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Luminous Audio Technology Axiom II with Walker Modifications Passive Preamplifier

Luminous Audio Technology Axiom II "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." – Ferris Bueller Over the years, I have struggled with what I really want out of my stereo system. Is it mind-blowing aural pleasure that veers to the dark side of neutrality,... Read More »

Ryan Speakers R610 Loudspeakers

Call me old-fashioned, but I have always preferred a good two-way. There is something comforting, but not necessarily boring or same-old-same-old as a solid pair of two-way loudspeakers. The promise of something "extra special" from a pair of three-way or even four-way (where would one even get the strength) loudspeakers, has often been a huge... Read More »