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An Interview with Luis Fernandes of Finite Elemente

The Finite Elemente Method (FEM) is a numerical method for solving problems of engineering and mathematical physics. Typical problem areas of interest include structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport and electromagnetic potential. The analytical solution of these problems generally requires the solution to boundary value problems for partial differential equations.  Wikipedia.org Mr Luis Fernandes, the current CEO of the German company called Finite... Read More »

Finite Elemente Ceraball and Cerabase Classic Anti-vibration Feet

This time we got for a review the anti-vibration feet of the German company Finite Elemente, Ceraball and Cerabase Classic models. This brand is one of the precursors among specialized firms fighting against unwanted vibrations, which with these products returns to the market after a few years absence. We published an interview with the current... Read More »

Kuzma STABI R Turntable

The leitmotif of all turntables from the Slovenian company Kuzma is "less is better." Have a look at its iconic, "tubular" Stabi S turntable, to understand what it means—it's just two brass tubes with a platter and an outboard motor. Also tonearms designed by this brand, no less famous than turntables, look like a study... Read More »

Stereo Sound Reference Record Vol. 1

Analog Record Collection, Universal Music LLC  Stereo Sound SSAR-028~029 There are some albums that for some reason stay in use in the industry "permanently." We can hear them at many shows, we find in our friends' collections—well, usually even we have at least one version of such titles on our shelf. They are almost always... Read More »

RCA Red Seal High Performance Series - The USA strikes back!

The article is about how the "High Performance" series has changed the perception of classical music reissues, as well as about an incredible combination of knowledge and technology that has led to this change. We have got used to the fact that Japanese companies are the driving force in the field of Compact Disc/Super Audio... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RTP-4EU Absolute AC Power Strip

A power strip is simply a "splitter" of the power supply—it goes in with a single cable, and it goes out via several outputs/sockets. Acoustic Revive in Europe offers one model, featuring four sockets. We would like to present you the latest version called the Absolute. This is the first part of a two-part test.... Read More »

TRPTK Music Label

Record labels usually focuses on promoting the music itself, forgetting that it is closely related to sound. Every now and then, companies are created that try to do something about it. One of the newest is the Dutch company TRPTK, which is the following text is about. (See their distribution site at trptk.nativedsd.com.) Let's be honest:... Read More »

Technique - A Guide to Fine Tuning

Or how to set up speakers Did you ever experience a situation where the loudspeakers that sounded so great in distributor's showroom after you bought them and placed them in your room sounded as if they were broken? If you did, almost certainly the reason for that was the acoustics of your listening room, and... Read More »

JBL L100 Classic Loudspeakers

The JBL L100 Classic are new JBL loudspeakers that allude to the iconic JBL L100 speakers from years ago. The original JBL L100 were introduced in 1970 and it was a consumer version of the popular JBL 4310 Pro Studio monitor. Over time, this model has become the best-selling JBL loudspeaker of all time (source:... Read More »

Cluster and the Polish Case - Or Ten Years of Polish September in High Fidelity

Today it is probably the standard - Polish products are quite often reviewed by audio magazines. Just check the High Fidelity issue from the previous month, and you will find there three devices from the home country of Chopin and Maria Skłodowska-Curie: Fezz Audio Lupi Omega headphone amplifier, Avatar Audio Number 3 Bamboo loudspeakers and... Read More »

Hegel Music Systems H590 - Integrated Amplifier/Music File Player

The H590 is an extremely important device for Hegel Music Systems. Basing only on the description, it would seem very similar to the H190 model, which we reviewed in High Fidelity, and it was featured on our cover, in November last year (HF | No. 163). Even comparing their features would suggest these are very... Read More »

NAGRA - Story of a Passion

NAGRA is a company-institution. Both figuratively and literally. As I shall try to show you, it's a unique example of combining the elements of professional and home audio as well as music. The fact that the company was founded by Stefan Kudelski, a man from Poland, only emphasizes its uniqueness in my eyes. Here's the... Read More »

A Photo Essay of NAGRA

Stefan Kudelski with Nagra III tape recorder A view from our hotel's window towards Geneva Lake. A view from our hotel's window towards Alps on the French side of the Geneva Lake. As you can see we were expected in Nagra. Nagra team plus truly yours: Matthieau Latour (Audio Division Director), Wojciech Pacuła (me), Pascal... Read More »

TechDAS Air Force III Premium Turntable

A turntable is an area of engineering art balancing on the border between mechanics and electronics. This time, we will take a closer look at the product unique even among the best turntables: TechDAS Air Force III Premium Turntable Heavy, massive, compact, with a platter moving around on a thin film of air, with a vacuum... Read More »

The Second Life of Blu-Ray

What is the difference between a collector and someone who just gathers some items? Mieczysław Stoch, the hero of the interview you can also read in this issue of High Fidelity says that collecting is gathering with sense and purpose (HF | No. 171). And what is listening to music from files and how does... Read More »

Hijiri HCI-R10 Interconnects and HCS-25 Loudspeaker Cables

Audio companies usually showcase their best, and also the most expensive products. These present company's full potential, its best techniques and technologies, and can also appear as sort of "totem" driven into the ground occupied by tribes worshiping high quality sound. It is no different with the Japanese brand 聖 Hijiri, belonging to the Combak... Read More »

Okihiko Sugano - An Interview of Sorts

菅野沖彦 This is the name that is synonymous with the highest sound quality in Japan. Known for his extremely good hearing, exceptionally warm personality and an amazing collection of vinyl records, he has been one of the most important journalists working for the Stereo Sound magazine. This is his story and the story of his... Read More »

Struss DM250 Integrated Amplifier

I wanted, I really wanted to start this text somehow differently, to escape from the memories from the review of the Chopin MkIV by Struss Amplifiers, but I gave up—though never I had an amplifier from this company, our paths have been crossing in one way or another for some time. For the last time we... Read More »

Crystal Cable's Ultimate Dream Loudspeaker Cable

This is a unique situation: the same company owns two cabling brands that are significantly different from each other. The manufacturer is INTERNATIONAL AUDIO HOLDING BV, and it owns two brands: CRYSTAL CABLE and SILTECH . What's more, the cables of both brands do not compete, but complement each other. It is possible, due to the unique... Read More »
