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The MBL Roon Module - available now!

The legendary D/A-converter 1611 F from MBL has always connected the digital world with the analogue. With Roon Ready integration, we've taken the next big step. Ease of use and seamless streaming of various sources combined with the fantastic sound of an MBL audio system makes listening to music even more enjoyable.

The MBL ROON MODULE is a hardware device developed by MBL's engineering team that you can add as an option to your D/A converter 1611 F and works together with any Roon server within your LAN. The MBL ROON MODULE is now available. Contact us for more info.

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About MBL.•

Since its incorporation in 1979, Berlin's MBL Akustikgeräte GmbH 8 Co. KG has focused on the development and production of state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line audio equipment. MBL's manufacturing plant crafts their unique Radialstrahler loudspeakers and electronic systems by ingeniously combining precision handcrafting with highly sophisticated, mechanized production processes. MBL products are available through a worldwide distribution network in over 40 countries. The excellence of MBL and its products in terms of fidelity and build-quality is evidenced through a wide-range of distinctions awarded by the international trade press. Prices of complete MBL systems range from €23,000 to over € 420,000.

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