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PS Audio BHK 600 Mono Amplifiers

It's not often that I get the opportunity to review an amplifier that harkens back to the days of yore—big, heavy, power hungry. It's a fun exercise to cleanse ones palate, so to speak, of all of the Class D amps I've been using lately. There was a period of time where I didn't enjoy... Read More »

Clarisys Audio Minuet Loudspeakers

I can't believe it! They are finally here. From people that know me, you shouldn't be surprised that I have another ribbon speaker in my listening room. This has been a long journey, and started with Apogees back in the mid 2000s where I fell on the Apogee refurbishment journey. I had a few Divas,... Read More »

Neurochrome Purifi 1ET400A / Hypex NC500 Input Buffer

Hi Folks! Not in your typical fashion here but I have a quick review based on a module meant for the DIY folks. See, I've been on a journey to build my own amplifiers using *gasp* Class D modules readily available from a few different sources. I've built ICE-based amplifiers, some nondescript "chip amps" (which... Read More »

PureAudioProject Quintet15 Speaker System

Wow! It's been a while. If you are interested in Pure Audio Project or never heard of it, I suggest you read my older review of the Trio 15 speaker system HERE. That was written back in 2019. I loved that setup; a very open / wide soundstage with the pleasantness and tonality that open... Read More »

Long Island Record Care Cable Elevators

Back when I moved last year into a home with a larger dedicated listening room, I wanted to spruce things up a bit and get some real cable elevators. I've had some in the past that were DIY style, and they worked, but weren't all that aesthetically pleasing. They did the job nonetheless, but it... Read More »

Keces Audio P8 Linear Power Supply and BP-2400 Balanced Isolation Power Conditioner

Keces Audio (stylized KECES) is a high end audio audio manufacturer based out of Taiwan. They curate several different components, mostly focused around power (both creation and conditioning), so this review will be in two parts. One for the BP-2400 Balanced Isolation Power Conditioner, and the other for the P8 Linear DC Power Supply (Dual... Read More »

PureAudioProject Trio15 Speaker System

I've had the honor of having experienced the PureAudioProject "Trio" system for a while now, and it is one of the most eye-opening experiences I have in a long time. I have reviewed lots of speaker systems as well as other ancillary systems, but none of them have captured the essence of the music like... Read More »

TriangleArt Ultimate TA-350M Monoblock Amplifiers

Tubes or Solid State? That question alone divides us audiophiles—at its most basic level it's telling a story about your preferences, as there is no doubt about the pros and cons of both technologies. I will say that solid state (Class D, especially) has come a long way, but there really is nothing more captivating... Read More »

Ryan Speakers S840 Loudspeakers

So it goes like this….  A few years ago I was at a high end audio trade show, where you do the usual rounds asking your acquaintances "what do you like so far?" and time after time I kept hearing "The Ryan Speakers room." Sometimes this happens where I hear about a room this way and... Read More »

Tri-Planar U12 Tonearm

If you are reading this article, it means you are at least interested in vinyl playback. Be prepared for an amazing rabbit-hole that will lead you to the holy grail if you are prepared to spend some money. I say that to keep the discussion honest, a proper vinyl playback rig can get costly. Is... Read More »

Gold Note PH-10 Phono Stage and PSU-10 External Power Supply

If you're an avid reader of Positive Feedback, you may be thinking—Déjà vu? Yes, this phono stage has been reviewed not once, but twice by different staff of the magazine (HERE and HERE). Timing wasn't right for me to be the third (of the original reviews), but I had to see what this thing was... Read More »

AGD Production Vivace GaNTube Monoblock Amplifiers

I hear this term thrown around loosely... "disruptive product," sometimes appropriately used... however in this case, we have a winner. I've been on a mission lately, unintentional as it may seem, to be reviewing Class-D based amplifiers. Talk about a dirty word. I've had so many in an out of here, my head is spinning.... Read More »

ESS Laboratories 12" AMT Series Loudspeakers

Part 1 - The Review You know, it's not every day you get the opportunity to review something as legendary as the ESS speaker. It reminded me of my journey with Jantzen speakers long ago, it can be a tad intimidating as there is just so much rich history about the brand that you want... Read More »

PS Audio Stellar M700 Mono Amplifiers

Gosh, it sees that lately I've been inundated with Class D topology amplifiers. Several here for review, pending. Each one with their own style and power. The latest lightweight contenders come from PS Audio, a company well versed in the high end audio scene (and very well respected). Now, when I hear the words PS... Read More »

Audio Desk Systeme Premium Ultrasonic Vinyl Cleaner PRO

You know, every once in a while, one of those "disruptive" products that come to the market that make you think "Why didn't I think of that", or "I thought of that!"... enter one of the original ultrasonic record cleaners. Since the release of the original Audio Desk system several years ago, there have been... Read More »

Clarus Audiophile Collection - Crimson Cables

I enjoy a good challenge. Whenever a cable review comes my way, I accept wholeheartedly knowing that it will be quite the adventure. I say this because reviewing cables comes with quite the controversy. People seem to have an open mind when it comes to devices with circuitry with respect to a review, maybe because... Read More »

SVS SB16-Ultra Subwoofer

You know the phrase "size matters", I'm sure you've heard it before. Does it matter with a speaker? If you're attempting to reproduce low frequencies, you bet it does. Most of the time I've had subwoofers not larger than 10". I was always under the impression that if you go too large, that you would... Read More »

Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier

I've had my fair chance at messing with all sorts of amplifier technologies, from Class A, to AB, D, even T—you name it, and each one carries their own sonic signature. To this day, I still have a soft spot for Class A/B designs, only due to their sonic signature and efficiency. Class A is... Read More »

My Digital Journey and the Mytek Brooklyn DAC

Nothing beats the convenience of digital music. For many years, I have stored and played back digital music (before the MP3) because of how easy it was. I loved having a huge collection of music just to play at the tip of my fingertips. Not only that, but it caused a surge of new music... Read More »