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MoFi Distribution appointed official North American distributor for Manger & finite elemente

MoFi Distribution appointed official North American distributor for Manger & finite elemente

MoFi Distribution proudly announces the addition of two new brands to their product lineup: Manger and finite element, two manufacturers each with a long history and both based in Germany.

Manger is a highly regarded speaker manufacturer best known for their distinguished "Bending Wave" sound transducer. Managed by Daniela Manger, daughter of founder and inventor Josef Manger, they are a family-owned and operated entity approaching their 50th anniversary. Manger places a strong emphasis on enduring design and precision. Accordingly, the Manger brand is a perfect fit for the likeminded MoFi Distribution.

Manger's products are meticulously handcrafted and include passive and active models covering a wide price range, including the new P2 passive floorstanding loudspeaker. Their lineup features both 2-way bookshelf models and floorstanders, each with small footprints, along with in-wall, on-wall and in-ceiling models. Available in numerous colors and finishes, this is truly an architecturally friendly brand. Manger ultimately has that special combination of history, technology, design and sound that makes a strong impression in the crowded loudspeaker market.

finite elemente is a technical German manufacturing company managed by sound specialist Luis Fernandes. Known globally for its Pagode® Master Reference equipment supports - that featured tuningfork–like resonators embedded in each shelf support – as well as equipment feet systems such as Cerabase®, Cerapuc® and Ceraball®.

The company’s name and philosophy speak for themselves; each new product has a scientific background coupled with a genuine passion for music. finite elemente products enjoy an excellent worldwide reputation as a result of (i) their guiding principle of “Quality made in Germany” and (ii) a firm belief in the value of relationships with their business partners.

As of this writing, all CERA series of finite elemente equipment feet are available. The entry-level CeraBall® is now made of stainless steel rather than aluminum, and uses a larger ceramic ball to yield more sonic improvements. New Pagode® equipment racks are expected to be released early next year.

Manger and finite elemente products are available now through MoFi Distribution.

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