the table of course, the tonearm, cartridge, lead wires and of course the requisite phono stage/preamplifer. And all of thes e can be changed/chosen to one's delight. Can this be done with CDP's (both of standing at the front desk) ? No, came the reply, and I kid youi not, "Just perfect sound" was the smiling, humorous reply.
I'll never forget it.
A short while later I brought in my Audio Technica ATH-7s? (Electret Condensors) for a more intimate CDP audition. It didn't take long to realize what I was hearing lacked soul, structure, genuine tonality, dimensionality, musicality, believability.
I chuckled, knowing the format would win the hearts of many as prices dropped. I went on buying and listening to vinyl for the next 17-18 years. At around the turn of the century, I was beginning to hear spome genuine "musicality" from the format, and slowly sold off my near 2,000 LP"s (of course saving the great ones --about 100 maybe).

Anyway, full circle from my original 1983 question to Kevin Lehman (Anderson Sound).
Here is Mr. Watts (bless him) discussing the sheer processing power (and requisite understanding of the technology/digital systems) in 2017, thirty-three years later !! My, my.

Naturally, as the format progressed from 1983, we learned of the "sections" within the CDP, transport, DAC, conversion chips, power supply etc. And of course the necessity for premium cabling. And later ((for me anyway) the absolute necessity for a clen stable, noise-free AC power supply.
Anyone whio wishes to elevate the performance and musicality of their digital equipment MUST invest in a premium AC power re-generator (Core Power Technology, PS audio, etc. A 300-watt will do --for front-end gear). The gains in musicality, resolution, finesse, tonality, believability is considerable wehn powered with a AC re-generator, or quality Balanced/Symmetercal AC power supply, ( i.e CPT, Equi=tech and others).

On a final note, I should have clued into this (as engineers as well) in the mid-late 1980's, when I was quite stunned to hear some great sound in car audio CDP's !! (I wonderd how that could be. Everything that was lacking (as in crappy sound) in 120 V AC "home" power CDP's, appeared to have been amelioerated in car Hi-Fi !! My, my clean power --12 V DC power-- likely the reason though I never made the deduction).

In any case, and finally, thanks to men as Mr.Watts (and others), 16/44 (and beyond) can indeed sound wonderful and be compared to the finest analog systems: and that is sheer musicality --believability --natural tonal colors/hues, dimensionality and precision timing.
Thirty-three years later. My, how time has passed ...

peter jasz
