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JansZen Valentina A8-SE Loudspeakers [Updated 12-10-2022]

The JansZen A8-SE Loudspeaker JansZen Laboratory was founded in the 1950s when Arthur Janszen developed the first practical electrostatic loudspeaker. The company, currently called JansZen Audio, is run by his son David, who has continued the research and development culminating in the Valentina A8. The Valentina A8 is a complete audio system containing DAC, ADC,... Read More »

Silva Film Music and the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

In Positive Feedback Issue 31 (May/June 2007) I reviewed three CDs from Silva Film Music (HERE). Silva Film licenses the rights to film scores and re-records the music using the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. In my review of 2007 I was impressed by the quality of the performances, the excellent recording and mastering that results in... Read More »

Ronn McFarlane, The Celtic Flute

The lute is an ancient instrument with its forebearers having been traced back to 3100 BCE in Mesopotamia. Though a popular instrument during the Middle Ages, the lute reached its zenith during the Renaissance. While gradually falling out of favor after the Renaissance, the lute was still being widely used during the Baroque period. By... Read More »

INEX Innovation 3D Creator AC Cord

Most power line conditioners are passive, meaning the components that are doing the conditioning are in parallel to the power cord. This is done so that the conditioning components do not interfere with the instantaneous demand for power that happens with amplifiers when the music goes from very soft to very loud in a few... Read More »

Inex Innovation Photon USB2 Audio Cable and USB to S/PDIF Converter

INEX Innovation, Inc. is a small audio company that was founded in 2004 by a group of audiophiles with strong engineering backgrounds in fiber optics and telecommunications. Over the last decade they have developed a digital amplifier that has been well received as have been their pre amplifier and CD Player.(1) Fiber optics has a... Read More »

Audience AV aR2p-TOS Power Conditioner

Audience has made a name for itself over the years by producing very fine interconnect cables, phono cables, speakers, and power chords well as the Teflon Aura-TO (Teflon) capacitors. The star of their product line, which has always received rave reviews, has been their power line conditioners.(1) The Audience power line conditioners are not inexpensive.... Read More »

HeaDSPeaker - A DSP Headphone Surround Sound Processor for Home Theater

DSPeaker is a Finnish company that manufactures audio products using DSP chips made by its parent company, VSLI Solution. The two most widely known DSPeaker products are their two room correction devices: the Anti-mode 8033 that is designed to tame the room nodes caused by your subwoofer and the Dual-Core which provides room correction for... Read More »