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Audience Exhibits 1+1 V5 Speakers, Cables, and Power Products at AXPONA 2024

At AXPONA 2024, Audience will be showcasing its ClairAudient 1+1 V5 loudspeakers and a range of other products in the Glenn Poor’s Audio Video exhibit, Room 364. The entire system will be wired with Audience’s top of the line frontRow cables and will feature the adeptResponse power conditioner.

The ClairAudient 1+1 V5 is the latest evolution of Audience’s acclaimed loudspeaker, a bi-pole design that is compact, yet delivers expansive sound. The 1+1 V5 offers improved baffle-step reduction technology and a host of refinements including better passive radiators, voice coil wire, binding posts and more.

The 1+1 V5 features two proprietary full-range drivers in a crossover-less design, along with two side-firing passive radiators. It’s striking in appearance, with a high-gloss black multi-angled enclosure accented by rosewood sides. The sound is exceptionally coherent and natural, with volume and bass performance that belie the speaker’s modest size.

Audience’s flagship frontRow interconnects and speaker cables are the finest the company has ever created. Available in a complete range of balanced and unbalanced interconnect, phono, digital, speaker and power cables, frontRow incorporates the company’s MORRE (Musically Optimized Reduction of Resistive Energies) technologies to deliver extraordinary musical accuracy. MORRE optimizes every aspect of the cables’ design, including cable geometries, metallurgy, connectors, shielding and other aspects.

adeptResponse power conditioners are designed to provide the ultimate in filtering, isolation, and protection. They enable an audio system to perform at its very best.

These products will be demonstrated at AXPONA 2024 at the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center, 1551 N. Thoreau Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60173, April 12 – 14, 2024.

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