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The 3.5.7 Ensemble’s Amongst the Smokestacks and Steeples

One of the advantages of writing about LPs and turntables for the last 18 years is that sometimes records just show up in my mailbox without warning or reasonable explanation. I know nothing about Chicago's Milk Factory Productions, and even less about The 3.5.7 Ensemble, but my intuition tells me that the same intrepid individual... Read More »

Janet Feder - THIS CLOSE

I've told this story before, so bear with me. I first met Janet Feder at the 2012 California Audio Show in San Francisco. That was the show that marked the US debut of the KEF LS50 loudspeaker—I know that because I supplied the Unison Research amplification that powered those amazing little Halloween-colored monitors. Janet walked... Read More »

Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions' Premium One-Step Formula No. 6

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." – Heraclitus That's how I feel about most things in life; I appreciate the subtle differences and I don't like to experience the exact same things over and over. While I certainly have my... Read More »

Sota LP RCM Record Cleaning Machine

I've said it before and I'll say it again—you need a record cleaning machine if you're going to get serious about LPs. The tip of your stylus is not going to push the dust out of the way, as some famous people in our industry have claimed. Washing your LPs in the kitchen sink with... Read More »