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Monarch Systems Would Like to Invite You to Stop in and See Us at AXPONA 2024

Greetings from Colorado as we’re busy packing as much audio gear, decorations, Hot Wheels, and sound panels as possible into our trusty travel van! We’d like to invite you to visit us in Suite 434 at AXPONA, where we’ll be demonstrating the latest equipment from Audio Physic, Siltech, B.audio, Franc, Chario, AnalogMagik, and Ultra Carbon, as well as a custom modified Technics turntable and a pair of custom liveried Franc amp stands, among others.

This year’s show special announcement will be a new cable release from Siltech, the first of its kind and the first time it’s seen anywhere in the world outside of the factory where we saw prototypes last month. Our show sample will be hand delivered to us by Gabi from Siltech before the show starts and we’ll be giving the scoop on this as well as discussing review sample offerings during the show. More info in a few days when the marketing materials are prepared.

For those of you that remember our Hawaiian Tiki Bar theme from last year, we’re going to have a completely different theme this year (and we promise that there won't be bamboo fencing shedding all over the place), so be sure to bring your driving gloves. We’ll have a few snacks, drinks, and excellent sound for you, so please stop by!

Siltech Announcing a New Product Release at AXPONA!

Products on Display:


Visit us in room 434 on Friday and be the first to get the scoop!

See you there!

Suite 434

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