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New Product Launch by Heed Audio and The Wand at SWAF 2024

Profundo and Genesis Advanced Technologies announce the U.S. introduction of products from Heed Audio and The Wand at the Southwest Audiofest in Rooms 1422 and 1423 of the Hilton Anatole Dallas Atrium, March 15-17, 2024.

For 30 years now, Heed Audio has been producing some of the highest-performing audio electronics for the money available anywhere in the world. Starting out with entry-level high-end products that performed way beyond their price (Obelisk integrated, Quasar phono, CanAmp headphone amp), they have constantly improved not only each of these seminal products, but expanded upwards into higher and higher performance categories with their full Obelisk line, then the Thesis line with its stunning Delta CD transport/player and the Lagrange integrated amp pushing at some of the upper levels of high-end performance and musicality, they now introduce the Helikon group of linestage and mono amps. These truly count among some of the most musically satisfying products at any price.

The Helikon preamp and mono amplifiers, sold as a matched set, will first be limited to a special 30th Anniversary production of 30 units, using NOS very special matched output devices and the now discontinued and much coveted Nichicon Gold coupling capacitors in a fully-balanced, latest implementation of their Nexus topology, employing a bridge-mode of their proprietary mirrored dual circuits, which produces four times the output power of the basic circuit in each of the monoblocks. Price for the Helikon set will be $27,500. Their focus has always been, and shall remain, delivering the most performance value possible at any given price category. And their motto remains: “forget hi-fi, remember music.”

The Wand will be introducing their new 14-4 Master turntable in final production form, as well as a prototype of their new, tapered-carbon fibre tonearm, the Dark-Light. The Master turntable now has two subchassis, with special vibration reduction interfaces, as well as an integrated battery power supply. Rock-steady speed and you’ll-wanna-dance rhythm and musicality, for which Simon Brown’s designs are well-known, are taken to a rarefied level of performance.

Also on display will be the new Foxtrot loudspeakers from Genesis and two very mighty, but mini, loudspeakers from Trenner & Friedl of Austria, as well as the new Hyper Sonic X-4 phono cartridge, which sounds to be a legend in the making.

About Heed Audio and The Wand

Heed Audio is hand crafted in the heart of Europe with exacting attention and to provide you with an unrivaled musical experience. https://heedaudio.com/

Design Build Listen in New Zealand is the home of The Wand Tonearm, Turntable and Phono Stage. The experience of the special musical magic that vinyl is able to reproduce led us to develop The Wand Tonearm® and now The Wand Turntable™. https://designbuildlisten.com/

US Distributor: Profundo Audio https://profundoaudio.com/  Curator of special audio gems, that will make a decided difference in the quality of ones listening experience and, perhaps, even ones life!

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