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Evolution Acoustics announces the new MODEL ONE Reference Monitor Loudspeakers!

Natural. Transparent. Holographic.

Introducing Evolution Acoustics MODEL ONE Reference Monitors

San Diego, CA / May 24, 2024 Evolution Acoustics is pleased to introduce the MODEL ONE reference monitors, a cu<ng-edge small speaker created by Kevin Malmgren. Although diminutive in size, the MODEL ONE incorporates new technology developed for the recently released SYSTEM THREE statement speakers. It is designed to compete with any two-way monitor at any price.


MODEL ONE can be used as a stand mount or bookshelf. It’s only 7.5” wide, 11.5” high, 11.5” deep and weighs 25 lbs. Appearance is eye-catching with maQe black aluminum, high gloss carbon fiber and ebony vegan leather. Price is $3,780 per pair.



  • Ultra-wide bandwidth, flat frequency response: 35 Hz to 45 kHz (-2dB)
  • Unique deep bass for a reference monitor: Woofer has 32mm (1.25”) of linear travel
  • Non-resonant, CAMDAL enclosure: Multi-material, up to 8 proprietary constrained layers
  • Vanishing low distortion: Less than 5% throughout entire frequency bandwidth


  • Leading edge, proprietary transducers: 5.5” ceramic matrix woofers and Gen II AMT sob fold tweeters (pleated diaphragm with 20 in2 surface area and 0.0005” thickness)
  • EXACT series crossover: Constant voltage design with drivers connected directly to the amplifier outputs (signal path is devoid of any network parts, unlike most other speakers)
  • No transducer artifacts: Crossover network eliminates mechanical distortion nodes of each driver; housed on a multi-layered anti-vibration chassis
  • Sensitivity: 82dB 83V@1M with linear 4 ohm load; recommend amplifiers >50W/channel


  • Seamless fidelity: Time and phase coherent across all frequencies (both transducers have identical baffle plane acoustic centers)
  • Wide dynamic range: Remarkable micro details and macro crescendos with peak output >108 dB; no etched or metallic sounds at any volume levels
  • Unique soundstage: Narrow baffle width and controlled dispersion (on and off axis) allows MODEL ONE to disappear with accurate, point source imaging
  • Hologram facsimile: Three dimensional presentation is unique for a reference monitor, with the localization of a point source and the scale of a large floor standing speaker

World Debut

MODEL ONE will be released at T.H.E. SHOW SoCaL 2024, Costa Mesa, CA from June 7-9, 2024. Come listen to it in Room 269. Distribution is through The Audio Association. For further information, contact The Audio Association at  [email protected] or 310-739-3400.

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