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JADED: Thoughts on Sennheiser Momentums

I mentioned the Sennheiser Momentums that uncle Mikey lent me in my Audioquest Dragonfly review at OccupyHifi.org. I promised I would talk about them some more; so here's that article I know you've been dying for.

JADED - Audioquest Dragonfly

The first time I listened to music with the Dragonfly was with a pair of Audeze LCD-XCs and a SubPac S2 Tactile Bass Ssytem! It sounded great, and the SubPac made it so much better. I've been using the Dragonfly with a pair of Sennheiser HD7s (with cushion pads) - and I'll be talking about them more soon.

Ether Re-defines the Planar Headphone Experience

When I speak about meeting Dan Clark of MrSpeakers I often talk about buying his original Mad Dog headphones without even listening to em! I was at one of our Los Angeles Head-Fi Meets a couple years ago, and my friend Jude Mansilla (Founder of Head-Fi.org) went to his booth and bought a pair. All I needed to hear was that the MD were a pair of closed-back planar magnetic headphones - and since Jude bought em on the spot, I figured they were good. Well, Jude was on as usual. Not only did Dan Clark give me a wonderful gift: The planar magnetic headphones experience without bothering others around me - they're also a damn good pair a' cans!

Had Enough CRAZY? Monetizing WITH YOU

Lets prove em' wrong. Many people think quality appreciators are snobs. Now, if you are a dweeby-snob get the fuck off my page - or, rather, STAY ON IT - But the truth is many of us MUSIC ADDICTS are tired of the ol' school high end audio BULLSHIT. I'm not interested in debate over this either. Truth is: I worked for the man, and most importantly, I honored the man who coined the fuckin' term. GET OVER IT. I have!

The Democratization of Hi-fi Through Personal Audio Part One

I missed the golden age of stereo, I've said it before and that really sucks. By the time I got a job at Pearson Publishing, home of The Absolute Sound magazine in 1994 (where other mags also lived, like The Perfect Vision & Films in Review) the party was nearing its end.

OccupyHifi On The Road

Sometimes the road beckons. When I heard the call this time it wasn't nearly as easy to just get-up and go. I'm not twenty anymore! I'm middle-aged, burly, married, and like most of you I have responsibilities to attend to in my every-day.

Just a Live DJ Mix: ALL VINYL... NO Edits/Fixes - Underground Tech

Don't forget to hit SAVE while writing a new blog - Learned that lesson the Hard-Way JUST NOW!! I had a whole thing typed and ready - w/ a link to the mix of mine and everything.

Didn't Feel the Shift? Really?

Seriously: Still denying the "paradigm shift" in consumer culture? Forget that I used the damn terminology. Forget that I have some sort of twisted-back-door stake in being right about this shit.

Shlohmo Drops Rhythmic Knowledge on Dark Red

Shlohmo's got the Midas touch. Lemme just say it straight outta the gate. I think the guy's a musical genius. Why? If I could encapsulate that answer for you here I don't think he would've achieved genius-status to begin with!

Girls Girls Girls

We need to engage more women into high performance headphone culture. The biggest question is: How the hell do we accomplish that? We know that girls/women love music too, plus: They hear far deeper into the high frequencies than we do! I'm all for an open-discussion on how we can get together and accomplish this . Thankfully we already have some dedicated female enthusiasts in Hi-fi and personal audio already - so perhaps we get with them to make a plan.