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Statement Cartridge With State-of-the-Art Performance Grooves in Nirvana A Room

Schaumberg, IL, 12 April 2024: Aidas Cartridges, designer and manufacturer of world-class phono cartridges, proudly announces the Worldwide premiere of their Mammoth Gold Limited Edition (LE) cartridge today at AXPONA 2024. Notable Audio Products, Aidas’ US Distributor, will showcase this cartridge in the Nirvana A room at the Schaumburg Convention Center. Aidas Mammoth Gold will be a driving force of an ultimate high-end audio system consisting of the debut of the J.Sikora 15 th Anniversary Standard MAX turntable; the debut of the Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene Ultra speakers; Doshi Audio’s EVO Preamp, Monoblocks and Phono Preamp; Berkeley Audio Design’s Alpha DAC Reference 3 and USB Series 2.0; Aurender’s N30SA music server; Cardas’ Clear Beyond cables; and HRS’ EXR Rack.

Created with ultra-precision engineering, The Mammoth Gold Limited Edition is artisinaly hand-crafted with meticulous attention to detail and offers an exceptional listening experience for music lovers and audiophiles alike. The cartridge features carefully selected white, ultra-pure mammoth tusk material and offers a unique design that combines aesthetic elegance with ultimate performance.

This Mammoth Gold LE employs an upgraded magnetic system featuring a larger Alnico-5magnet, ensuring stable and rich magnetic fields for enhanced performance. A special Ogura Line Contact stylus provides superior sound quality with maximum vertical contact and minimal front-to-back contact, resulting in a pristine sound reproduction that revitalizes even slightly worn records. Carefully tuned to preserve the award-winning signature sonics which distinguish the standard Mammoth Gold cartridge, the Limited Edition version offers improved resolution and clarity, smooth and delicate treble, and lighting fast transients. Even more than the superb Standard, the Mammoth Gold LE engages the listener with its rich, natural sound and resolution of the finest low-level details. Aidas will only build a total of 10 Mammoth Gold LE cartridges, making it a “Must-have” for any cartridge connoisseur.

With the official closing of Koetsu, Aidas’ ability to create artistically and sonically beautiful phono cartridges from exotic materials offers a unique opportunity to own The Best.

About Aidas: Aidas Cartridges of Lithuania manufactures reference phono cartridges. Aidas’ philosophy is to handcraft State-of-the-Art phono cartridges from rare materials, providing outstanding reproduction of recorded sound in terms dynamic range, tonal balance, precision, natural sound, and bass clarity. Aidas’ founder, Aidas Svazas, started his company in the 1990sas a cartridge repair center. In 2010, Mr. Svazas designed and built his first cartridge, the AS-1.

The current line of award-winning Aidas cartridges is the culmination of his 40 years ofexperience.

For More Information Contact:
Jeff Fox
Notable Audio Products
[email protected]

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