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Moon Audio Silver Dragon Headphone Cable

Do cables make a difference? That is a question I get asked quite often, and it is a question that Audiophiles have debated since the beginning of time. I am not going to directly answer that question in this review because it does not matter to me. The way my headphone system is set up,... Read More »

Final Touch Audio Callisto USB Cable

I started several cable reviews towards the end of 2019. My lack of interest in cable reviews prior was due to disbelief that extremely high end cables, especially digital cables, would lead to improved sound quality. I also will be honest and say, even if these high end cables do provide a noticeable benefit, I... Read More »

Hifiman Ananda BT Headphones

A few months ago, Hifiman reached out to me, and asked if I would be interested in reviewing the Ananda BT. I was intrigued because I traditionally avoid wireless headphones, but curiosity got the better of me. I have had the pleasure of having the Ananda BT in my house for the last few months.... Read More »

Focal Utopia, Abyss Phi CC, and the Hifiman Susvara - Three End Game Headphones: Which One is Right for You?

I started my audiophile journey in 2011 with the purchase of a Sennheiser HD 600 and a Yulong D100 headphone AMP/DAC combo. The total cost for that system was $400 all in. My feelings on the purchase were mixed to say the least, I loved the performance, but the cost also seemed silly to both... Read More »

ampsandsound Suolo Monos: An And Game Amplifier in a Boutique Package

I tend to jump into things blindly, especially when it comes to this hobby. Most of the amps, headphones, and speakers that I am interested in are not sold locally. Some of the best things in this hobby are made to order, and they often times don't have a 30 day trail. Needless to say,... Read More »

Creating a Path to Digital Music Bliss with Roon

From left to right, Intel Nuc Roon Core, Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra, Raspberry Pi 3 B+, Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Over the past year I have spent a significant amount of time working on solving what appeared to be a simple problem. How do I distribute my digital music throughout my home in an... Read More »