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AudioQuest and GoldenEar at the 2024 Montreal Audiofest

We hope you'll join us at the upcoming Montréal Audiofest — this Friday-Sunday, March 22-24, at the Hotel Bonaventure (900 de la Gauchetière Ouest) in Montréal — where we'll be making beautiful music in a diverse collection of world-class audio systems.

Find us in the following locations:

Filtronique: Room 2414

Two systems — one featuring AudioQuest Dragon cables and Niagara 7000 power conditioner, the other featuring PowerQuest 707, Robin Hood, and Black Beauty — both comprising Simaudio electronics and Audiovector loudspeakers.

Laliberté Électronique: Rooms 1232 & 1235

In 1232, we'll be doing cable SLEs in a system comprising Arcam electronics driving GoldenEar BRX standmounted loudspeakers. 

Marchand Audio/Vidéo & Villeneuve Audio: Montréal 6 & Montréal 7

Montréal 6 will feature a full GoldenEar Atmos system while Montréal 7 will be fronted by the critically acclaimed GoldenEar T66. Both systems will be completely wired and powered with AudioQuest. 

Brosseau Audio/Vidéo: Room 1306

Featuring Niagara 5000, Hurricane AC, and ThunderBird cables.

Brooklyn Audio: Room 1231

Featuring Niagara 5000, Hurricane AC, and ThunderBird cables in a system comprising Soltanus Acoustics speakers and Auralic front end. 

Sonxplus: St-Laurent 6

Paradigm Founder Series loudspeakers driven by Anthem electronics — all wired with AudioQuest. 

À bientôt!

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