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Whammerdyne Heavy Industries, Announces Another World's First

Founded in 2010 by Pat Hickman, Whammerdyne Heavy Industries is an amalgamation of technical skill-sets united by a common passion for hi-end audio, based in Wilsonville, OR. With many years of combined experience in hi-end audio, electronics engineering, and CNC fabrication, the team set out to build the ultimate single-ended stereo amplifiers. The year 2019 finds Whammerdyne repeating history with three new models using RAM (Remote Advanced Magnetics)

Having introduced the first series of upgradeable and modular single ended 2A3 vacuum tube amplifiers in early 2017 they did not rest on past success with the finest sounding 2A3 amplifiers offered on the market. Whammerdyne announces new members of their amplifier successful lineup the DGA1 DGA2+RAM and DLM4+RAM world’s first successful implementation of remoted audio output transformers (RAM) short for Remote Advanced Magnetics.

The DGA-1 and DLM4+RAM will be introduced at the CAS California Audio Show July 26th through the 28th for details on the show and venue see: https://caaudioshow.com/

Critically Acclaimed:

Whammerdyne has enjoyed over the years high praise and high expectations receiving 100% positive feedback from all listeners over dozens of show events along with dozens of written-in comments about their individual experiences. Both from listeners, owners, reviewers

In terms of sound, many of the listeners commented on The Truth family of amplifiers noted: clarity, speed, detail, dynamics, realism and delicacy.

Some of their favorite quotes:

“I want it! This sound coming from a 4 watt amplifier, OMG”

“The best 2a3 amplifier I have ever heard, best sound of the show!”

“Realistic sound, brought me to tears.”

Listen to the culmination of nine years of research, design, and development to understand what The Truth and the 6 other models offered sound like. To learn more about Whammerdyne, visit www.whammerdyne.com  For media and other related inquiries, see contact info below:

Whammerdyne Heavy Industries

Wilsonville, Oregon USA



(503) 887-9015 (PST) M-F 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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