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AES 2016 Los Angeles

The Audio Engineering Society puts on a convention in the US every year, and what makes it most interesting is that traditionally it has been both a trade show and a scientific conference with formal papers, both in the same building at the same time. This makes it more interesting than other trade shows, because... Read More »

AES 2015 New York Awards

Best Sound in Show The 78 project brought in a live acoustic band, Sean Walsh and Ray Williams, sat them down in the conference room, stuck a microphone in front of them and recorded them with a portable Presto lathe. The recording, well, it sounded like something out of an old Presto, but the band... Read More »

AES 2015 New York

As always, I enjoy writing about a professional audio conference for the high end community. The AES show is really two things, it's a bunch of people upstairs selling hardware mostly to professional production people, and it's a different bunch of people downstairs talking about science and technology. What makes the AES different from other... Read More »

Capitol Audiofest 2015

Audio is about listening. All of the good things in the high end community come out of listening and thinking about what you listened to. All of the problems in the high end community can only be solved by listening and thinking about what you listened to. There are very few places where people can... Read More »

AES 2015 Europe, Best Of...

Best New Product in Show DPA has come out with something new, a vocal microphone using their existing 4000-series capsules. You can order it as an omni, cardioid, or hypercardioid, and you can order it as a a handheld mike or as a head that fits onto a number of standard wireless systems. These are very... Read More »

AES 2015 Europe

The European AES show is a very different beast than the American shows, in part because of much lower vendor involvement. The trade show section is very small, filling up only a section of a hotel ballroom rather than a whole convention center as with the US shows, and that puts more emphasis on the... Read More »

Sidebar: AES 2014 Awards

Best Sound in Show Pro Audio LA took some folks offsite to a studio called The Realm to audition some gear, most notably the new Guzauski-Swist monitors. These are three-way triamplified speakers with outboard amplifier and dsp boxes sold along with them, and the sound was excellent. There were a few issues with room asymmetry... Read More »

AES 2014 Show Report

The AES show has long been two shows in one: a scientific conference in one set of rooms and a trade show in another set of rooms. What is great about the event is that although the two are often disjoint, there are people who straddle both of them. Vendors who would normally just send... Read More »

2014 Capital Audiofest

The Capital Audiofest is one of the few true high-end audio shows left in the world, and as the industry shrinks all of these shows become more and more important. Long-time readers will recall that I have very mixed feelings about the current state of the high end audio industry, and because of that I... Read More »