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NativeDSD Expands Its Offerings

April 7, 2023: NativeDSD announced today that it is expanding its catalog to include albums originally recorded in PCM 96, 176.4, and 192 kHz rates in addition to the DSD/DXD recordings they have always featured. This change acknowledges the  current reality that the majority of recording industry labels have standardized on lower sample rate PCM recordings and meets numerous listener requests to deliver downloads that, until now, NativeDSD has not been able to provide under its original founding principles.

As David Hopkins, NativeDSD's Product and Communication Manager, comments:

"As time goes on, things change. In this life we are forced to adapt and adjust to the world around us. The same is true for NativeDSD. We are growing and evolving – adapting with the times – and this adaptation is one we are very excited about!

"We are very excited about this change because it allows us to offer you a much wider range of music, both in genre and volume, without changing the core DSD and DXD offerings we have always offered. These albums will also take part in the Higher Rates Program to give listeners the full list of options. You can read more about our Higher Rates Program in this earlier blog post, here.

"As always, the originally recorded resolution will be clearly displayed on each album page so you can make your best choice.  We urge you to explore your DAC’s delicacies and performance on each to experience the best sound.  The choice is always up to you!"

The first new albums offered under this expanded program are from existing labels represented at NativeDSD such as Reference Recordings albums in Dr. Keith Johnson's original 176.4kHz recorded format, Pentatone with Mahler Symphonies from the Czech Philharmonic, and Sound Liaisons with earlier recordings with Carmen Gomez, Inc. In time, NativeDSD says they hope to include additional labels that expand the range of music available.

For more information, see the NativeDSD blog post here.

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