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Positive Feedback Disclaimer of Liability/Responsibility for reviews and Third-Party Operations/Products

As a statement to our readers and the public at large, the Managing Editors and Editor-in-Chief remind all that the reviews appearing in Positive Feedback represent the best information and evaluative judgment that the editors/reviewers have and exercise at the time of a review. Positive Feedback cannot guarantee, disclaims responsibility, and does not warranty, the quality/performance of any company/product, either expressly or implied. We also disclaim any responsibility/liability for the operations/practices/products of the products/companies that we review. Readers and all third parties are advised that our evaluations are intended as helpful guides and should be read in that spirit. Caveat lector:  Let the reader beware.

Likewise, any DIY projects that might appear at Positive Feedback from time to time are to be approached at the reader’s own risk. We make no warranty or guarantee as to the safety, suitability, or outcome of any such project, and disclaim responsibility for frustration/damage/injury/death. DIY projects usually involve the possibility of lethal electrical charges, and are entered upon at the reader’s liability, and not ours.

Positive Feedback is not, and has never been, an audio ombudsmen. We have neither the interest, the mission, or the resources to do this task, and disclaim it. Positive Feedback readers are advised to take consumer complaints to the appropriate agencies that may be available to them. These include the Better Business Bureau, the Attorney General of their state, the postal authorities, credit card companies, small claims court, mediation companies, or a personal attorney (or the equivalents, outside of the USA).

However, we do listen to substantive complaints from our readers, and seek to keep our readers informed of such problems when we encounter them. This in no wise changes any of the disclaimers in this document.

Questions or comments about our this document should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. David W. Robinson, at drobinson@positive-feedback.com.