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Audience frontRow Cables

Whenever I write about cables I always feel the need to include a disclaimer as they're such a hot button topic. Especially when it comes to high dollar interconnects such as the Audience frontRow cables reviewed below. What I can tell you from personal experience is that cables matter. There is a clear difference in... Read More »

Andover Audio Model-One Turntable Music System

With their Model-One Turntable Music System, MA based Andover Audio has achieved the seemingly impossible by creating a stylish all in one turntable, speaker, DAC, amp, and Bluetooth enabled preamp combination that even picky audiophiles like me can easily fall in love with. Until now all in one turntable solutions, think Crosley, have largely been... Read More »

Koetsu Black Goldline Moving Coil Cartridge

Auditioning cartridges is a lot like wine tasting and shopping for televisions. You never know how good a glass of wine from a $100 bottle tastes compared to a $10 bottle until you've experience it for yourself. And you never truly appreciate the delta between TVs until you've seen them side by side at an... Read More »

Mye Sound Mye Stands for Magnepans

As a new owner of Magnepan 3.7i I've discovered quite a few things about these much loved and storied planar magnetic speakers. Hearing them at shows and showrooms is one thing, but listening to them create their magic in your own home is where the rubber truly meets the road. I'm happy to report that... Read More »

DS Audio Vinyl Ionizer ION-001

Static electricity, the dreaded bane of vinyl lovers the world over. It doesn't matter were you live or what climate you find yourself in, static electricity is an issue for anyone spinning records. There are essentially three culprits contributing to the progressive build up of static during vinyl playback: the first is the simple act... Read More »

Nordost Blue Heaven Tonearm Cable

File this one under "Cables Matter." Fair warning, if you're someone who believes cable design, composition, and build quality have no impact on sonic presentation, you may want to skip this and move on to one of my other non-cable related reviews. Now that the lamp cord contingent has left the room, let's talk about... Read More »

NAD M10 BluOS Streaming Amplifier

      Music lovers come in all stripes and colors. As much as I love the multi box room dominating rack of separates which make up my reference audio system, that kind of space and financial commitment isn't realistic for, or desired by everyone. Often a more modest space saving approach is called for.... Read More »

KEF R3 Bookshelf Loudspeakers Do Small Big

"Let's get small, real small!" - Steve Martin, 1977. KEF's new R3 stand mount speakers, the smallest of their recently introduced, redesigned mid-priced R series are a case study in good things coming in small packages. The new R series is comprised of the R11, 7, and 5 floor standers, R3 bookshelf, R2c center, and... Read More »

Integrity HIFI's Tru-Kleen

Any analog lover will be the first to tell you, vinyl is a commitment. From record cleaning, to storage, to outer and inner sleeves, to dust removal methods and tools, the simple act of spinning records isn't so simple, but rather a very deliberate set of steps designed to optimize playback and extend the life... Read More »

Hifiman Ananda-BT Bluetooth Headphones

Creating a killer pair of headphones which appeals to a broad spectrum of listeners, musical tastes, and listening preferences, is no mean feat. It requires a hard to achieve blend of sonics, aesthetics, build quality, convenience, comfort, and cost. Too much of one thing or too little of another and the experience can quickly begin... Read More »

Yuko Mabuchi Trio (Live) Vol. 1 and 2 - Instant Classics!

Every once in while an artist comes along who rocks my musical apple cart, challenges my perceptions, and reignites my excitement about a given genre. Listening to the Yuko Mabuchi Trio (Live) Vol. 1 and 2 release had this effect on me. I love it when this happens, and I love sharing these newfound gems... Read More »

Pneuance Audio Pneupod Pneumatic Isolation Feet

When James Brown urged everyone to "get on the good foot!" he could have just as easily been singing about Pneuance Audio's new Pneupod Pneumatic Isolation Feet, they've sure got me singing their praises! Isolating components from unwanted vibrations and the resonance they cause with high quality isolation footers can, and does result in very... Read More »

Coltrane '58: The Prestige Years

What can I possibly say about John Coltrane that hasn't already been said? Every jazz lover worth their salt knows John Coltrane was a player and band leader of unparalleled depth, creativity, and skill. With Craft Recording's new box set Coltrane '58: The Prestige Years the question is less about Coltrane and more about whether... Read More »

Zesto Andros Allasso Step-Up Transformer - Quite Possibly The Last SUT You'll Ever Need!

"From my cold, dead hands!" - Charlton Heston, describing the only way anyone would be able  to take away his guns. I'll state right up front that after a month in my reference system that's exactly how I feel about the Zesto Andros Allasso step up transformer. In fact I was completely smitten with this little... Read More »

Timeline SE Turntable Speed Strobe

"I feel the need—the need for speed!" (Peter "Maverick" Mitchell, Top Gun). Speed control that is! Whether it's jets or a turntable's speed... it all matters. We've all heard the chipmunk like squeals of a 33 1/3 rpm LP mistakenly played at 45 rpm, or the unholy dirge of a 45 played at 33 1/3.... Read More »

Box Sets - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

My relationship with box sets? Well, you might say its complicated. I recently reached the 100 mark with box sets in my collection, a bit of a milestone for me. This seemed like a great time to share some of my observations about collecting them, potential issues, the hurdles I've encountered and the solutions I've... Read More »

Tru-Sweep Anti-Static Dust Cleaner/Sweeper

We audiophiles love to argue! There's no shortage of passionate "experts" espousing opinions regarding all things playback. These spirited debates definitely keep our hobby fun and interesting. Digital vs analog, cable believers vs non-believers, gear heads vs music heads, brand loyalists, etc. Just post about your favorite cables on social media and stand back! In... Read More »

Wax Rax RC-2 Vinyl Record Cart

The larger your record collection, the more likely many of your favorite albums will remain buried, waiting years or possibly decades for another chance to grace your turntable again. With hundreds, or even thousands of records squirreled away on shelf after shelf, it's easier than ever to forget about all the hidden gems you own,... Read More »